Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New
I bet the season starts with Mac entering his room, turning on the lights and putting several unsolved case folders on his table.

Or maybe we'll hear some "it's nice to be back" type comments. Strange I'm curious what the premiere episode title would be.
I hope it's a 22/+ episode order. I can't get enough of the new team dynamics. And duh, season 7 finale ended with some stories to get back to. :thumbsup:
I'm glad the season didn't end on the kind of cliff-hanger that NY has done in the past. I think they left the show at an interesting plateau, and it'll give them a certain freedom where to start from. Should be good.
Agree about the team. Hope it gets 22 eps too.
Don’t they start filming in June or early July? I think at one time there was talk about the show kind of following the whole Danny getting promoted story line.
Well, I gotta say I'd be a whole lot more excited about Danny being promoted if I thought it would give him some individual focus, but I have at this point a sneaking suspicion it really will be used more as a DL device

. Here's hoping there's a bit more to it than that.
I'd really like to see Danny move out of the lab and on to the 'street'/precinct side of being a detective. I find Danny more interesting when he's out of the lab doing things like interviewing suspects, going to apprehend suspects, etc, mostly because he often does it with Flack, and they're great together. It would be good to get Danny out of the lab and not working with Lindsay all the time too, and would give both characters some space.
I like seeing Danny out on the street too, and/or processing scenes, and I do love the Messer/Flack interaction :lol:. I just don't want that to be the default of how he might be used outside the labs. I agree; I think a lot of his more interesting material in earlier seasons stemmed from his actions outside the lab, interviewing people, etc., not just chasing them down. I'd also love for him to be partnered up with others in the team, and not just Flack, when he's out and about.
It's also fun to see Flack working with others too

I've just never found 'Danny in the lab' very appealing or interesting, while I've always enjoyed seeing Mac/Adam/Sid doing 'lab' stuff.
Of course. Sgt or not, he'll still need Flack/Mac/Jo to help clean up his messes for him.:lol:
:lol: True.
And if the show could find a way to include Sid more often, and branch out the nature of his appearances too, I'd sooooooooooo
love that

I also think the general forensic montages could be trimmed just a tiny bit too :lol:. There was a time where there was occasionally dialogue exchanged in the labs, talking about a case etc., and not just a time-lapse indication of uber-investigation whereupon we get the synopsis/presentation after the fact. I guess it's just hard to decide how to use the screentime, and moving things along thru montages is just so ...convenient... :lol:.
Those group meetings/mallets are similar, ensuring we all know what's happened, especially if skipping over/ahead just a bit in order to set up the next jumping off point. It was nice to see that turned on it's side in the S7 finale, where it wasn't about a synopsis at all but used for character material.
Number one I'd like to see happen in s8 -
Since I'm 99.8% positive this is NY's final season, Mac needs to die quite heroically and tragically in the finale.
Number One I'd like to see happen in S8, especially if it's the last season and/or NY kills off Mac, ...they need to bring back his sideburns :lol:

And while I understand the impulse and see how it could be one version of a fitting end, I kinda agree and kinda disagree; I'm torn :lol:. I guess I'd ultimately like to see them wrap it in a suitably heightened and dramatic fashion, but with him stubbornly still kicking

. Hobbling severely if need be. But not dead.
Something other than the ultimate sacrifice. In a way, him being a survivor of all his years of service, with all he's lost over the years and all he's been marked by, not least 9/11, it could be moving to have him and New York still standing, finding a way forward.
Guess we'll see

And I sooooooooooooo agree with Danny getting out of the lab and him and Flack, to all intents and purposes, being partners. I also want to see Mac actually working cases more, like he used to, instead of him being just the "boss-man" now. We used to see him in the lab, taking crime scene pics, wearing that jumpsuit (*driiiiiible* :drool

... but now it's a rare occurrence
I can kinda understand the show featuring him as the boss man. Yeah, he does do some of the scene processing, and yeah, there were indeed a few instances of him doing lab work this season, but I agree, it would be nice to see him participating in some of that a bit more, and also ballistics & weapons testing, recreations, etc., which he used to do more of. He's not performed a magic trick, been set afire, participated in archery, used a samurai sword, or throttled Danny etc., in quite some time :lol:. I do think it'd be a shame to lose those type of few fun scattered moments altogether.
That said, he does indeed have a whole lab full of people to do the processing

. I dunno; if they have Mac intereacting with supervisors, press, suspects, witnesses, his team etc., more than doing lab work, I wouldn't mind. I guess I enjoy when GS as Mac has the opportunity to interact with other people rather than teh Shiny :lol:.