Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Quench Your Thirst!'

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^ Didn't Eric say in an early episode that he was the youngest? I remember being surprised when Marisol's headstone was shown because I thought Eric was younger.

I heard something like that in that episode with the sniper. I think Eric also alluded to being in his mother's womb as she was making the journey to the US

That's right he did say that. So, would that mean that the girls were already born and Eric was the product of adultery? Or did they just change things, making him the oldest? Cause him being in mom's womb when they came into the US coincides with him possibly having a different father that his mom worked for in Cuba. I just have to wonder that since Eric knows the man he grew up calling Dad isn't his biological father, does the father he grew up with know as well? Or is mom keeping him in the dark? :lol:
^ Didn't Eric say in an early episode that he was the youngest? I remember being surprised when Marisol's headstone was shown because I thought Eric was younger.

I heard something like that in that episode with the sniper. I think Eric also alluded to being in his mother's womb as she was making the journey to the US

That's right he did say that. So, would that mean that the girls were already born and Eric was the product of adultery? Or did they just change things, making him the oldest? Cause him being in mom's womb when they came into the US coincides with him possibly having a different father that his mom worked for in Cuba. I just have to wonder that since Eric knows the man he grew up calling Dad isn't his biological father, does the father he grew up with know as well? Or is mom keeping him in the dark? :lol:

Just read Eric's profile on Wiki. It appears that he was born in Cuba but no mention of whether he came before or after his sisters. Seems like the writers must have forgotten certain aspects of his past.
Okay, Eric was born in Cuba andddddd Ryan was made in a petrie dish in a secret underground lab! :guffaw: I just don't know anymore!
Just read Eric's profile on Wiki. It appears that he was born in Cuba but no mention of whether he came before or after his sisters. Seems like the writers must have forgotten certain aspects of his past.

Wiki can be edited by anyone if I'm not mistaken, so I'm not sure it's all that reliable.
I don't really think this is that odd. We don't know what the scene is or the dialouge that's involved (or does someone know?) - it only says (in the casting call) that he looks at Calleigh, his future co-worker. Isn't it possible that he just sees her while he's walks through the station, not actually meeting her? I'm sure it's pretty easy for a 17 year old kid to forget a face 12 years later, especially when we have to imagine that he's there at the station, meeting & seeing all kinds of officers & different faces.

Well even if they didn't talk, it's quite odd to me. I mean he sees her, it is quite clear that he sees her and I highly doubt he forgot her throughout the years. I mean it sounds so strange he didn't recognize her during her course, firstly, and during their first actual meeting.

I haven't posted in a while so get ready for a long one! I am soooo totally not kidding either!! :)

From reading the dialogue in the spoilers; Ryan does in fact talk with Calleigh. He asks her for directions to morgue b/c he got separated from his group and she kindly tells him that she is new and doesn't really know herself. He asks her is she is working on a case and she replies that she has to go and hopes he finds his group.

I said it when the spoilers for this ep were first revealed by several people: This will either rock the house or go horribly wrong. I mean, as most of you have said, how is it that he would completely forget meeting her? He is not a little kid, he is supposed to be of college age. This is the problem with flashback episodes when a show is this established. Asking the fans to totally abandoned all belief of what they (the writers) have established as fact is just, well kind of pathetic. Not only do I feel cheated but I find of feel insulted. Insulted that the writers seem to think that we, the fans don't pay attention to details and that we will simply believe and take whatever they put on screen as fact. When in fact it is the complete opposite. I mean there are little loopholes and contradictions that ALL shows use to make the story work but this, this is kind of rediculous, imo. The idea is a good one in theory but it seems the practicality of it is not. Also, Ryan is supposed to be asking for the morgue, so if he does indeed go there and Alexx is working, how come she never mentions having met him? Or him for that matter?

Not only are we to suspend belief with Ryan, we are supposed to do so with Natalia as well.

I didn't see too much dialogue with Natalia but someone from the lab (might be a guest star) interacts with her. She is "special agent" Boa Vista. Remember she worked with the FBI and it does stand to reason that since the "lab" is not formed until the end of the ep that any DNA they want to run for this case would have to be done by the FBI and their liason. Plus they would have access to the most up to date technology and the blood sample found is relatively small so the FBI would have the tech to run it. But again, if H or Cal interact with her we are again supposed to believe that none of the parties involved remember her :rolleyes:.

Again, I could be wrong and this ep could rock the house but as more spoilers come out and I read them....I just find all this very very hard to believe. Not only that, it changes almost all aspects of the show. Characters having met in the past but not remembering each other. Everyone's backstory is twisted slightly. I mean wasn't said in Cal's bio that H hand picks her for his team? Well according the spoilers, the boss of the police station transfers Cal in to be a CSI there, not H.

