Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

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Ep 8x12
Greg has a scene in the CSI garrage, evaluating the bullet's trajectory. Greg positions a manaquin in car. This is actully a flashback during Grissom's testimony.
I also read a short scene with Nick, Warrick, and Greg but I don't have details but it sounded as though Grissom's apt may have been bombed or attempted bombed! (don't hold me to that I am not 100% sure). Also there is a scene with Warrick were Grissom coughs hard, no doubt due to this illness he has.
Yay, I love more spoilers! :) And thanks Gameface for the info!

This run of 'A Dublin Carol' will be longer than the one last year, right?
Last season he was gone doing this play for 4 weeks, it look's like this one runs 6 weeks :( that's a long time to be off the show, so who will replace him this time? Keppler is a goner :(or is the dreaded day coming this May that he won't resign up again? thank's GameFace for the link!
Oh dear, here we go again. You'd think TPTB would be getting tired of putting our CSIs in danger like this. We've already seen: Nick get blown up, Sara get buried under a car, Catherine's daughter get kidnapped, Catherine get raped, Nick get pushed out a window, Brass get shot, Brass get suspected of murder, Warrick get suspected of murder, Greg get beat up, Greg get blown up...isn't that list long enough for them? As much as I enjoy the drama (if there were no character storylines at all I wouldn't still be watching), but really, it's a little much if you ask me.

That's interesting about Billy. I'm honestly not sure if he wants to come back for another season, despite what he said in that interview with Anthony LaPaglia during the crossover last year. The show has been going for a long time, and he keeps taking these breaks to do plays; it makes me think that he wants to give a last hurrah to CSI.
I consider "attempted bombing" to mean a bombing was attempted, but not executed. However, if it is executed, that could explain why Grissom is home sick. He doesn't necessarily have to be bruised and battered, he could have inhaled the smoke, which would explain his cough from Wojo's spoiler.
Ok, I disappeared for a while and I am now lost. Can someone update me without me having to rummage through a million pages to find a tiny bit of info...What illness does Gris have? He and Warrick are bombed? How, when? Hodges news?
I only hope Grissom is ok and Sara gets home soon. I am sick and tired of the Sara-less CSI shows. It's time for her to come home! I also hope we get to see Greg more. And Super Dave! Yippeee, we get more Super Dave!
I'm still lost...Thanks Destiny (like the weather?). I'm really curious as to what else will happen, I've been busy lately...Anything on the whole mob connection?
I'm glad that Greg will be in this one. I wonder if he will have any scenes with Drops?

Personally, I enjoy it when one of the characters gets injured because it makes for a more interesting episode. I like it when the rest of the characters rally around the sick one and do their best to solve a case. I know that sounds weird, but I really care about the characters, and they all seem to care about one another.

I'm more than ready for a new episode. Bring it on.
I hope Nick will be involved in this case. He and Drops seem to have a hate/hate relationship going on.

Though we may never know or not until next season, I wonder what was scrapped. I mean if it's scrapped and they don't use in Season 9 than tell us.
I know, I know, wishful thinking.
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