Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

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No, nothing yet. CSI Miami and NY both have 13 so I assume CSI does as well. Hopefully we're hear soon.
The epsiodes so far are as follows *subject to change*

8x08 "You Kill Me"

8x09 "Cockroaches"

8x10 "Lifes A Bitch"

8x11 "Booty & The Beast"

Source.. The Evidence Never Lies
Nabbed this spoiler from USA Today's coverage of stars walking the WGA picket line. George was one of several CSI cast members who participated...

•George Eads (CSI). "Since the pilot, we've hashed things back and forth with the writers to make things more conversational. I've had a couple of meltdowns on the set. I feel horrible putting a pen to the page at all. For eight years I've been working toward this point of being more of a presence on this show, and it's happening now — with a love interest. She's a social worker whose beauty radiates from within. But now this is all put on the shelf (until the strike ends)."

As he says, all depends on how/when the writers strike gets sorted out, but...there ya go.
That sounds interesting, I feel like there haven't been many important plotlines with Nick since like, season 5 or 6. This is cool. I hope the strike ends soon though...
"Preschool graduation parties are going to be off the hook." lol, one of my many favorite lines that Hodges dishes out!

Yes, I hope the strike ends quickly as well, cause I would like to see this "stepping up" that Nick is supposedly to do this season....this love interest sounds kinda interesting as well....I am still looking forward to Warricks little story arc. Probably only gonna last an eppy or two, who knows.......that too, I guess, depends on this strike
Glad that Nick's going to get more of a storyline... Not happy that first we had insane GSR amounts, now we'll have labrats love, then add up Nick's new love interest too. Isn't Greg supposed to get one, as well? Ohhh boy... In that case, maybe I won't be so suprised if Gil hooks up with that one lady who's rumored to be his love interest, too. Gahh...
Eric Szmanda said he wanted Greg to have a love interest so it wasn't a spoiler. This Nick news is not good for those of us who are Nick/Greg shippers but hey whatever I can deal. I just think it will be great for Nick to get a story arc.
I'm looking forward to the Nick story arc as well, although I'm with Wojo about the shipper thing. Nick's had some pretty bad luck in the relationship department in the past, so lets hope it all changes. The guy has way too much angst in his life.
Jorja Fox was on "THE VIEW" today, and very sly and cagey said "Sara will be returning" and a couple of epsiodes from now she calls Gilbert, so she's not done with CSI ;)and here's a brief synopsis of 8.08!


Courtesy of's ;)
Thanks for the info on Jorja's appearance on the View. I set my VCR to record it, but got home from work only to discover I had recorded 1 hour of black screeen. UGH!

I went to the View's web page and saw a few clips, though. But, honestly, I don't think I could tolerate listening to all that chatter for an I am glad I have this board to get the essentials.

Thanks again.
And now Nick is going to have a love interest. Just great. Why doesn't it surprise me that, after the whole GSR mess, CSI suddenly turns into 'Days of Our Lives' on crack? Whatever happened to the crime scene investigation? Remember that? Seems like, anymore, it's just filler scenes inbetween GSRness or bad relationship plotlines.

The show is seriously starting to piss me off more than I'm enjoying it.
:(Remote comes to mind. I'm glad to hear that Nick will have something more than just working on cases, these are TV characters but on the show, real life people, and maybe these characters might want & need something thing else in their ..besides crime kits, rubber gloves, flashlights and contant gruseome crime scenes. I'm thrilled, with the romantic moments they've given us, as others are, & they have been so minute, that it's done so well, and so discreetly it adds spice to the show :p I think the writers have taken this show to a higher level, and it has evolved to the still, #1 show on TV! so it must be working ;)
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