Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

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Greg is in the epi too, sometimes only certain spoilers come out, that epi looks great too. This season I think they've raised the bar..but then again, I think the show has always been good.
But lets remember something about spoilers, they are about a whole ep, not just one character, while the ep might be eccentric [character], the possiblity that other things in the ep would also be of interest to people.

For instance, Say the ep is Greg eccentric, and Warrick eccentric, while discussing about your fav is good, what about the other part. Spoilers should not revolve around just a fav character but about the ep as a whole.

Also some complained awhile back about the mentioning of 'disliking a character' in her (and in the ep discussion thread) but yet "I love [character] or [character doesn't get enough screen time] is constantly being posted in here, which doesn't have anything to do with spoilers. It was requested that we do something about the disliking, and we did, we directed them to the thread for that, but to be fair it was also stated that discussing how you love your fav character, or how much screen time they get should be done in their respective threads as this is for spoilers of future eps.

Hopefully folks are getting the gist of what I am saying because honestly its can be frustrating, for all involved, and we are trying to balance it out, for everyone as much as it is humanly possible.
I took this spoiler directly from Black Tie affair

Epiosde 13 - Sweet Jane

Catherine and Keppler lead the investigation of a girl's murder and the team discover there are similarities between this case and other three unsolved ones. Turns out four girls with similar looks die in the same way at different times (1981, 1989, 1997, 2006), but only the last one is identified. The other three ended up being Jane Does. Keppler finds out that the four girls might have been patients of the same dentist who has been working for a dental clinic for over 30 years. Poor Nicky. He goes to the courthouse for the evidence of the old cases, but they have been destroyed by rats! LMAO. Doc whistles when he is getting ready to perform an autopsy on the girl, Annabeth. Sofia comes in, tells him to let her know when he's done. She also tells him to stop whistling. The initial script says she is somber in this scene. I'm guessing it's because
the girl's parents can't take the news when she informs them and are completely heartbroken. They also don't want an autopsy. The father tells Sofia "no. You're not cutting her open."

There will also be Catherine/Keppler, Catherine/Sara, Catherine/Greg,[Cath/Greg convo in the lab while checking out a video: Catherine thinks that there's something wrong with Keppler's style of processing/investigating she just can't pinpoint the particular reason.. Keppler knows what he is doing but at the back of her mind she thinks he's skipping steps and Catherine is quite 'troubled' about it. Greg tells Cath that she also sizes up people pretty quickly.]

Warrick/Keppler scenes. And it seems that Catherine thinks there's something wrong about Keppler. The title, Sweet Jane, comes from Velvet Underground's song which is going to be played in the beginning of the episode.
Hmm, interesting. And more detailed than what I read at YTDAW. I think I've heard they can get like a court override or something unless there's something like a religious objection, then they can't, if they need an autopsy and have that problem. Am I right?
First, I love the song Sweet Jane, more to the point the cover version, second, thank you for this, and third, because I have to, Greg's line-- like it when he's a little snarky, but it makes me wonder if Catherine is sizing him up too quickly or there is really something going on there. Sounds like a great episode.
Hmm.. is anyone else getting the feeling that Keppler has something to do with the mini crime scenes.

Hha probably not but that would be an interesting twist...

The Episode discussion for "Happenstance" is now up, please referre all discussions of this ep to that thread, as this is for future eps.

Keppler having something to do with the mini crime scenes would be a cool twist to the show. Maybe Lady Heather may be the next victim? Probably not though, just another interesting twist.
Maybe Mrs James and her evil son will be the next victims. (poof the civil suit against Greg will disapear). Of course that might make Greg a suspect...
didnt it say that the mini crimescene case gets solved in locomotives? or was that my imagination?
would be interesting if keppler is the killer though, but totally not likely!
does anyone know what the airdates are (im allready nervous about march airdates :p)
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