I would find it more believable if Natalia and Ryan were completely left out of the flashbacks and we just see them in the present time working the continuation of the finale. There is oviously more going on with that b/c the spoilers were relatively short so time jumps back and forth between the past and present. I know the writers want to get ALL the characters in on the flashback but including two characters who you introduced from scratch is what, imo, is ruining this story. And that is not a dig at Nat or Ryan but adding them in the way they are is overkill. I think in this case the writers are trying too hard to give all the characters screen time. I think most of us would understand if, in this case/episode that Ryan and Natalia were not seen as much. I hope this isn't a prelude to how the entire season is going to go!!

I also, hope and will be very very pissed if, when he wakes up, Eric has amnesia!! They way they are writing this flashback is cliched enough imo so to add that on top if it would just send me over the edge. The only thing I am happy about with Eric's condition is that the fragment is finally being addressed in that is it being removed. To have him go around for the rest of the show with that in his head would be too much of a liability for the writers b/c then how much could the guy do w/o fans saying: "should the fragment be affected by that? etc" So addressing it and having be removed is something I like. It also means that he can now move on from that period in his life. Again, the only thing I dread is amnesia. This show would be the second show on tv to do main character amnesia (Booth woke up in the season finale of Bones not knowing who Brennan was). Massive cliche and going in circles is all I have to say if indeed Eric wakes up and asks who the hell the people around him are. :rolleyes:

Someone did say something interesting, on the other hand, that would kind of allow the writers to get away with this flashback ep. Eric's brain is in overdrive b/c of the operation, trauma and the fragment being removed. Think Wizard of Oz type of "dream" or "altered perception of reality." Again though, cliched and very Bones season finale like. And yet, a very big possibility so whoever (I refer to the poster on this site) came up with the scenario; kudos :D It is very clever.

I pose some questions to you all now considering the above scenario; why would his brain conjure up or remember that particular case or year? I know it is a pivital point in his life; it is the case that makes him become a CSI but what does it have to do, if anything with what is going on in the present? That's another thing, this episode seems to me to be a little random. I mean if they want him to be "dreaming" while in the coma, why not make it more like a "Wizard of Oz" episode or, and simply b/c there are just soo many similarities, make it closer to what Bones's season finale was like?

Again, I could be totally wrong and way off the mark and just being plain cynical. The idea is a good one. It is just a little hard to swallow. ;)

I told ya my post was gonna be a long one! :lol: I was on vacation so I couldn't post but I had plenty of time to think about it !! :lol:

P.S. Feel free to call me crazy ;)
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I don't find it weird that Ryan doesn't remember Calleigh. Do you know how many people I talk to and don't even remember them few months latter, let alone 12 years? However, Ryan mentioned that he was at Calleigh class, so it is possible that he does remember her but doesn't go all "Oh my God, I saw you once 12 years ago when I was touring the Miami Dade department..." I mean, if someone came to me and said something like that, I'd be like: "Okay, whatever..."

I do agree with you that this is a bit over the top, though. I mean, it's nice that the writers are trying to include Natalia and Ryan in the flashbacks, but they could have had them interacting with people we don't know... Like Ryan and Speedl. As far as I know Natalia will be talking to Horatio and that might be okay because we've never actually seen them introduced to each other, so it's possible that they have met before. It's a stretch, but it's possible.

About Calleigh's history, I'm tired even thinking about it... I mean, now we don't know how old is she, where did she come from, who hired her... Maybe we'll discover that Calleigh is immigrant from Mexico or something...
Like I've said on another thread, the writers have dicked with the characters' original stories so much that they're not real before. At firsrt I was shouted down, as it was far too early for many to call...but I had a feeling. but as material concerning other charaters surfaced I was purely correct that the writers have drifted into the Land of Oz. As a co-worker. not on the board, said "You can't really take that show seriously, right? It's a complete joke." This is one of the reasons that several of our amazing actors have not been nominated for an Emmy. Comic books aren't literature. They have never been. It, unfortunately, drags it's sister shows down into the muck with it.
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Like I've said on another thread, the writers have dicked with the characters' original stories so much that they're not real before. At firsrt I was shouted down, as it was far too early for many to call...but I had a feeling. but as material concerning other charaters surfaced I was purely correct that the writers have drifted into the Land of Oz. As a co-worker. not on the board, said "You can't really take that show seriously, right? It's a complete joke." This is one of the reasons that several of our amazing actors have not been nominated for an Emmy. Comic books aren't literature. They have never been. It, unfortunately, drags it's sister shows down into the muck with it.

