Season 7 **Spoiler Lab** - Gimme More, Gimme Gimme More!

Discussion in 'CSI: Miami' started by Finch, May 27, 2008.

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  1. greatfan

    greatfan Captain

    May 2, 2008
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    I could not have said this better myself. The Eric/Calleigh thing is getting really nauseating. Actually,I wouldn't mind a few episodes without Eric and Calleigh.
  2. adorelo

    adorelo CSI Level Two

    Aug 10, 2007
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    I would.

    We can't complain about characters not getting enough screen time then say we want others to go away. We need the entire cast getting enough time spent on them, this is, after all, a team show.
  3. rahkira

    rahkira Police Officer

    May 11, 2007
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    I agree there should be more Frank. etc time, but I'm just happy the above episode centers around someone other than Horatio! More character development for those listed #3 or lower on the credits on all three CSIs would be nice. New York seems to understand that a little better than the other two installments.
  4. greatfan

    greatfan Captain

    May 2, 2008
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    I didn't say I wanted them to go away,but if they missed an episode or two they still have tons more screen time than the others.Maybe a vacation or a visit to other family members etc.Or they can do the two minute appearance that the others do for a while.The problem is we aren't getting the entire cast getting enough time.I know it's a team show,TPTB and the writers have forgotten that,not me.I mentioned having a few episodes without Calleigh and Eric because they have been featured so heavily,and it is getting nauseating.
  5. Florry86

    Florry86 CSI Level Three

    Jul 16, 2007
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    I would mind too. I don't think I'd be able to watch an episode without Calleigh, but I perfectly understand the idea of the other people. Nobody wants nobody to leave the show.
    I do understand that TPTB are just completely ignoring certain characters of the show, who are member of the regular cast in the credits.

    Although I'm not able to get over Calleigh's storylines, I do agree that Ryan, Natalia and Frank are completely ignored.
    As everyone is saying it's a team show and being a team show in my opinion all the characters should have the same time of screen but due to schedule it's pretty impossibile.
    I wouldn't mind seeing Calleigh or Eric for only 2 minutes in some episodes.
    I mean I was able to cope with it during "Rock and A Hard Place" when Calleigh was there for less than 3 minutes. I didn't mind it simply because the story was completely dedicated to Alexx. As the story was for our ME I think it would have been a bad idea having too many scenes with Calleigh.
    All I want is a better balance with the characters...that's all.
    Obviously Calleigh and Eric need more screen since they're the oldest people in the show, but at the same time I'd like to see a little bit more of Ryan, Natalia and Frank since they're member of the cast, for over 2 years.

    I think it would be a good idea to put Calleigh and Eric for less than 3 minutes in some episode, maybe 2 or three (or even more, but not too many 'cause they're very important characters) during a season in order to give some space to other characters of the show...possibly Ryan, Natalia and Frank;)

    Now I think we should get back to the topic ;)
  6. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
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    It's like pandemonium in here. I love it. :p

    Honestly, I've found the Calleigh character to still be rather robotic lately, even with all of the events surrounding her. I imagine her face will just be robotic-slightly!aggrevated and then maybe she'll try and calm her down all professional-like. For some reason, I don't get much facial expression from her when I've watched lately. Maybe it's just me. :shrug: I'm hoping the wear and tear of the previous year will start to surface finally.

    Exactly. Probably one of those 'not really mad at you, I'm mad at this big bad world' type of situations.

    :lol: I just got the strangest image of 'Supernatural' in my head where Sam and Dean were incapacitated by a dresser because of a strong spirit. It's okay, I'm not making much sense this morning. *floats back into original fandom*

    Because the writers think it's interesting. Newsflash: It's not. :rolleyes: They're just an organized gang with more money.

    Well there are 16-ish episodes left to be written so hopefully the Eric and Calleigh storyline will have been resolved or at least evolved in some way by then so there's some sort of satisfaction for all. I can understand why the writers are doing this because they've been baiting viewers at least officially for a whole season if not a bit more.

