Season 7 **Spoiler Lab** - Gimme More, Gimme Gimme More!

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^^^you can count me in:thumbsup:

I'm sure we wouldn't look any more obsessed than we are already do - I hate that word - we're addicted not obsessed....ok maybe a little of both. :shifty: **looks around for a 12-step program**

As for Natalia I do think she became stronger than she was at the beginning of the show especially when she first became a CSI.
During her first case as CSI I laughed the whole time because I thought she was too weak for this job.
But then my opinion about this girl completely changed: I think that now she's a damn good CSI, maybe a little bit weaker than the others but every day I can see an improvement from her.
I also think that her trouble with the gun should have been developed even before she obtained her own gunm, but since they didn't do it I'd like to see something new related to those troubles.

Don't forget the writers strike messed last season up a little. I'm sure I read somewhere that she was going to have a love interest with her firearms instructor. When the writers came back, they just did a 'run and gun' to try and get as many episodes out as possible.
And that's true, but, still, they could have done something with it at least in these first episodes, maybe instead of the 100th car crash involving Calleigh in the second episode of this new season.:lol::p

I've never imagined that the idea of Calleigh being slapedd could have created such a mess in here:lol:

Haha, that's because everyone's so :eek: that it's not H drama for a change.[/quote]
Yeah... If the writers wanted to have more H drama, they could have had H being slapped. Does the fact that I have a smile on my face while I think about H being slapped make me a bad person?
Oh're not a bad person;). I think that the majority of us would enjoy to see Horatio slapped:lol:. Though Calleigh is the best one to be slapped.

I agree that there is too much action for H, Cal and Eric to the exclusion of everyone else. Dont get me wrong I like these characters and dont mind the odd storyline for them, but its none stop. At least it was only H centric before, and although it was annoying he is the main guy. Season 6 seemed to give Eric and Cal this extra screen time, but they have had there time now, the writers should give Ryan, Nat and Frank something, anything. It seems pointless them being there if they are only going to be on screen 2 minutes.
And the odd team scene wouldnt go amiss. Vegas manage it. There is no coehsion. Thinking positively ;) the rest of the season may prove us wrong, I Hope!
Let's really hope so.

Ok, not to change argument, but I'm thinking about the last spoiler we had.
It said "With Eric pinned against the wall by some furnitere....". And this was after a crane wreck.
Now, my question is: will something bad happen to Eric? I mean he's pinned against the wall, that must be something. And we all know he has a bullet in his temporal lobe. Do you think there will be some development with it? I'd love to see it since I'm still angry with TPTB since "Man Down".
I mean they never developed that stuff in the proper way. Eric is working as anything happened and we know it's not normal. Nobody with a bullet in his head could work as CSI without consequences:rolleyes:. But yeah they did it, and also Adam Rodriguez told he thought they were going to develop a little bit more, but they didn't do anything
Adam Rodriguez on CSI:Miami magazine said:
The way it happened was dramatic although I would have liked more follow through on how it affected Delko more in the physical sense. I though my recovery was a little speedy.
I really hope something will happen with his bullet...maybe due to a miracle the bullet will leave Eric's head and he'll return the old Eric Delko, the one I loved:lol:
:rolleyes:Maybe I'm asking too much:rolleyes:
There's actually a lot that TPTB have touched base on with Eric's brain injury it just hasn't been delved into the way it should be. I've researched this particular injury & the signs/symptoms have been spot on - short term memory loss - interference with long term memory loss - problems categorizing - misunderstanding communication/words spoken - loss of sex drive- emotional outbursts.

The thing is that normally these people seek rehabilitation, & it's been said that their behavior could become worse if they don't have a grasp of the situation - which in my eyes- Eric is in a little bit of denial & has yet to face the consequences of his injury. They say the person get's worse before they get any better. His injury is still in "play" & I think it's only a matter of time, & TPTB will have to delve into him facing his issues. The brain is supposed to heal (in time) & the person get's better returning to thier old self again. In Eric's case, I believe he might hit rock bottom first.

The drama :rolleyes:
There's actually a lot that TPTB have touched base on with Eric's brain injury it just hasn't been delved into the way it should be. I've researched this particular injury & the signs/symptoms have been spot on - short term memory loss - interference with long term memory loss - problems categorizing - misunderstanding communication/words spoken - loss of sex drive- emotional outbursts.

It's hard to believe Eric would have a loss of sex drive.
But he did, according to him rejecting a stripper.
But it's probably for the good, considering he would pounce on anything with a pulse.
I JUST KNEW SOMEONE WOULD POINT OUT THE LOSS OF SEX DRIVE. Anyways I see it in his kind of new personality. I think that's what Calleigh's looking for just real love but then, THEN she'll want some of that

mjszud said:
There's actually a lot that TPTB have touched base on with Eric's brain injury it just hasn't been delved into the way it should be. I've researched this particular injury & the signs/symptoms have been spot on - short term memory loss - interference with long term memory loss - problems categorizing - misunderstanding communication/words spoken - loss of sex drive- emotional outbursts.

