Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

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If you'd actually been watching the show this season you'd know that there are other characters besides Jo.
I did!:thumbsup: I watched "Death House" and I saw them there!:thumbsup: And I did see a couple shows earlier... cant make an assessment if I did not watch at least a couple :) How else could I have come to my keen observation and precise ability of critiquing thus far?
But it only makes sense that Jo gets more focus in the beginning.
:lol:BEGINNING?!:lol: If I'm not mistaken they are half way thru the season! oh my:confused:... I hope the writers havent succumbed to the inert reasoning of the inability for the other characters to step up to the plate, they have only been building there fan base for what, seven years?:rolleyes: At least Hawkes may be getting a little little before the end of the season,but we heard THAT before.:lol: When all else fails send in the clowns:lol:
If you'd actually been watching the show this season you'd know that there are other characters besides Jo.
I did!:thumbsup: I watched "Death House" and I saw them there!:thumbsup: And I did see a couple shows earlier... cant make an assessment if I did not watch at least a couple :) How else could I have come to my keen observation and precise ability of critiquing thus far?

My bad. Of course two episodes out of a half of a season is more than enough to make assessments about the show as a whole.

But it only makes sense that Jo gets more focus in the beginning.
:lol:BEGINNING?!:lol: If I'm not mistaken they are half way thru the season! oh my:confused:... I hope the writers havent succumbed to the inert reasoning of the inability for the other characters to step up to the plate, they have only been building there fan base for what, seven years?:rolleyes: At least Hawkes may be getting a little little before the end of the season,but we heard THAT before.:lol: When all else fails send in the clowns:lol:

She's only been on the show for half a season. If that's not the "beginning" for the character then I don't know what is. Integrating a new lead character on a show that's in its seventh season is hard. The two leads are going to get the focus anyway and the new character needs to play catch up with the others so viewers know who they are and what they're about. I personally think they've done a good job integrating Jo, but then I'm not bitter about Melina leaving, so I've been open minded about a new actress/character joining the cast.
My bad. Of course two episodes out of a half of a season is more than enough to make assessments about the show as a whole.
This is true.:thumbsup: Some people are quicker learned than others and thus take less time in formng an opinion:)

I personally think they've done a good job integrating Jo,
I guess I'm just not as docile as some:lol:[/quote]

but then I'm not bitter about Melina leaving, so I've been open minded about a new actress/character joining the cast.
AAHHH yes tis a bitter pill I had to swallow and life does go on, but there is always hope!:thumbsup: As she isnt dead yet so I will "tune in tomorrow" as they say in the world of soap and maybe the whimsical notion shall come true and I will live happily ever!:thumbsup: Meanwhile as I said before it would be nice to see Flack and others for a change...I know some find this hard to believe but not everyone is mesmerized by the new girl in town!:lol:
My bad. Of course two episodes out of a half of a season is more than enough to make assessments about the show as a whole.
This is true.:thumbsup: Some people are quicker learned than others and thus take less time in formng an opinion:)

And some made up their minds before they'd even seen the new season and would have the same opinion regardless of if they've watched any episodes. ;)

I personally think they've done a good job integrating Jo,
I guess I'm just not as docile as some:lol:

Or maybe others just see no point in continually visiting a message board only to make snarky comments about a show they no longer watch.

but then I'm not bitter about Melina leaving, so I've been open minded about a new actress/character joining the cast.
yes tis a bitter pill I had to swallow and life does go on, but there is always hope!:thumbsup: As she isnt dead yet so I will "tune in tomorrow" as they say in the world of soap and maybe the whimsical notion shall come true and I will live happily ever!:thumbsup: Meanwhile as I said before it would be nice to see Flack and others for a change...I know some find this hard to believe but not everyone is mesmerized by the new girl in town!:lol:

I believe that not everyone likes Jo, but the most vocal people about it are the ones who are pissed Melina left and wouldn't like anyone no matter what they did. And if you've read spoilers you'd see that Flack is getting some focus coming up as is Hawkes. But what does it matter if other characters get focus if you're not watching?
And some made up their minds before they'd even seen the new season and would have the same opinion regardless of if they've watched any episodes. ;)
:confused: But how can they have an opinion if they never watched any?:confused: Lucky I watched a couple:eek:

Or maybe others just see no point in continually visiting a message board only to make snarky comments about a show they no longer watch.
Gee to bad for them:( I enjoy posting AND reading the posts:) Helps me to keep up with whats happening!:lol:

