Season 8: Spoiler Picture Thread

Oh, that's not that exciting then. Unless he says "Do you trust me?" and she replies "intimately". I don't think they'd do that though.

In the clip they were talking about how the worker bees won't sting you unless you freak out or squish them. Ha, maybe she freaked when he said "maybe we should get married" and accidentally squished one.
those pics there - are of Gris in Jack's office and of Gris in some lab at the FBI right? So I'm taking it that those pics are from Without a Trace rather than from CSI :cool:
The proposal scene is just tick! Getting them in those suits and hats so we don't get a kiss is just revenge from TPTB.
People want to see a kiss, and the only scene where we could get to see one, they put them in those hats, so it makes it impossible.
The play us so well.
LOL Rocky, those crossover pics aren't really from 8x05. They are promo pics from WaT actually. They're of Grissom in Jack's office. If you guys want to see that scene, you'll need to watch WaT. Just thought I'd clear that up. :)
have to say it doesn't look like tweezers to me and she doesn't look to have a sting in her hand or anything - TBH i'm not sure what i think it is! at first i thought it looked like the tazer thing they found in DD in the wheel of Sara's car - but that would make no sense to be giving her that! it almost looks like a mini dagger or knife or something with a blade, it looks like something out of my DH's tool kit!

I guess it's not long until we find out.
sarahvma said:
Someone at YTDAW blew it up - it's a tweezer. Maybe Sara gets stung.
Awww, you just burst my bubble :lol:

Maybe he's proposing with a tweezer -whatever's handy, right? It's Grissom, so I'd say it's possible.
Besides, who's to say that Grissom + tweezer isn't romantic -Grissom + ANYTHING is romantic ;)

Gil: Sara, will you be my tweezer partner/wife? :D :lol:

So excited about tonight's episode!
:lol: That was hilarious GrissomFREAK! I can't wait! Only 10 more minutes until it starts here in Canada! I'm thinking that he puts some sort of butterfly pin in her hand or something.