Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

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They could continue without Sara. There may be a cast shake up, but that doesn't mean the end. It would be just different. MASH had a number of characters and lasted many more years afterward. If Grissom does leave, it would be interesting to see how another character like Nick would run the lab. I am wondering if Catherine will leave too. The show might be able to last longer with new character, because the characters would have difference experiences and interact differently.
I feel bad that Jorja is leaving.

Sara is a great character, probably one of the smartest and most realistic woman on television. It's too bad that we have to lose her.
Aaww, man, it makes me feel sick knowing she is leaving. :(
Atleast she survived. I would feel a whole lot better if she left on a happy note tho, even if Gris went with her. I dont want her to leave because of the romance, but I think it will have something to do with that.
If she does leave Grissom, or is fired from the lab, then I think Gris will be the next to go, too.
Or I hope she is on day shift but we dont see her, if you understand what I mean? Wouldnt feel like she had truly gone then :(
I dontunderstand, if she gets fired from, the lab, then Gris should be fired, too.
i really want to say something rude to you grizzom, but i'm going to restrain myself...

next week is going to be interesting. they showed cath in the promo is night vision, that should be cool. a dark restaraunt...that's weird and exciting
the go carts or whatever, loved the headlesshorseman reference. he lost his head...can't wait to see the geeks have some fast and furious fun, lol.
and, of course, looking forward to the ecklie interrogation and a sort of timeline for's funny how they have different definitions of their intimacy.

loved the premiere...hope it's a good preview of a kick ass season! (possibly our last?)

ETA: it's not really confirmed that she's leaving. unless you have complete faith in ausiello. i'm waiting to see...i'll enjoy all the sara we get while praying we get her all year! i'm also anxious to see how they work out the secret romance w/ the team and their jobs... i dunno if one of them would get fired, but there's got to be some kind of repercussions. can't really get around it...(i'm sure it was worth it tho ;))
Catherine can just do Sara's evaluations. I mean come on.
Actually to me it almost makes more sense to have Sara stay on CSI team and have Grissom teach and go write a forensic book. In Season 7 they even showed him teaching.
Alien_from_mars said:

I dontunderstand, if she gets fired from, the lab, then Gris should be fired, too.

I don't think she will get fired. I am feeling that Sara will "toss herself on her sword" and leave, take a sabbatical, or take another job rather than risk Grissom's job. I am really feeling that Ecklie will be a super hardass on this issue for a few episodes until the situation resolves itself.

Remember too that Sara as a character is relatively fragile. Unlike Nick who just sort of put up a brave face and kept going, I am expecting Sara to have a much harder emotional time to come back from this situation.

As I said before, there are many ways to move her out the door now, and the writers will very likely choose the route that does the least damage to Grissom's career, and allows the lab to get back to crimes instead of passion.
My thinking is that since the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, regarding the relationship between supervisor and subordinate, Grissom and Sara will agree to take a break from each other; however, Sara won't be able to handle it because she's been crazy in love with Grissom since season 1. She'll probably take a job elsewhere because she won't be able to handle the emotional pain of working with him, but not being with him.

Anyway, it's just my uneducated guess.
Toots, your guess is quite the opposite of uneducated. It's been the throey that I've had on my mind as well. Something's got to give and Sara won't let Grissom give on his job so she leaves instead.
Sara Sidle is a survivor. The actor that plays her, not so much.

Jorja Fox, who has starred on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation since its inception in 2000, will not complete the series' current season, bowing out after the seventh episode in November, E! Online TV columnist Kristin Dos Santos reports.

The news will no doubt be a blow to fans of the actress, albeit not a surprising one.

Her departure comes after rocky contract negotiations offscreen and an onscreen story line that has been foreshadowing for months a less than happy ending for her character.

It was the inability for Fox and producers to come to terms on a salary boost, which they had been negotiating since January, that put the final nail in her CSI coffin.

The story should sound more than a little familiar to fans of the show.

Fox, along with costar George Eads, both were fired from their acting gigs back in 2004, when they famously held out, unsuccessfully, for a bigger payday. They eventually were hired back after making public mea culpas. Eads wound up with a contract extension, but not Fox.

While the contracts for the entire CSI cast expires at the end of the current season, Fox's lapsed in May.

Producers appeared to waste no time in finding a would-be replacement.

In July, show-runner Carol Mendelsohn announced that the series would be taking on a new female lab technician that will be introduced in the current season's third episode. Producer Jonathan Littman also confirmed at a network event over the summer that the Grissom-Sara storyline would definitely be concluding this season.

Last month, actress Jessica Lucas was hired for the Vegas crime lab, although producers, playing down rumors of Fox's exit, insisted Lucas was only brought on for a guest stint.

While it's unclear whether Fox's character will leave voluntary or mortally—the cast recently wrapped the fifth episode of the season—fans were put out of their summerlong misery Thursday night when Sara survived.

I found this article someone posted on imdb...i don't know where it came from though.

From reading various articles, it sounds like there is bad blood between tptb and jorja, and also sounds like she wants more money, but they are refusing.
Well, I think the CBS honchos made a big mistake by not giving Jorja the raise she deserved. I hate the way the publicity is hinting that Jorja was being greedy. Marg and Billy are obviously getting nice big paychecks. I believe that the rest of the cast could use (and deserve) a little extra $$ in their annual salary.

I HATE that they are bringing on another actor to be in an already bloated cast. Hodges role has been upgraded and we're guaranteed to see him every week, so I don't see why we need another lab tech, unless tptb want some to add some more jiggle factor (T&A) to the show. As if Las Vegas didn't have enough of that already.
Wait, didn't Jorja tell Ausiello that she had refused the raise? If that's true, I don't think it's about money. At least most of it isn't. :\ I don't like to hear people that say she's greedy (or that CBS has been pressuring her), either. Contract negotiation is common in every business and money is just part of it. Jorja's case gets more attention just because it's showbiz and there are millions of people wondering what will happen to her and her character. At the end, though, it's just like any other contract negotiation.
Episode 8x02. in last nights preview on next week we saw a brief clip of Ickly Ecklie interviewing/interogating, wahtever, Grissom and Sara, seperately, and he asked both 'how long have you been 'intimate' Grissom goes "9 years" :eek: which would put it way back In San Francisco, when he was her teacher, and Sara goes "2 years" HMMM, very different, the analogy of the timeline, so that'll be interesting, well to GSR fans anyway!
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