Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

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I am hoping that "pleased" means she lives, GSR is stronger than ever, and that they work out a situation for Sara to stay nightshift (i.e. Catherine her supervisor instead of Gris, maybe?). They also said it is "smartly done" and that all loose ends will be tied up at the end of the first ep. Wonder if that includes the cocoon?
Alien_from_mars said:
Whats the point in recruiting another CSI if she is gonna live? Do they need an extra CSI?
So I gather if they dont kill her then they will change her shift and will be written off that way.
I hope they do that if they do intend to write her off, rather than kill her :(

thats what my thought was. why do they need a new csi if sara lives? i think, let her live.. but maybe write her off. like dayshift or something?

i dont know.. my feelings change everyday!! lol.
Smokey said:

More importantly, can anyone tell from the promos if Nick has hair this year? :)

:lol: Yeah he does actually, but his hair changes like the wind. So by episode 2 it could be shaven off all again. As long as he doesn't grow the alien mustashe aain, I'll be fine with him being a jarhead lol

Argh, I know I'm greedy but I'm already wanting even more spoilers hahah
CSI_Fan_Forever said:
Alien_from_mars said:
Whats the point in recruiting another CSI if she is gonna live? Do they need an extra CSI?
So I gather if they dont kill her then they will change her shift and will be written off that way.
I hope they do that if they do intend to write her off, rather than kill her :(

thats what my thought was. why do they need a new csi if sara lives? i think, let her live.. but maybe write her off. like dayshift or something?

i dont know.. my feelings change everyday!! lol.

What was the point of bringing Sofia in? and the girl that left, when Warrick and Nick had that bet, and Aisha Taylor, the lab tech..gone too! so the writers have something up their sleeves, maybe this new girl is temporary :confused: I wonder if the head honches know what this is doing to all the hard-core fans, and are they smiling and acting smug, and going "Hmmm, if they only knew" :confused:
pleased would have to be for all viewers...nobody wishes Sara dead.....gosh I hope not anyway....GSR is cute....myself I rooted for Catherine and Grissom.....or Warrick and Catherine......I really really wanted Grego and Sara to get together :)
I wonder what's going to happen when all said and done, and Sara gets rescued and all, with the team after the realize that Sara and Grissom has been keeping this relationship a secret for a long time.

It may be small things at first, but there may be a trust issue here. They have always felt like a family and for a hidden relationship to come out will have to hurt a bit.
Any new spoilers?

I was thinking, I like the fact that we didn't get TOO much for 8x01, cause as much of a spoilerfreak as I am, it's great to have some surprise. Living Doll was a bit of a dissapointment to me cause I thought that there wuld be something that we didn't know, but in 8x01 there has to be!
I think the new CSI might be there just to cover Sara while shes recovering, I dont think she will leave, it would be a huge mistake if she did, killing offf main cast members is a HUGE tv no-no, look at Marissa in the OC!
Is it confirmed, officially, that this new character is only signed on for 4 episodes? *wonders if there is more to this character then meets the eye. Perhaps I.A again? Shrugs!*

I agree with Pabzi about still having the element of surprise for the first episode. Again, still so many possibilities that can happen, leaving the viewer still questioning the outcome.

I was wondering the same thing Vexus! About the long term effects this secret Gris and Sara kept is going to have on the rest of the team, the rest of the lab. Some what of a "trust" issue!! I mean, I know that it really isn't anyone else's business but there own, and if no one questioned about it, why feel the need to tell. But still, you know that it is going to have repercussions and mostly negative ones at that on all parties involved.
What is I.A?

I agree that the new CSI may be brought on to sub for Sara while she's recovering. I could see them saying "At such short notice, all you get is a rookie!" The time frame seems right, and it would help them hide Sara's existence from the spoilers long enough to keep some suspense up through the season opener. If she does have any scenes in 2-5, they could be few enough that they could be kept out of leaked script pages (or however you guys find these things out!).
Grizzom said:
What is I.A?.

I.A. means Internal Affairs. They're the guys brought in to investigate things that are wring with people in the crime lab. Or when something goes wrong. (they're the guys no one likes)


I've been a long time lurker and I thought I'd throw in my theories to see what you all thought. I was watching the season 4 DVD's last night and something in the commentary caught my attention. They had a theme of assume nothing and that theme carried out throughout the season. Well, if the theme for season 7 was csi's get hurt but magically recover then Sara will be fine. I mean, Brass got shot and almost died but he survived. Greg got beaten to a pulp but still survived. Catherine went through some serious stuff in Built to Kill part II but she pulled through. Maybe the premiere episode will be the defining moment that Sara pulls through to become even stronger.

Or, I was looking at a screen cap of when Nick and Grissom are at the car. You can almost see all the way underneath the car and Sara isn't there and they both look perplexed. Well, maybe the rain was intense enough to dislodge her a little from underneath the car and she crawled out and sought shelter under a tree or something?

Meh, those are just my theories. I just wanted to also say that I love the posts that have been made so far. The theories are so good and really making me bounce back and forth as to whether or not I think Sara survives or not.
Alien_from_mars said:
Yea I agree with Raw Alex, that is the point I have been trying to get across to people.
In series 2 or 3 when she is in court, someone asks her if she has been seeing Gris and they dont take her evidence seriously because she had a thing with him.
I guess there is an alternative tho, Sara could work for Cath instead of Gris. That way he wouldntbe her supervisor.. but I dunno.. its hard to see them working together on a case if everyone knows about it. Its not fair on the others either.
Soo, I just wonder what will happen if she does survive. It will be alot easier to kill her off.
I dont want that to happen but I cant see it not happening. :(

Killing her off would be a very easy way to clean up the loose ends. Like it or not, the cat is out of the bag, Grissom revealed in the season ender that he has very strong feelings for Sara and it seemed the crew was catching on. In the real world, it would be an untenable situation, something that could lead to lawsuits and all sorts of ugliness.

Remember too that Sara has a large number of strikes against her as far as Eckley is concerned, and this might be the type of strike that makes him finally act, regardless of what Grissom has to say. This could also lead to more open warfare with Eckley, which would really stir things up.

Satisifactory results might include Sara off for a long time, existing only as a character that lives with Grissom, someone he talks to about difficult cases or situations. That would make the GSR fans happy and tecnically keep her on the show, in a seriously reduced role that would allow her the time to do other things. She could be transfered to days, she could be transfered to the police side of things (she likes guns!) or... Grissom could be demoted back to regular CSI work and a new boss appointed.

Season 8 has plenty of potential in the soap opera side. Now let's just hope that the crimes and the puzzles are a match for the suds.
*squees* I have some spoiler news from #806. I think the episode is called 'Who & What' (although I'm not 100% sure on that).

There isn't much information but it is definately the crossover CSI/Without a Trace episode. :D Jack Malone is in Vegas, and he seems intrigued/disturbed/confused (it's hard to tell) by Grissom's irradiated fetal pig. He seems to think it's a strange thing to have in an office... :lol:

That's all I have for this one. As always spoilers are subject to change, maybe we'll get more information later. :)
Hmm the pig will have a role in the show, cool :lol: thanks for that info.
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