Exactly and I don't know how accurate the 'transitory hallucinations' are - because I'm not sure if that might go with one of the above but I maybe it depends on the severity and the patient. (I remember him saying something about the brain creating new pathways around the fragment)

Florry86 said:
Ok, not to change argument, but I'm thinking about the last spoiler we had.
It said "With Eric pinned against the wall by some furnitere....". And this was after a crane wreck.
Now, my question is: will something bad happen to Eric? I mean he's pinned against the wall, that must be something. And we all know he has a bullet in his temporal lobe. Do you think there will be some development with it?

Well I'm not a doctor but I'm not sure how much damage some furniture could do to his brain, especially if he doesn't hit his head or nothing falls on his head. There is a possibility though that he does hit his head on the wall or the floor, which I assume could cause some problems. And also if the force dislodges something. The image I get though when I think 'pinned by furniture' is maybe the courtroom benches pinning him against the wall so it's difficult for him to free himself fast enough but nothing too terribly serious medically.

I wouldn't complain though if they did decide to use that situation as a development (good or bad) of his condition.

At any rate, the both of them deserve some serious hazard pay in Miami. :p
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I agree that there is too much action for H, Cal and Eric to the exclusion of everyone else. Dont get me wrong I like these characters and dont mind the odd storyline for them, but its none stop. At least it was only H centric before, and although it was annoying he is the main guy. Season 6 seemed to give Eric and Cal this extra screen time, but they have had there time now, the writers should give Ryan, Nat and Frank something, anything. It seems pointless them being there if they are only going to be on screen 2 minutes.
And the odd team scene wouldnt go amiss. Vegas manage it. There is no coehsion. Thinking positively the rest of the season may prove us wrong, I Hope!

I agree. The last time we saw everyone together was 'Death Pool 100' with the classic beach scene. But then again, CSI teams don't randomly meet at the beach so they can walk in a straight line, not saying a word to each other. This is not Baywatch. I wish Miami could be a bit more like Vegas- every morning, hand out the cases, with everyone in one room. Run into one another in the break room, or the locker room. Maybe, go for dinner, or drinks, sometime. They're a team, and lately, it's been Horatio and Eric, who chase bad guys around the world, and Calleigh, who gets nearly hit by cars and then has Eric's shoulder to lean on.

Though I'm not a huge fan of HipHuggers, I agree that if they're gonna get together, they should just do it already. It wastes what could be everyone else's screentime while they dance around each other in circles, 'almost' kissing and whatnot. Ryan, Nat and Frank still exist too. It's been quite a while since I've seen Ryan work the lead case, or any case with anyone other than Natalia- since they don't matter, stick em on the backburner case together!- and I miss the chemistry he has with Cal, and Horatio. Hopefully his inside job on the shooting gives him screentime with Horatio.
Exactly and I don't know how accurate that 'hallucinations'
From what I have read, it is accurate. One of the main functions for that side of the temporal lobe is memory, whereas main damage to the opposite temporal lobe causes speech impairment, slurring of words, ect. (among other things). Amazing that he can still work as a CSI :lol:
^ Thanks. :) TPTB aren't usually known for being super accurate with all their research. Good to know they really tried to get this one down. (Despite the fact that the brain is a tricky thing on its own)

cainesugar said:
Hopefully his inside job on the shooting gives him screentime with Horatio.

Yeah it would be nice to see some interaction with the rest of his team aside from 'get this back to the lab'. The moment in 'BBYD' for example, with Eric was a rarity so I hope we see some of that with Ryan as well because of his involvement in the first couple of episodes.
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I totally agree w/everyone about the lack of cohesion between the team - It's been painfully obvious since mid-Season 5 (after Delko's head injury). Remember back in the day, when all the CSIs would meet up and work the case together - three CSIs in a scene! Those promo pics show some hope (Eric, Ryan and Cal together in a scene - Holy Crap! We haven't seen that since Season 5's "Curse of the Coffin." I hate this excuse of "scheduling conflicts" too - it just seems so lame since the other CSIs are able to pull off the "team" cohesion MUCH better - I watch CSI:NY, and I'm like, "Oh look, the WHOLE FREAKIN TEAM is in the same room - again! WOW!"

It seems like if TPTB are not trying to hook the characters up w/each other, they're not going to be in a scene together. H and Cal hardly speak anymore, and they had a very strong friendship in the first four seasons. Ryan and Eric don't do that much together anymore, and whenever a crisis hits Cal, it's only Eric who's there for her - which is NOT in keeping w/the original show's "team spirit." It's like they don't even consider past relationships or how the characters interact and relate to each other. How about having more than 2 people in a scene together - that's a good start!