I love this show, it is one of my favorites but after reading the spoilers for the premiere and watching the last few seasons (especially season 4, although this season was far better than the latters), I have to say that your co-worker is right. And it pains me to say it but it's true. You mention to someone you watch CSI Miami and they often laugh at you and ask how you can watch possibly watch "that crap." And more often than not the reason they say they can't watch it, is Caruso.

Of all three CSI's this one is the running joke and it is no one's fault but the writers, imo. The only time this show gets air play, is when some other show is making fun of it. They started the show off great...drama, action and science...there was an excellent balance. I won't say what made it go bad was the character development or the characters lives being explored can't be on tv for a prolonged period of time and ignore your characters. No, what made this show derail has been the cow towing to the rediculousness of a certain character. Revolving the stories, unbelieveable ones I might add, around and to fit this audacious and over the top character is, imo what has brought this show down to the "watercooler joke" it has become.

The writing for the other two CSI's is on another level. I mean NY and LV could literally do the same exact story (and they have done similar ones at times) as Miami and the writing and drama is much better. You actually believe what they are doing. You believe the story, the situations, the reactions and the overall scenario. The drama actually feels like drama and not a satire or drama. Is there some unwritten rule now that every ep of Miami has to pusposelly be over the top? Why do the characters, in order to get stories, have to be in near death situations? What happened to real life issues like Cal's alcoholic dad? What happened to murders and robberies happening to the average joe? Not everyone in Miami lives in a mansion or is filthy rich. What, are the only ones who commit crimes in Miami rich? Sure, people in Miami have money. But not everyone. There are regular people who on a regular and normal basis kill and rob each other. Enough with the mafia's, gangs and mobs trying to take over Miami.

I mean are the writers just sitting around a table saying "well everyone says we are joke so we might as well write stories to fit that perspective?" B/c that is what I feel like they are doing. Kind of thinking I know why Corey Miller decided to move on!!

The show has great actors with great talent. I feel like tptb squander that talent in favor of audacity. like you said, how can we expect the actors and actresses to be taken seriously and for consideration of Emmy's or other awards when people consider the show a joke? The only awards this show wins are cinematogrophy and music.

In the end however, we can complain about whatever we don't like about this show, as is everyone's right here to do, but it seems the writers are going to whatever they want....and I guess if they want the show to be an over the top hour long event every week bordering on a circus, then it is going to be just that.

I know it might not sound like it, but I do love this show and its characters. And I feel very strongly and get angry when it is treated and written as rediculous as it is. Someone needs to either smack the writers or get new ones b/c this not getting rediculous, it IS rediculous.
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Okay, as happy as I am that they are including Ryan&Natalia in the flashbacks, I think it would just be much more simple if they left them out of it. Or leave Ryan out, Natalia being at the lab because of the feds makes more sense.. I'm very, very glad that Ryan and Nat are getting screentime, but honestly, it's hard to wrap my head around the whole thing. Ryan meeting (Or, at least seeing) Calleigh in the lab? Its very possible that he forgot her face, I don't remember many people I met twelve years ago, especially if I just said two words to them. But as of right now, these 'chance' occurrences between the team are seeming like a last minute idea to give some characters more screentime. I have no problem with that, but I think they should do it in a more logical way.
But then again, what do I know. They could manage to pull this off. If they do I will apologize several times and send TPTB cookies.
The whole reason the writers are trying so hard to get all the characters in the lab and twist things around is that they are trying to include all the characters without leaving the lab or Miami. Why? Well. Your guess is better than mine.
The show has great actors with great talent. I feel like tptb squander that talent in favor of audacity. like you said, how can we expect the actors and actresses to be taken seriously and for consideration of Emmy's or other awards when people consider the show a joke? The only awards this show wins are cinematogrophy and music.

In the end however, we can complain about whatever we don't like about this show, as is everyone's right here to do, but it seems the writers are going to whatever they want....and I guess if they want the show to be an over the top hour long event every week bordering on a circus, then it is going to be just that.

I know it might not sound like it, but I do love this show and its characters. And I feel very strongly and get angry when it is treated and written as rediculous as it is. Someone needs to either smack the writers or get new ones b/c this not getting rediculous, it IS rediculous.

Once the ratings take a significant dip, then someone will push the panic button and they'll clean things out but as long as its on top what's the reason to change?

