Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

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Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Yep that was an airbag alright. Poor Catherine.
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

I've seen this one, but it's so fast it's hard to pay attention. I do agree with melbel though after finding the scene. ouch.
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

GregIsHott said:
people saw scripts???? :confused: like on the "World Wide Web" :lol:
ya I am confused People saw scripts??? :confused: :confused:
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

John Mayer is great, now I'm getting all excited for the new season...when it will finally start over like 5 years or something, we haven't even had season 6 :(
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**


iam new to this forum, so iam sorry if this does not apply to any one here but would be nice to know where it does apply

iam from the UK and have been seening some promos for season 7 (i hope) advertised on living TV for a new season of csi

Has any one else seen these and knows when the new season of CSI starts on living TV

Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Thanks Erica! Whoo John Mayer! I bet the pics of the other cast will come soon-ish. :)
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

OOOHHHH John Mayer, I can't wait for that one, better than Kevin Federline ;)!
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

OHHH way better then "K-Fed" but seeing These pics makes me want to see the season even more I can't wait!!!
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Not sure if this has already been answered, apologies if it has. They are from the new 30 promo that is airing on CBS. The WPAP doesn't usually cap those or put up all the promos that air, but there are some great sites that do and put up the clips, Omaetoy's and GSR sites are two, but I'm sure most know about these anyways :)


desertwind said:
THANK'S cathsaralover for the great promo caps- wow where'd you get these-? the WPAP site doesn't even have these- :( much appreciated- and Billy look's pretty damn cute ;)
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Season 7, 7x01 Built to Kill Promo pics from EricaSJ.

There are gazillions more.. :lol: 15 promo pics of Season 7 in total, (of Gil, Catherine, Nick, John Mayer).. all are available on (its on Show Discussion>> Season 7>> 7x01 Built to Kill Part 1, page 5)
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

I am not clear as to how to find these promo pics on this site. Can you direct me to them?
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Oh its posted on Show Discussion >> Season 7>> 7x01 Built to Kill, Part One. Its on page 5.
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