Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1
Can someone clear something up for me. Everyone is so sure Sara is back and well up to and including Ep3 but I am not so sure.
The spoilers I have seen indicate that she is found in episode one, in hospital in episode 2 (Nick says to Grissom "Don't let her die") and in episode 3 the only mention I have seen (that is genuine and not someone elses take on it) was when her name was mentioned with Catherine and Vivian (Or whatever her name is now) when they were in the morgue and the stage direction said "off Sara". After that it was stated that that stage direction was incorrect and it was actually "off Vivian" and therefore, Sara was not in the scene.
Please correct me if I am wrong but these are all leading me to beleive that maybe, just maybe, Sara isn't going to be returning after a couple of episodes. And if the original stage direction WAS correct, could it be that Sara was in the morgue ie: IN the morgue - as a "customer" so to speak.....
Like I say, this is just my take on what I have seen.
As for Nick "stepping up" this does not mean he is going to become the supervisor this year. It merely means that he will take on more responsibility or be seen by the current supervisors as a good possiblity for a future Supervisory roll.
Everyone seems to think that you can't be a supervisor unless you are absolutely perfect in everyway, but for those of you out in the work force, who has a "perfect" boss? I sure don't.
Nick has the ability to be a leader in relation to "people skills" as well as his science. Sara while great at the science, is really a shocker when dealing with people (but so was Grissom and he grew into a good supervisor). As for Warrick, I don't think we have had enough examples of his leading ability to be able to give a level headed response. I think he would be good too but would probably need a support person to turn to every now and then.