The funny thing was that when I started watching TV again, the only shows I watched were A-Team reruns and this show and thought how they were contrasts of each other in that A-Team was light hearted but entertaining fluff whereas CSI Miami was deeper and serious. Imagine my surprise that people see CSI Miami in the same way I see A-Team

Comic books aren't literature. They have never been

They may not be Shakespeare but that doesn't mean they can't be loved and enjoyed by people (Like me:) )
For someone strange reason, as much as Miami gets criticized, it is one of the most watched shows in the world. But yes, I do feel that the actors on the show are not being used to with the best effort majority of the time.
Delkolover, first of all, thanks for the update. :) I have a question though: since Ryan is going to ask Calleigh directions, does that mean we won't see Speed? Because originally he was supposed to ask Speed for directions. It's starting to sound more and more like we won't.

I think if they have Natalia working at the FBI that's very reasonable and all, but as far as Ryan goes... him having met Calleigh (before taking her class) is far fetched... especially given that he didn't remember meeting her in 97. :lol: I know people meet a lot of people, but this is Calleigh, come on! What guy is seriously going to forget meeting someone like her? Especially when they (years later) start working at the same lab where they first saw her all those years before and she's still there. :lol: I mean, at some point he'd have to at least go, "oh hey, I remember when I was younger and took a tour of this place. I met you briefly, Calleigh. Remember, I got lost from my group and asked directions and you said you didn't know because you were new?" :lol:

It would have been much more believeable to have had Ryan interacting with Yelina in 97. Or they even could have had him come in contact with Ray Sr. Or they could have had him see Stetler in the hallway and ask directions and Stetler would be in a hurry or something and tell him, but then start to walk off. Then Ryan would ask him questions about police work or something. I mean, I can see Stetler not remembering Ryan and Ryan not remembering him. They could also do this type of scenario with Ryan and Frank and Frank would get annoyed with the questions, but answer them anyway. The way those two are always ribbing each other playfully, it would be believeable. Plus it would be funny. :lol: But, I just can't grasp that Ryan would forget having met Calleigh in the same place he goes to work at with her being still there. At some point it would have to register even if just a little. :lol:

Another question: Is Frank going to be in this episode? It seems they are trying to fit in Ryan and Natalia , so why not Frank too?
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I don't find it weird that Ryan doesn't remember Calleigh. Do you know how many people I talk to and don't even remember them few months latter, let alone 12 years? However, Ryan mentioned that he was at Calleigh class, so it is possible that he does remember her but doesn't go all "Oh my God, I saw you once 12 years ago when I was touring the Miami Dade department..." I mean, if someone came to me and said something like that, I'd be like: "Okay, whatever..."
I agree with this, but I also agree with the others who have a hard time swallowing it. I'm on the fence about the entire "flashback" storyline. I love irony, I think it's great & creative, & I love the idea that they could've crossed paths at some point prior to when we "met" them, but I'm terribly afraid that it's not going to work for 'Miami' -- it just isn't the right kind of show to pull off something like that, & mostly because there just isn't time to explain it. I have a feeling we're going to be left with a lot of questions that tptb will never answer. I'm concerned that the media will eat them alive for this one. Flashbacks that don't match up to thier story, Delko facing death AGAIN, erasing 12 years off the characters -- it's a scary thought, & lord only knows what they'll do with Speed in the present time - Ghost Speedle again, looking on at the team in a way that will just drip with Cheez Whiz??
Even if this flashback is in the warped mind of Eric Delko, it's even worse. It's clever, yes, & explains alot, but I can only imagine the snarky reviews the premiere will get if they go this route -- the show will definitly be taking alot of bad hits for it.
Alright so this is what I was thinking...

Maybe Calleigh did meet Ryan 12 years ago. They are saying that Ryan is supposed to be chubbier back then and maybe because Calleigh was so frazzled her first day on the job in Miami she didn't actually take the time to look at Ryan's name tag. People change a lot in 7 years so it could be very possible that Calleigh would not have recognized Ryan when he was assigned to her fathers case. And if you remember Ryan told Calleigh once that he took a class with her being the instructor and she didnt remember him from then either. Even with a photographic memory, you can't always expect to remember every single person you come in contact with.

As for Natalia, maybe she didn't go by Boa Vista back then, maybe she was using Nick's last name (I forget what it is). So if Speed is the one that knows her (which I am still hoping he will be in the episode) then I can see it making sense as to why he would be the one calling in the favor.

Horatio can't know everyone...I think that when Eric gave him the sunglasses is when he became superman....:lol:

I am trying to be the optimist here (which is very rare for me) but we are the reason why Miami is so popular. Yes it is far fetched but that is why it is television. Yes we know that no one can solve a crime in 42 minutes and that CSI's are not dressed like supermodels but its Miami and yes it is a different lifestyle. Do I think our actors deserve Emmy nods, sure...because they have worked very well with the material that they have been given. It is evident that they love what they do, even if the critics don't. But in the end it is the fans that make this show popular, not the critics.
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