Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

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ginascar said:
Grissom is a main character and a marriage proposal is a huge part of his life I would guess.

People will watch because they love it, but then they will watch it as well so they can complain about it. All in all, the producers are getting people to watch it.

I think you hit the nail on the head. I was absolutely shocked when I saw the promo last night, due to the combination of the proposal and the fact that the promo was ONLY GSR. I wouldn't have believed either happening on their own, much less both of them together if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

You are right. This is a huge step for Grissom's character, personally. If Jorja is leaving the show, TPTB would be stupid to not take advantage of that by developing a storyline that will interest the viewers (positively or negatively, as you said). It's making people watch, and what's more, it's making people TALK. They know any publicity, including the free kind that is passed around at the water cooler, is good publicity.

That said, I don't know that the actual episode will contain much GSR. It may just be one scene, who knows. Of course, that will be too much for some and not enough for others. TPTB know they can't please everyone.
I think that it all needs to balance out in this thread. I mean really we all have our opinions, we all have the right to disagree with those opinions you know that much. But really what I am saying is this not everyone is a shipper fan, or at least a specific ship fan. But then there are alot who are.

Telling someone to "not watch the show if they don't like a ship" that is actually rude, flip side telling someone they can not discuss a scene that pertains possibly to an ep is also rude. If a person puts in a valid point as to why they dislike it that is one thing, the "I hate It" only isn't a valid point, substance to why you dislike it would be more appropriate. Same goes for those who do like it, saying something like "Squee I love this ship" only again no substance.

None of us want (at least I believe) to be rude or argue about it, and alot of us do want to have that balance when discussing things about future episodes, and it can be done, you all have the choice to discuss it rationally (likes and dislikes) or simply just let it go.

IMO all arguing and uncontrolled fighting does is waste energy and take time away from the thoughts about the other parts of the eps. No one thing should dominate a discussion thread other then getting the spoilers and discussing them rationally. It can be done, believe it or not I have seen many of you do this. Sometimes we just need to step back and remember were not going agree on everything and therefore move on. Best advice I can give to all sides of the table.
taurus511 that question might be better answered in the "CSI Music forum". ;)
seriously guys, I don't get why people get so wound up.

I can understand if people are unhappy cos the show has gone from drama to romance, but that isn't the case. In the past, we've had Cath and her numerous romances, Warrick got married, Sara and Hank, even Gris has dabbled, with Heather and Terri. Which makes me believe that all the hate is because it's Gris and a character people don't want him to be with. Or it's two characters that aren't of peoples chosing, getting the love interest - making their alternate fan fiction life that bit darker. That's what it seems like to me, and you know what, if people would admit that, I'd have a whole lot of respect for them.

What I am saying is - CSI has had romance / relationships in the past, and dealt with it well, as it is doing now. Most programmes have that aspect, even the equally serious ones like Criminal Minds. If CSI really wanted to go for it - they could have Gris and Sara kissing, or in bed, as they have done with Taylor and his bird in NY. But they don't. Yet people are getting het up about a few scenes? I don't get what is so traumatic about seeing 2 characters who've aleways had a thing, finally getting it together. Isn't that life? It doesn't affect the cases as much. Heck - the last 2 episodes have dealt superbly with the cases.

Anyway, I don't mean to get at people, I'm just registering my wonderment as to the anger all this causes.

And a disclaimer for diclaimers sake - I don't go for the shipping thing much anyway. I have my favourite character, that is Gris (you would never guess right :D ), but he could be having an illicit affair with his tarantuala for all I care. So I'm on no ones side. I love Gris, I love Sara, I love Cath, I love his pickled pig.
seriously guys, I don't get why people get so wound up.

I can understand if people are unhappy cos the show has gone from drama to romance, but that isn't the case. In the past, we've had Cath and her numerous romances, Warrick got married, Sara and Hank, even Gris has dabbled, with Heather and Terri. Which makes me believe that all the hate is because it's Gris and a character people don't want him to be with. Or it's two characters that aren't of peoples chosing, getting the love interest - making their alternate fan fiction life that bit darker. That's what it seems like to me, and you know what, if people would admit that, I'd have a whole lot of respect for them.

Posts like these are what gets me angry...i list off all the reasons why i don't like GSR and why i think its bad for the show, and no one bothers too read my posts. How do i know this? Because i keep reading posts 'i don't understand why people don't like GSR' ARG! Its frustrating to keep repeating everything...Even if you don't think my reasons are valid, they are still my reasons...

So i will repeat it AGAIN

The personal storylines would maybe be in about 3 or 4 episodes a season at most, and only maybe 10 mins of the eppy. They did NOT change the characters, did NOT change the character interactions like GSR did. Look at season 7...we have POINTLESS GSR scenes in most of the episodes, this storyline has been dragged on more than any other, and is affecting the cases. There is a reason the quality of the cases are going down.

I am roaring mad because my favorite tv character is ruined, also the show is going down with it.

I don't freaking care that Grissom ended up with sara.Its the way that the storyline was done. And i don't want Grissom to be with Catherine in the show.
I am hoping Sara says no, she didn't seem to favorable towards weddings in Rashomama. I think it would be more in character for her to tun him down but that's just me.

The promo for this episode clearly shows how CSI is going, completely ignoring the case in favor of romance. I found it appalling.