    And from looking at the spoilers that delkolover provided, (thanks for them, by the way hun! :D) it looks like the trial incident is maybe the teaser so it probably won't be just them the whole time but will include some of their 'development' as hinted to in the interviews/videos. If not, I guess I'll just be wrong. :p

    If it plays out this way, I won't have many qualms. I mean, I've sat through entire episodes of Horatio galavanting around foreign countries, saving his long-lost son every fives minutes from constant evils that must. be. dealt. with., arguing with high-up officials because they have a problem with the way he's circumventing the laws at his every whim, escaping exploding vehicles long enough to put a bullet into everyone, blowing up semis with a bazooka because that's totally within his job description, marrying everyone else's relatives and dating every victim/witness/prosecutor/ on the face of the planet. Exaggeration maybe but that's what it's felt like and he's still my favourite character. :lol:

    They were able to pull it off in the first 3 seasons. Unless something has drastically changed that I'm forgetting, they could probably still do it. It wouldn't be so hard that instead of putting two characters in the layout room, they could put all of them in. Hell, they don't even need to have lines and I'll be happy. :lol:

    I'd like that too. I barely know anything about Frank and he's been there since season 1; granted he's a detective and wasn't a regular until recently but he was in a fair amount of episodes. I think Rex Linn has even spoken about that too-- I remember him saying he was making up a backstory because no one gave him one, lol.

    It's probably true because of their past pattern but also a little hard to say when we've only heard about 6 episodes so far. For all we know, Ryan could be getting the latter half of the season and Frank might find his ex-wife dead in a canal somewhere or Valera gets attacked in her home while someone steals the access codes for the lab, getting away with millions of dollars worth of cocaine that were stashed in the evidence locker temporarily. :p

    At any rate, so far this season looks okay to me. I'll definitely be tuning in.

    Please don't let it be the mob. :p A complete twist and it be something simple and somewhat tragic would be cool.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  7. adorelo

    adorelo CSI Level Two

    Aug 10, 2007
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    Now they actually sound like episodes.... You got a secret Gen, sweetie?

    I just want a wider scope for the season. I mean, the E/C/J romance is incredibly tense. Horatio's family problems are interesting. Ryan's qualms with the lab and Nat's struggles provide much intrigue... but... why can't they spread the cameras equally and capture each of these wonderful angles as well as the crime. Other shows manage the balance, I just don't see why Miami can't.
  8. greatfan

    greatfan Captain

    May 2, 2008
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    Now these stories sound great.
  9. CSI_Kat

    CSI_Kat Addicted to Gutterville Moderator

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Geni - you should forward this to TPTB - maybe the writers can learn something about originality from you.
  10. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
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    Many. :shifty: :lol:

    Really though, any one of us could come up with awesome ideas. There's a Fan Episode Idea thread floating around here somewhere I'm sure, unless it's been zapped by pruning.

    Maybe they will this season? Please? I'll do a naked rain dance if it'll help.

    I do like that they're adding in new elements...I think. Well, okay the crane hitting the building is kind of like that rocket slamming through the courtroom and the hole in the floor is sort of similar to that car falling through the bridge into an underground mine but while we're singing the same song, at least we're on a different verse. :p
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  11. mjszud

    mjszud Captain

    Apr 5, 2007
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    Yes, different verse...but by midseason they better end the damn "song" & play us another tune cause this one is beginning to suck! Time for a new diddy PTB.;)

    That's all I'm asking as well ( for now). I don't wish to see anyone leave the show, but there are plenty of storylines that could be dealt with here & they don't & SHOULDN'T always have to involve Horatio, Eric or Calleigh. It would be completely different if they allowed the others to interact with those characters throughout thier "drama" such as H talking to Eric about his work struggles ( he is his boss & brother in law) & there isn't a single character who talks to Horatio about his personal problems.