I started watching this show b/c of the chemistry between the TEAM (and yes, I think that the death of Speed began the death of some of that chemistry.) If I wanted a simple crime drama, I could watch the other two CSIs, but I like Miami b/c I got attached to the characters and their relationships with EACH OTHER. I'm hating how detached Horatio is from the rest of the team. (Example: He went from watching out for Calleigh when she was just dating Hagen, or having problems w/her dad, to not saying a word to her after someone tried to kill her w/their car, she was kidnapped and she was thrown out of her firearms lab. He is still her boss, right? :scream:) It's like they never talk about how Horatio has changed, or how that change is affecting the team, which I believe it is.

The team needs to start acting like a "team" again, and not hiding things from other team members (like Eric and his "cheat sheet," and Cal agreeing to cover for him - while that was sweet, if they really trusted Horatio, they should've told him what was going on.) I am hoping this whole "H is shot" thing would bring the team back together, and address H's distance. I wonder if Cal and Eric will resent H for not letting them in on his "plan" - and if they do, they BOTH should address H on that score.

As for the espisode w/Cal getting slapped - I think that's totally plausable. Like people said, when people are upset, they can get emotional and not be rational. I keep thinking of that scene in "Jaws" where the mother of that boy who got killed slapped Chief Brody - Brody tried to close the beach, but the mayor wouldn't let him, yet he still gets slapped by the grieving mother b/c she is upset. That scene is so powerful, and I would hope it would be something along those lines - and I hope Horatio would finally get involved in some of the crap his other CSIs are dealing with - it's about time he has a talk w/Calleigh about things, seeing as how he's her BOSS and all, and hasn't said a damn thing to her for two years (in terms of all she's been through).

Anyway, rant over (for now :lol: ) - TPTB: Bring back the TEAM SPIRIT!!!
It seems like if TPTB are not trying to hook the characters up w/each other, they're not going to be in a scene together. H and Cal hardly speak anymore, and they had a very strong friendship in the first four seasons. Ryan and Eric don't do that much together anymore, and whenever a crisis hits Cal, it's only Eric who's there for her - which is NOT in keeping w/the original show's "team spirit." It's like they don't even consider past relationships or how the characters interact and relate to each other. How about having more than 2 people in a scene together - that's a good start!
I think you make a really good point here. I'm not a DuCaine shipper, but I can still see when there's lack of character interaction- seriously! Watch Vegas or NY and you see Grissom and Catherine, or Mac and Stella, working cases together, exchanging notes, or at least saying hi in the halls. It's the head of the crime lab and the second in command, they're naturally supposed to interact. The fact that Horatio and Calleigh haven't had any scenes together in at least two seasons is really getting annoying.

I remember back to Speed's death, when they were talking in the locker room and he gave her a hug. It's little things like that between characters, more than just Calleigh and Eric constantly working cases together, but not even letting them have a real relationship, that makes the whole 'let's focus on two characters' aspect great. They aren't doing anything with the two characters they seem to be obsessed with- so why not just give the whole team a freaking moment? Alexx left the lab- you'd think they'd all get together to say goodbye, at least for a few seconds.

Let's all send an angry letter to TPTB- I agree, more team spirit.
Miamirocks , did you come in here to say that to get me started again :lol:
I love ya' for it, I do. I agree with these last 2 posts, yet another major problem with this show. What the hell are they doing - besides making this show the laughing stock of television :rolleyes:

It's pretty obvious there's some issues here when you can explore the other boards & there's so much more going on in the new season than in 'Miami'. Oh boy, all we have so far that we're supposed to be looking forward to is more of the same recycled garbage from last season? No thank you, I've induced enough Pepto Bismol as it is.
:lol: I visited the Vegas thread and they're all freaking out at the writers over who finds Warrick, and the promo and who's in it and such!- they have it so much better than we do. At least Vegas has continuity, and their show is based on crime and not looked at as a soap opera. :rolleyes: It's sad that it's gotten to the point where most of the show is Horatio shifting back and forth, threatening Ron Saris, and walking off stage in mid-conversation. Really.
:lol: I visited the Vegas thread and they're all freaking out at the writers over who finds Warrick, and the promo and who's in it and such!- they have it so much better than we do. At least Vegas has continuity, and their show is based on crime and not looked at as a soap opera. :rolleyes: It's sad that it's gotten to the point where most of the show is Horatio shifting back and forth, threatening Ron Saris, and walking off stage in mid-conversation. Really.

LOL darn that Horatio...never being clear about things...:lol: :cool:

LV addicted people are lucky! They have a stinking promo! :scream: Something real to discuss. And here we are, with nothing, so we have to start an angry stampede at TPTB.

How about the first episode we take care of Ron Sarris, Kyle, E/C, and Horatio's shooter. Then let's go back to more of a season 3 or 4 vibe.

Please? :(
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