Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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Well, to me as someone with a dirty mind 'putting out' means that one person will eventually give in to sleeping with another individual. On many occasions I've heard a male say, "Damn, if I see another [insert chick flick title here] with her she'd better put out!" which means they want a little somethin' somethin' :devil:.

:lol: Oh, why do I have a feeling that I gave an answer that didn't relate to what Top41 said.
Danny's putting out for everybody these days, and Stella comes into contact with possibly contaminated blood. That seems to be what we've got for now, right?
I need to check my sources again but that's all I remember.

Having a brain fart and I'm not quite sure what "putting out" means? That would probably clear things up for me...
Where I am, "putting out" means they'll "do it" with just about anybody. So, when Top says that Danny's putting out for everybody, I think she means he's "doing it" with just about anybody. :p
Thanks Darx for the article - that's one problem being over here, our favourite American show doesn't get much press! :(
The Danny thing was sarcasm...just a joke because he got called slutty a few pages back.

Either way, I think the spoilers we have are pretty good! February sweeps should be exciting.
^^Oh yeah, I knew you were kidding. I just used your sentence as an example. ;)

These spoilers are definately good. February is gonna be really interesting.
Faylinn: I love your new icon! AJ looks great there!
Hee! isn't he a hottie? :lol:

Less than 24 hours until the new episode. I can't wait to see Danny's scene with the dominatrix. :lol: And Danny/Hawkes/Angell working together. :D :D :D
I was upset, like many others, about Bush's speech. I used to work on Wednesdays and didn't get home until just enough time to see CSI:NY. So, when Wednesday came last week I already had too much time on my hands that didn't know what to do with. So, I was upset that it was set back 30 minutes and a rerun.

I'm so excited about tonight's episode.
CBS posted a clip from tonight's episode on Youtube, featuring Danny and the dominatrix.

ETA: Since it's legally posted by CBS, Im allowed to mention it right..?
^A mention is cool, and if it really is posted by CBS a link probably is too. But I think to be on the safe side a mention is enough. Funny that they're promoting the part with Danny and the dominatrix! It must be funny. :lol: Danny certainly needs a spanking from someone. :lol:
Yup, Top, it was posted by CBS. It's even got the logo and a big ad for the site beside it. LOL.

Sadly though, there's not spanking involved, just a routine questioning ;) :lol:

Here's the link.
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