    The plots have been ridiculous for years & I've played along because I adore the characters & that it was a team that was looked at as a "family". These 2 "stories" that have been forced into the last season has taken every bit of that away, they've all lost thier true connection to each other & at the same time managed to push other characters on the backburner.

    :lol: Me too... me too.
  12. C.H.E.A.R.

    C.H.E.A.R. Pathologist

    Jul 24, 2008
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    I'm more siked for episode 6 than the first one! LOL! It sounds so interesting. From the moment I read the spoilers for the 6th episode I was like I gotta make a oneshot for this on! But then I'm like 'no' it won't come out as great as I want it, cause all I'm focused on is the crane hitting the place and the other parts of the story won't come out good and I'm a bit lazy to finish it. I don't wanna start something I can't finish and I don't really know any court terms, like what is said in court and stuff. I ask myself 'Where should the witness sit?', 'should he be beside Eric and Cal, or should he be on the stand?' or 'what kinda of furniture in a court room could Eric be stuck under?'

    If you guys have read any of my stories you might notice I try for the most part, to stay away from cases, just love scenes.

    But I challenge anyone of you to make a good oneshot of this episode. I WILL READ IT!
  13. cainesugar

    cainesugar Coroner

    Jan 22, 2007
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    As much as I love Eric, Horatio and Calleigh, and don't exactly love Boa Vista, I agree. Hopefully Ryan's role in Horatio's shooting gives him some sort of a storyline, because he needs one- and not a negative one. I'm tired of the gambling, mistakes in the lab, getting fired crap. Give him a good storyline, like Cal and Eric and god knows Horatio have been getting.

    Do you know that I love you, Gen? :lol: :D

    I think you just said what's on every single CSI: Miami fan's mind, especially mine. And I'm still laughing. We can love Horatio, while still dislike what they have his character do.
  14. Florry86

    Florry86 CSI Level Three

    Jul 16, 2007
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    I think that EP did a great job with Calleigh's character especially in the last episodes, despite the bad storylines TPTB alwyas build for her.
    I mean "Stand Your Ground" was one of the most ridiculous episodes ever where we had a cop who shot deliberately in the middle of the street in daytime:eek:. One of the most unrealistic plots ever, but EP was able to make it at least semi-realisic with her acting.
    Also the kidnapping :rolleyes: , if you think about it I'm pretty sure everybody knows a better way to kidnap a person, but, again, her performance made that epsiode realistic. You could see from her facial expression that Calleigh for the first time was scared although she tried to be strong.
    As for the last episode I'll admit that the only looking the plots Calleigh seems as if anything happened for the whole year (she looks like she has forgotten the car crashes, the shootings and the kidnapping). Now whenever I watch on of the last episodes I can see what a terrific job EP is doing with Calleigh: you can see her staying not very close to the criminals and trying not be alone whenever she has to talk with them. I'm sure 100% that it wasn't an idea of TPTB, but I do think that at least EP is trying to develop Calleigh.

    :lol::lol:at the part about Valera. That would be really interesting to watch.

    Well I can't wait to watch it 'cause I think it would be a really good season. At least I hope it's slightly better than s6;).

    Let's candidate Geni as new author for the show. I'm sure you'll do a great job my dear:thumbsup:

    Agreed 100%.

    :lol: Me too... me too.[/quote]
    Let's all do a naked rain dance :lol:

    As for the wreck I do think it's pretty original the idea of the crane :lol: although I'm pretty sure that Calleigh will get out of the building without any scratch as always :rolleyes:
    **starts looking for some cryptonite against Calleigh**
  15. delkolover

    delkolover CSI Level Three

    Oct 21, 2006
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    I don't know if this was mentioned by someone else yet but Valera is in the episode.

    Hey, I don't critique'em, I report'em!!! ;)

    There are a lot of things this show needs to change and can change but hell they probably won't change while I think this ep does show more potential than the first few have, I do think the team is less frequently seen together as in earlier seasons which makes things disjointed....although Vegas was like that for a while too.
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