Season 8: "Dead Doll" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned, but has anyone seen the new behind the scenes footage from Dead Doll that was put up on CBS? I watched it and it was pretty cool because they explain things like how they/Natalie raised and lowered the car. It was very educational! :)
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

People keep bringing up why Sara would have her kit with her at the restaurant. If a vanload of evidence had been stolen right under the team's collective nose, wouldn't you be a bit anal about where your equipment is? :)
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

kaylyne said:
One thing that really baffles me with this episode is the obvious lack of continuity. In looking at the screencaps closely, it's clearly Sara's right arm that gets pinned under the car, and then clearly her left hand that searches for the rock under water. Yet, when she finally gets out and starts walking, it's her left arm that's in the sling. Wouldn't Jorja at least remember which arm was pinned and point it out to them?

It is her left arm ;) I thought it was her right arm too, but I rewatched the scene where Natalie's putting the car on top of her and I noticed something.

It is her right arm sticking out from underneath the car, yet not the one that is pinned. The car is not actually resting on top of it. I kept thinking "Why is she screaming if the car isn't even touching her right arm?" as it's being lowered. It's because it isn't, it's pinning her left arm. When they show her under the car and the water's rising, her right arm is no longer sticking out from under the car, but she is using it to move sand and things around. Her left arm is what is essentially keeping her pinned under the car because she can't move it.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

HMM, you fans really disected this with a fine tooth comb.. I never noticed that, but will watch and see it again, another thing, and they probably doesn't get mentioned as much as they should have, is the incredible make-up dept. Sara's scrapes/cuts and the blood, and her bruised body so messed up, & so realistic..and her make-shift sling.. good job, and has anyone else wondered with a broken arm, how did she tie that scarf around her head, HMMM, it would be very painful and almost impossible! but Sara is a strong woman ;)

And to Crysthala good post.. rock on, I agree with everything you said ;)
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Grissom and Sara have a mature relationship? Personally it comes across to me as the sterotypical young woman with daddy issues and older man with a mid-life crisis. I've seen them alude to other relationships over the years that *could* have been mature relationships but I don't see that in this pairing...
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Yes, IMNSHO, they do. I've heard a lot of people talk about Sara's so-called "daddy issues," which I think mostly stems from Grissom's age and their conversation in Nesting Dolls about Sara's dad being killed. She's been confiding in Grissom since S1, before we ever knew that her father was even dead, and not just about stuff like that. In a mature relationship of any sort (friendly or romantic), both parties can tell one another their feelings, openly, without having to worry about age. I'm not saying pedophilia is okay, but Grissom is not a pedophile. Grissom and Sara are both responsible adults whose steadily closer friendship evolved over time into romance, with some bumps in the road along the way, and that will happen between any two people. What irritates me is that a lot of relationships are sadly and shallowly portrayed as "Oh, this is the second time I've seen you. I think you're cute. I love you!"
As for other possible mature relationships, don't even get me started on Hank. Grissom's many crushes over the years included that one lab tech whose name I have either forgotten or never knew ("pin you against a wall?"), the infamous Teri (who was so centered on herself that she couldn't handle it when some annoying person kept calling Grissom, even though he apologized repeatedly and was clearly irritated), and Lady Heather. IMHO, that one had the potential to be mature, yes, but the whole "Hi, we may-or-may-not-have-had-sex-and-now-I-consider-you-a-suspect-in-a-murder" thing kind of snuffed out that candle. Catherine and Gil compliment each other well, but Catherine is (again, IMHO) too nosy and gossipy and such for Grissom's private personality. In dramatic terms, she's his foil; he's pure science with only a dash of people stuff, and she's science with a lot more people stuff than he has. She's interfering, he's reserved, she's political, he's not, etcetera. They're very good friends, yes, but I can't see them working as a couple.
By no means am I saying that "SARA IS THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD EVER BE WITH GRISSOM NOOOOBODY ELSE EVER IN THE HISTRY OF TEH SHOW." I'm saying that although Grissom may have had past... erm... liasons, I guess you could say (I am in fact convinced that Griss and Catherine were dating in the fourth season), Sara is just the best one for him, they are madly in love, and the relationship has been done wonderfully. It was gradual, it had ups and downs, it has history, and there has been a basis for it since the second episode of the show. Grissom knows her voice so well that he doesn't even have to turn around. He and Catherine were friends, he flirted with Teri, and Lady Heather and he may or may not have had sex, but Sara really is (IMHO, again) the one for him.

