Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 1

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Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I just wish that September 27th would come already! It's like waiting for Christmas but worse because my birthday's not a few days away and it's waiting for CSI. I want it now!
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Can someone clear something up for me. Everyone is so sure Sara is back and well up to and including Ep3 but I am not so sure.

The spoilers I have seen indicate that she is found in episode one, in hospital in episode 2 (Nick says to Grissom "Don't let her die") and in episode 3 the only mention I have seen (that is genuine and not someone elses take on it) was when her name was mentioned with Catherine and Vivian (Or whatever her name is now) when they were in the morgue and the stage direction said "off Sara". After that it was stated that that stage direction was incorrect and it was actually "off Vivian" and therefore, Sara was not in the scene.

Please correct me if I am wrong but these are all leading me to beleive that maybe, just maybe, Sara isn't going to be returning after a couple of episodes. And if the original stage direction WAS correct, could it be that Sara was in the morgue ie: IN the morgue - as a "customer" so to speak.....

Like I say, this is just my take on what I have seen.

As for Nick "stepping up" this does not mean he is going to become the supervisor this year. It merely means that he will take on more responsibility or be seen by the current supervisors as a good possiblity for a future Supervisory roll.

Everyone seems to think that you can't be a supervisor unless you are absolutely perfect in everyway, but for those of you out in the work force, who has a "perfect" boss? I sure don't.

Nick has the ability to be a leader in relation to "people skills" as well as his science. Sara while great at the science, is really a shocker when dealing with people (but so was Grissom and he grew into a good supervisor). As for Warrick, I don't think we have had enough examples of his leading ability to be able to give a level headed response. I think he would be good too but would probably need a support person to turn to every now and then.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Wojo said:
chip1989 said:
Im all for it too Wojo, it just slightly concerns me about where that will leave Grissom and Catherine but i'm sure it will all work out ok in the end.

I was under the impression that it could happen if William and Marg leave?

oh my bad im sorry, iI misunderstood lol, in that case im for it even more! but I don't want them to leave :(
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I think if we lost both Billy and Marg in the same season I'd be in so much shock I'd slip into a vegitative state and wouldn't be useful to anyone ever again for the rest of my life.

As for the whole Sara dying thing. I'm going to remain optomistic though... my sources say she's going to die. Want to know what my sources are? Well...

This is a potiential spoiler for Harry Potter, please don't keep going if you don't know what happens.

I wanted Harry to die in the 7th book. I wanted him to die more than anything and I knew he would. I knew it down to my core. So I made a deal with myself... if Harry died, as I wanted him to, well then Sara would live and all would be right with the world. However if Harry lived and the lords of the plot failed me... well anything was possible in Sara's case. So in my mind the moment Harry didn't die... it was signing a death warrant for Sara. I just hope this isn't so.

I don't know what to think honestly. Usually by now I've read some random spoiler nobody else has seen and I've got the details down pat.

I even got the spoiler that the MK was a female janitorial worker at the lab... I knew that back as far as Leapin Lizards. Don't ask me where I read it because I don't remember, I wasn't here back then, that's for sure.

Well... Sara's not going to die. I won't let it happen.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I don't see how harry Potter dying or not has anything to do with Sara living :shrugs:
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Lostladyknight is comparing and contrasting her insight on Sara's situation with another highly anticipated series that brought everything to a climax. I think I summed that up well....
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

It was a deal I made with myself. It was my way of telling myself that things would be okay in both CSI and Harry Potter. Sort of a way to keep sane while I was waiting...

Does that make senes?

I do it all the time... if I can convince myself something is true then I don't have to worry about how it's going to end up.

Don't you ever do that? "If this coin lands on heads then I made an A on that exam." I do. The deals I make with myself mean nothing... but they make me more comfortable.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I've done what lostladyknight's did with Harry Potter in other situations. For me, it's a way to keep my mind busy when there aren't a lot of spoilers coming out ans it also helps me think of different ways the writers could write the new episode.

Also, could someone point me in the right direction of when we learnt of the spoiler about Nick saying to Grissom, "Don't let her die." I can't seem to to remember where that's from. :confused:
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I thought the spoiler about Nick saying "Don't let her die" was from ep 801, it happens while they are still looking for Sara's location. He says it to Grissom and Warrick. So my sources tell me.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

If she doesn't die, I'm hoping her character will at least leave LV, like rumors have been going on about.

I think I'm going to go CRAZY waiting for the season premiere. Worst of all, I don't feel my cravings for spoilers being sufficiently met right now, either. AAAAAGH. Haha...
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Wojo said:
I thought the spoiler about Nick saying "Don't let her die" was from ep 801, it happens while they are still looking for Sara's location. He says it to Grissom and Warrick. So my sources tell me.

Thanks for answering my question Wojo! That makes sense. I wonder if he'll say it a mean way, a frustrated way, or in a comforting way. What do you guys think?
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I was just reading through some of the posts and couldn't help but have a giggle or amuses me, the fact that there are so many people out there, me included, that can barely contain themselves about the new season and wishing it would just hurry up and start already...((5 more weeks)). I love how there are so many different scenarios for the upcoming season, leaving me still guessing and wondering which way things will unfold.

Then I read the possibilities about Marg and Billy wanting to move on seeing both contracts are up after the upcoming season, and the response from some about not knowing what they would do if anyone left the show....again, I fall under that category!

My question is....what are we all going to do when the whole works of them decides to throw in the towel and end the show?? *don't want the show to end, but knows that if there is a beginning, there's gotta be an end*

*thinks it'll be a day a mourning for*
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

So in my mind the moment Harry didn't die... it was signing a death warrant for Sara. I just hope this isn't so.

But Harry did die. He was just not dead for long ;)
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I've been waiting for the season to start since the ending of last season! :lol:

Re: Marg and Billy's contracts. I hope that they do sign up for another season. The show would not be the same without them.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I think one thing that will be a factor in whether Marg and Billy sign up for another season is what CBS will offer them. For example, they enticed Billy by letting him have more input on his character and GSR. They also told him he could take more time off to do other things and have less scenes in certain episodes.
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