I am taking my leave from this thread for a week, until all this blows over and Go to hell get's its own thread.
Wojo said:
I am hoping Sara says no, she didn't seem to favorable towards weddings in Rashomama. I think it would be more in character for her to tun him down but that's just me.

The promo for this episode clearly shows how CSI is going, completely ignoring the case in favor of romance. I found it appalling.

I am taking my leave from this thread for a few weeks, until all this blows over.

Wow, i just saw the CBS promo. I thought the CTV one was bad, at least they showed a little bit of the case! What a joke, that was the most ridiculous promo i have ever seen, i was cringing...
I think the promo for next week looks interesting. I like Sara and Grissom together, but I won't be upset if she turns him down. I can't complain for any reason with the promo. Sure they did not focus on the case, but there has to be one. So no worries. I do think the show is leaning more to cops and less being in the lab. I dislike that, but I am gonna give the season a little more time before I decide if the show is going in the wrong direction. They might come back around in an episode or two.
xfcanadian said:

Posts like these are what gets me angry...i list off all the reasons why i don't like GSR and why i think its bad for the show, and no one bothers too read my posts. How do i know this? Because i keep reading posts 'i don't understand why people don't like GSR' ARG! Its frustrating to keep repeating everything...Even if you don't think my reasons are valid, they are still my reasons...

So i will repeat it AGAIN

The personal storylines would maybe be in about 3 or 4 episodes a season at most, and only maybe 10 mins of the eppy. They did NOT change the characters, did NOT change the character interactions like GSR did. Look at season 7...we have POINTLESS GSR scenes in most of the episodes, this storyline has been dragged on more than any other, and is affecting the cases. There is a reason the quality of the cases are going down.

I am roaring mad because my favorite tv character is ruined, also the show is going down with it.

I don't freaking care that Grissom ended up with sara.Its the way that the storyline was done. And i don't want Grissom to be with Catherine in the show.

It's not a GSR thing for me, the whole 'ship' thing amuses the hell out of me, how people are so competitive about them, it's insane. It doesn't affect me, who is with who or isn't. So the association with that, is a reason enough for me to pick up on your reply right, and say its the sort of post that gets me angry ;) But really, it doesn't. That is where I'm willing to admit - I don't get the anger with people.

It's a development of character, that's been there from very early on in the show. Which is why I don't get why people get so upset about it. As I said, if they where doing what CSI NY do - and have the lead character jump into bed with someone and have some whiny woman clambering over him - I'd see the point, but it isn't that. All I'm saying - if they really wanted to go for it - they could have, but they haven't.

If it gets people so riled, then I'm sad for that, but I don't get the anger. I love the show, I don't care who goes with who, so long as the stories go on, and they do. If you feel it 'pointless' or dragging on, thats fine, personally, I don't see it affecting the show the way relationships do in the other CSI's, or do in other shows. At least this one is based on history. It could be a heck of a lot more un-subtle, if this angers people then god help us if the show goes down the route of most tv shows.

Don't want to argue with you xf, I'm just putting over my thoughts and points of view as you are. And I do read posts, not all of them tough I concede - but who does right ;)
xfcanadian said:
Posts like these are what gets me angry...i list off all the reasons why i don't like GSR and why i think its bad for the show, and no one bothers too read my posts.

I don't think it's that people don't read your (or others' posts), and I don't think it's that people don't understand your reasons for holding your opinion. It's that not everyone agrees with you. Things that you find pointless others find poignant. Things that you believe change a character for the worse others believe change the character for the better. It would be nearly impossible (and somewhat boring to watch) if the characters never changed at all.

I wish people wouldn't get so angry, but it's hard not to when people post their opinions as if they are fact. The only thing that is a fact is that we all come to the show with our own biases. Some of us like GSR, some don't. That should be ok. What TPTB do is out of our hands. We come here to either squee or vent or just talk about the show, but unfortunately, it becomes an us vs. them battleground from time to time.
GSR fans really need to cool down. You can't expect everyone to like the same thing, and that's perfectly okay.

CSI Anatomy?? Haha... Nice.

Although I'm getting insanely GSR-weary too, I'd like to see what happens with Grissom's awkward proposal too, before deciding if I really want to keep watching. No real point in getting upset that he proposed if nothing ends up happening.
Posts like these are what gets me angry...i list off all the reasons why i don't like GSR and why i think its bad for the show, and no one bothers too read my posts.

Why can't we disagree with your reasons for disliking them, and not understand why people feel that way?
I don't think it's that people don't read your (or others' posts), and I don't think it's that people don't understand your reasons for holding your opinion. It's that not everyone agrees with you. Things that you find pointless others find poignant. Things that you believe change a character for the worse others believe change the character for the better. It would be nearly impossible (and somewhat boring to watch) if the characters never changed at all.

Yeah, i get that. I don't care if people don't agree or not. Its when you see posts like 'i don't understand WHY'. Hello, just because you don't think my points are valid, they are still explaining WHY i don't like it. How is it that people STILL don't get what i am trying to say.
Yeah, i get that. I don't care if people don't agree or not. Its when you see posts like 'i don't understand WHY'. Hello, just because you don't think my points are valid, they are still explaining WHY i don't like it. How is it that people STILL don't get what i am trying to say.

But again, there is a difference between saying, "I don't *know* why they feel that way" and saying, "I don't *understand* why they feel that way."
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