And I have seen the "behind the scenes." It was muy interesante. Poor Jorja, having to sit under a hydraulic car all day... :(
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

this took my breath away..
good comments and right on and just a added comment about the 'daddy issues' as well, he's 50 on the show and she's 37. so he would have been 13 when he was a daddy :confused: absurd.. and they are madly in pefect and so right, so in tune.. the chemistry so "hot" the steam comes through the TV.. and it's a beautiful thing.. and that's just a fact.. acceptance is the key..and the writers, producers and directors, and WP and JF want it this way. and so be it ;).

William Petersen on Sara..I'd like to kiss her before the show ends
Galazy Magazine..2005

And if I hated something or someone on another CSI, I wouldn't post on there, because it wouldn't please nor interest me, and what would be the point, and what would I achieve or accomplish? nothing, it would just annoy other fans! "How to win friends, and influence people" might be a good theme song!
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Lol, Desertwind, thanks. Gris is actually 15 years older than Sara, but I only know that because I cleverly copied their birthdays back when that info was on CBS's site.
Anyway, in summary, DD was a fantastic episode, Sara does not have daddy issues, Grissom is not old (and is very sexy), and... hmm, what am I missing? Oh yes, GSR rules, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

About those footprints...I only watched it once, but I thought Sara collapsed not far from the car once she had freed herself. Am I mistaken? I thought the footprints were found because by the time she had roused herself, the rain had been washed away. Of course, I also thought Sara was tasered in the parking garage of her apartment.

I saw some comparisons to the Grave Danger episode, but was anyone else reminded of The Finger? That is one of my all-time favorites, and I have to confess that DD was not as well done. But, I enjoyed the episode, anyway. If the writers would just clean up some of the more contrived plot devices...and if they would stop insisting on solving every plot in the last two minutes. I think the show would be improved by allowing more time to the solution/conclusion of the cases. Perhaps even give us some reaction from the team after the fact.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Crysthala said:
Lol, Desertwind, thanks. Gris is actually 15 years older than Sara, but I only know that because I cleverly copied their birthdays back when that info was on CBS's site.
Anyway, in summary, DD was a fantastic episode, Sara does not have daddy issues, Grissom is not old (and is very sexy), and... hmm, what am I missing? Oh yes, GSR rules, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
very well said girl, right on!

and brasslives, i thought she collapsed to, i've watched it several times and still get that impression. thanks for bringing it up, i thought i was going crazy! so if she was like...sittin on a rock till the rain stopped and then started walking, her prints could still potentially be there
i dunno...the show rocked, she's alive, i'm good!
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

About the footprints. I used to live in Albuquerque in the US, which is in a big flat stretch of desert like Vegas. Desert sand is compact and hard. The reason flash flooding is such a huge problem in desert areas is because the water just runs off the top of the sand, it's not absorbed like in other climates. Even though it was raining really hard, in other words, her footprints would still have been relatively shallow, and could have been washed away. It's also entirely possible that she went and waited out the storm, which I think is likely- she probably crouched by a rock or something. Not the best shelter ever, but I guess you take what you can get, eh?
I think someone previously mentioned way back one or two pages ago that Sara's twitchy response to the tasering was a bit weird, as normally people who've been tasered just fall over. This is true, but I think one of the barbs got stopped by her vest (she yanked it out later when she got out of the trunk), so she only got half the charge, hence the twitching instead of the falling over.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

i loved DD and regardless of GSR I hope Jorja stays on the show i think she is a talented actress
REPEATING on Dec 20, 2007 @ 9:00pm EST.
Air Date: Thursday, September 27, 2007
Time Slot: 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EST on CBS
Episode Title: (#801) "Dead Doll"

See page/post One for more like casting, and links.
All I can repeat about this ep. is the amazing Jorja Fox, stunning, extrodinary performance, and she didn't get a nominaton for this, that's a crime in it's self :( I sure do miss her, and I think her cast mates do too!