Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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Actually, it only 24 episode. It maybe another part one and two part like they did last years or could be 2 hours like Graves Danger. I would said, Part 1 of two part.
I don't think they'd go back to 23 episodes after having had 24 the previous two seasons so I'm leaning toward 24. But that's just me. :)
unable to control his flatulence? :rolleyes: are they trying to get cheap laughs from 8 year olds? i really hope they re-write that...
Flatulence is just excessive gas in the digestive tract. I don't think we will see/hear him.... Unable to control it so to speak. We will probably just hear from another person how it was.... Annoying. Maybe I'm totally wrong, haha.

The next few episodes do sound pretty interesting. I can't wait to see them.

I was looking on my calendar, and the season finale last year was mid-may (May 18th). The mid-May date is May 17th this year (Thursday) and that is 7 episodes from April 5th until May 17th (If they do seven weeks of no repeats) making 24 episodes in total. Woah, I think I just did some math in my head.
allmaple said:
unable to control his flatulence? :rolleyes: are they trying to get cheap laughs from 8 year olds? i really hope they re-write that...

I agree with you, if they don't re-write that the show will lose all cridablitiy and respect.
vegaslights said:

Do we know how many episodes there are this season? Because so far this episode isn't leaving me 'happy.' :p

I've read there will be 24 eps this season, unfortunatly I can't remember where I read it!

Also I wonder if this thing that is revealed in Ep 20 about Hodges is just something that is shown to the viewers and the characters find won't find out about it until later because in ep 21 he is acting like his normal self and sucking up to Grissom.

Also I read on BTA that in ep 21 Ending Happy there is suppposed to be a cute scene where one of the whores flirts with Greg while he takes her DNA (hopfully they won't cut this)
According to The Futon Critic regarding how many eps:
CURRENT SEASON: 7 (24 episodes)
Thanks Destiny!

And I hope they don't cut any scene where a 'whore' flirts with Greg. That would be cute to see his reaction haha.
andymah said:
I wouldn't be surprised if the writers kept with the same theme of Grissom's amazing literary knowledge.

Wow. That is a great theory. I would truly be impressed if they went that route. But honestly, I don't believe they would. Mostly because they (the television media as a whole) don't give their viewers much credit at all. To relate the entire story arc to something so literary would be a difficult task. I'm not sure if they are up to it. Even if they are, I'm not sure they believe WE are cabable of grasping it.

Carol said that it is someone that the viewers have met already and that there are clues to who it is.

Thank you for that. I couldn't remember specifically what she said. Henry would be a likely candidate, especially given your well thought out scenario. I wouldn't be disappointed with that, as long as they tie up the loose ends. I'm worried about being disappointed when it's all over. I don't want that to happen because I've been enjoying the MCSK episodes so much.
Hmmm...maybe Keppler isn't dead?

Or, it's Milander...I know in the commentary on the DVD's the writers kept saying that everyone really liked that actor and they were all sad to see the story end...then they added "or did it?" to the end of the commentary!
Hmm... well, he did make those fake arms with his exact fingerprints, so I suppose he could also pull off making the mini scenes :lol:
McStokes said:
Hmmm...maybe Keppler isn't dead?

Or, it's Milander...I know in the commentary on the DVD's the writers kept saying that everyone really liked that actor and they were all sad to see the story end...then they added "or did it?" to the end of the commentary!
I like that theory. I liked that guy, he was a fun character. But, I don't know if it'd be a very exciting end to the storyline. He is obviously good with making/creating things, but that is not like his serial killing ways. He killed people and staged their suicides, not make replicas of their house's and murder them. But, I get some people change over time hehe. I never thought of Milander until now though, and I think they could make it work.

I hope before the season ends we will see Warrick and Nick do a crime scene together. I miss the old episodes where they had some fun on the job. Remember the Phantom driver? When they'd joke together? Hmm.
vegaslights said: Keppler is dead.
Its a theory, course it could be a look alike to him if Liev decides to return for an appearance, or the actor could come back as another character. But the fact that we say Keppler was shot and the EMT said he died, could mean alot of things, in theory, heck its easy to flatline someone, and Grissom and Catherine walked away quickly, doc wasn't seen, heck nothing more was seen after that.

Theory could be that they flatlined him, but he wasn't dead but was working for example with the FBI they kill him and no one is the wiser. Do I think that happened? probably not but hey its a theory.
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