I believe that not everyone likes Jo, but the most vocal people about it are the ones who are pissed Melina left and wouldn't like anyone no matter what they did.
Cant speak for them, only for me but I never heard of Melina Kanakaredes before CSINY and thus was introduced to Stella Bonasara. Love that girl!:thumbsup:As for Sela Ward ...I had heard of her in the past, saw her on "House" as well,even watched the first couple of episodes of CSINY to make a fair assessment and my conclusion is still the same, dont care for her or "Jo" maybe it is the characters Ward plays they seem to have a smugness about them. I just dont cuddle up to them, as for the actress she doesnt do that much for me sorry. I'm just not gonna get all excited and wet my pants every time she shows up on screen :lol:....Dont care for Lindsey either if that helps. And that didnt start when they killed off Jess (my other favorite female character ) I believe I am allowed to like and dislike whom ever I want.

executive producer Pam Veasey tells us. "It's time that he start a relationship, or at least have the idea that there's somebody out there that he enjoys company with."
Gee where have I heard that before:lol: still waiting for the last "have the idea" she suggested. It seems as soon as these "ideas" are introduced ADHD sets in and they move on to something else...and not usually about the same character if you know what I mean!
I used to like Lindsay ,but now she just irritates me, and I watched the ep where Angell got shot and killed, I hated the fact that they killed her off, when I feel that it should have been Lindsay.
I used to like Lindsay ,but now she just irritates me, and I watched the ep where Angell got shot and killed, I hated the fact that they killed her off, when I feel that it should have been Lindsay.
I know what you mean. I liked Lindsey at first but I loved Aiden and was so sorry to see her go:( But as Jo I thought I would give her a chance...UGH! The more I watched her the less I like her and when they ruined Danny in the process just because they brought Annas personal circumstances into the show that kind of sealed it for me. There is no more Danny he is Dindsey now:lol:

By the way why kill off Jess?:confused: I thought I read it had to do with budget? So everyone loves to speak of the multiple millions they must have paid for such an extremly talented Ward... What? the money tree has finally reached maturity in the back yard?
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Aiden was awesome. I loved Vanessa Ferlito on the show and she had great chemistry with all of the cast. I loved the fact that she was a real New Yorker and had that distinctive accent and attitude just like Eddie/Flack and Carmine/Danny. Those three together made the show worthwhile watching.

I know it's always a matter of taste but Anna Belknap is one of the most boring actors on the show. She doesn't contribute anything (except boredom) and her character Lindsay couldn't be more disliked by me. The whole Danny/Lindsay story line should have never happened. It totally messed up everything and Danny's edgy and gripping character is disappearing more and more. I also don't get the whole excitement about Danny/Lindsay as there is absolutely NO chemistry between them. One of the most boring couples on TV. If they would have put Danny together with Aiden now that would have been a completely different story because both actors are really talented and just clicked from the very beginning.
NO chemistry between them. One of the most boring couples on TV. If they would have put Danny together with Aiden now that would have been a completely different story because both actors are really talented and just clicked from the very beginning.
You are so RIGHT!!! I loved Danny and Aiden! The chemistry between them and the fact that they were New Yorkers really was great to watch:thumbsup: "Your so out of your league Messer"!:lol:
Hehe, I was just coming to post that. I'll be back with more info in a little bit. :D

ETA: Here we go.
7.17 "Do Or Die":

~ The episode starts in a prep school on the Upper East Side called Bradford Academy. The principal is leading prospective students (and parents) through the halls, discussing the school's academics and extracurricular activities. Kids who go to Bradford are aiming for Ivy League schools.

~ The group is shocked when a young woman staggers toward them with blood running down her face and neck. She collapses onto the ground, dead.

~ The victim is Michelle Prescott, the most popular girl in school. She was incredibly smart and talented - this is a girl who was going places. She was attacked in the girls' bathroom, and her head was slammed against the sink.

~ During the investigation, the team discovers that one of the students (Ben) has been making pornographic videos in the library. They confront him, but he swears that all of the girls in the video are 18 and signed consent forms. When they suggest that Michelle found out what Ben was doing and threatened to tell on him (and that he might have killed her to keep her quiet), he insists that Michelle didn't want to shut his little business down: she wanted to be in one of the videos.

~ I see everyone's name mentioned. It doesn't seem to be a character-centric episode. :)

~ Danny and Lindsay have a moment, but I can't really be more specific than that. It's just the two of them in the library, and I think maybe they're recreating/demonstrating something. It's when they discover that Ben has been having sex in the library, so I think (keep in mind this is just my theory) maybe they find evidence and recreate the situation of how the evidence got there (which might look intimate?) - Sorry if that all sounds confusing. There's not much to go on, but I thought I'd mention it for those who are interested. I can't guarantee that my theory is correct, though, so don't hold me to it. :p

~ Lucy is also mentioned. After Danny and Lindsay figure out someone has been having sex in the library (and wonder if it might have been a teacher with a student), Lindsay suggests that maybe Lucy should be home schooled. ;)
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Hehe, I was just coming to post that. I'll be back with more info in a little bit. :D

I'm glad you ended up posting it, because I didn't understand a damn thing when I was skimming through the spoilers. :lol: :lol:

Sounds like an interesting episode. Thanks, Faylinn! :D
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