Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

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The MCSK strikes again in Loco Motives but I can't remember if it is solved, I think though it leads to Grissom leaving to take a break but I don't know if it's going to end there. I don't know of the air dates, I think there is supposed to be a break in Dec but I could be wrong.

But anyway I am looking forward to this ep because Nick & Greg will finally work a case together!! (if re-writes didn't muck it up)
thanks wojo :) maybe they can skip the december break and put it in march?(in march im moving to the states and will have a couple weeks with no computer and possibly no tv)

is locomotives after happenstance? im looking forward to another mini crimescene!
Yes, Happenstance is ep 8 and airs this week (there is an discussion thread up for it already)then there is ep 9 Living Ledgend and LM is -ep 10.
ah, living ledgend first :) thanks.
thats the one with the mobster who has something to do with catherine, right?
I read a spoiler a little while ago of who is the the mini-model maker killer and it's not Keppler, it's someone that is kind of out of the blue (I can't remember his name now), but it is that killer that leads Grissom to taking the break, the case is closed, so there is no way it could be Keppler, the crime gets solved before Grissom leaves.

And I'm just waiting for Greg and Nick to work a case together, this season has been a draught of Nick and Greg scenes.
Wojo said:
But anyway I am looking forward to this ep because Nick & Greg will finally work a case together!! (if re-writes didn't muck it up)

Good, I'm not the only one that's been waiting for that! :D
Oh no, believe me, you're not, that was one of the best spoilers I've read. :) Technically Sofia is there as well, but really, it's Nick and Greg taking the lead.
Different subject but related to spoilers, how much of the season do they have filmed at this point--are they totally finished and starting work on season 8 or are they still filming episodes for this season?
labgeekluvr said:
Different subject but related to spoilers, how much of the season do they have filmed at this point--are they totally finished and starting work on season 8 or are they still filming episodes for this season?

season 8?! :D:D:D
Lab-I believe they are still filming Season 7 and don't start filming Season 8 until the middle of the summer of next year or around that time.
I thought I read somewhere, maybe in the news files, that they had started filming the air shots of Las Vegas for next season but none of the actual story stuff.

Anyhow I was just curious, since this is the season 7 spoiler lab I won't keep on about it.
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