Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion

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Still, if the character is 35, that's the same age as Greg (cause last I checked Greg was the same age as Eric is in real life), so she could be a love interest for him. Could we see Nicky playing match-maker? LOL.

Oh, I like this. Lovin's for Greggo!

And I like Speedy's theory of her being a smart-ass. I like me a smart-ass. :lol:
But we don't watch this show for love interests and romance - we watch it for the forensics, the drama, and the characters we already know and love. And for me it's getting annoying to keep seeing their screen time cut down just because there's some new face on the scene who's suddenly getting all the storylines because they need a load of background filling in and character building. It's just not on.

I don't want to see anyone get with the new tech. And if they do, I want to see her killed in a tragic bomb-related explosives accident so that we can get back to the main characters.
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But we don't watch this show for love interests and romance - we watch it for the forensics, the drama, and the characters we already know and love. And for me it's getting annoying to keep seeing their screen time cut down just because there's some new face on the scene who's suddenly getting all the storylines because they need a load of background filling in and character building. It's just not on.

I really doubt she's going to all the storylines and screen time. She isn't Fishburne, nor a big time movie star. They really only did this with him and he was cast as the male lead.

I wouldn't worry. I'm sure she'll just be a recurring character and she isn't being cast a female lead so she won't be that much of a fixture.
Still makes no sense to me why Wendy had to go. And also why they need an explosives expert instead of a DNA tech. Hope the "new creative direction" doesn't mean "now we're going to blow stuff up instead of using forensics (DNA) to catch criminals". :rolleyes:

And I like Speedy's theory of her being a smart-ass. I like me a smart-ass. :lol:

Gee...I thought that said, "Like me, a smart-ass". :lol: And I was not going to disagree! :guffaw:
Still makes no sense to me why Wendy had to go. And also why they need an explosives expert instead of a DNA tech. Hope the "new creative direction" doesn't mean "now we're going to blow stuff up instead of using forensics (DNA) to catch criminals". :rolleyes:

I always thought that Greg did more trace than DNA. :lol: I guess that's why I'm not really worried about who's going to do DNA.

It doesn't sound like she's going to be just explosives. From the description on her twitter - "Ballistics, Arson, Bombs, & Explosives" - it sounds more like she's going to take over for Bobby D. who's only been in 3 episodes in the last 2 seasons.

As much as I love Sienna and her work, why do tptb believe they need an 'explosives' expert? With Liz gone, that should still leave at least six techs...they have less CSI's and they're supposed to be the centre of the show.

And now she's supposed to be Ballistics? Well, there goes Bobby's few minutes of screen time per season:shifty:

I'm wondering if she's part of an ongoing storyline they are embarking on. I mean they've done the serial killer arc for a couple of seasons, maybe this is a new one.
I'm wondering if she's part of an ongoing storyline they are embarking on. I mean they've done the serial killer arc for a couple of seasons, maybe this is a new one.

I really hope they're done with the serial killer arcs. I know that, according to sociological theory, there is at least one active serial killer in every major city right now. But how many does Vegas have? And how many are going to play games with the Crime Lab?

Does anyone remember the good old days of the first few seasons, when there wasn't that much character drama, there was one or two serial killers who appeared a handful of times over the course of five seasons, and most of the nightshift's crimes were at night?
Yeah I think we should be done with serial killers, for now:rolleyes: And the "new direction" might mean focusing on the personal lives of our CSI's. Nick and maybe a love interest and Greggie, Sara and her "long distance marriage" Ray who's married, but we've yet to see his other half:confused: Not to ever take away from the stories and the crime scenes, but more on what the CSI's do after hours:cool:
But we don't watch this show for love interests and romance - we watch it for the forensics, the drama, and the characters we already know and love.

I agree totally. I really hope they're not bringing in a new female character just to be a love interest for someone else.

One of the things I've thought about with regards to Liz's leaving and a new girl coming in - with Wendy/Hodges and Catherine/Vartann (and of course Sara being married), Mandy is the only single female left on the show (and she's not a regular). Maybe part of letting Liz go is to get away from everyone being "paired up."

Yes, I'm trying to think of positive reasons here :rolleyes: - I'm going to miss Wendy's attitude in the lab, regardless of her relationship with Hodges. :(

Does anyone remember the good old days of the first few seasons, when there wasn't that much character drama, there was one or two serial killers who appeared a handful of times over the course of five seasons, and most of the nightshift's crimes were at night?

Most of the "character drama" I remember from the early seasons were about Catherine and the single mom thing - I'm very glad they stopped having her run home and hug Lindsey every other case.
Yeah I think we should be done with serial killers, for now:rolleyes: And the "new direction" might mean focusing on the personal lives of our CSI's. Nick and maybe a love interest and Greggie, Sara and her "long distance marriage" Ray who's married, but we've yet to see his other half:confused: Not to ever take away from the stories and the crime scenes, but more on what the CSI's do after hours:cool:
The thing is with these personal tones is that it can take over the crime drama element. The personal part should be low key because CSI is not soap melodrama.
The explosives girl partnered with Nick doesn't sound too young, being that she is 35.
At least she's not a 18 or 19 year old teenybopper
i like the hodges and wendy love interest thing made it that little bit interesting we'll in the lab anyway, it wasnt over the top just enought to think could something happen. I think the episodes where the main focus was the Lab rats where fantastic and the episode You Kill Me in series 8 was hilarious. the charecters come together so well. i dunno how they will manage to do that now wendy is going.

A quote from henry : you will be missed.
i like the hodges and wendy love interest thing made it that little bit interesting we'll in the lab anyway, it wasnt over the top just enought to think could something happen. I think the episodes where the main focus was the Lab rats where fantastic and the episode You Kill Me in series 8 was hilarious. the charecters come together so well. i dunno how they will manage to do that now wendy is going.

A quote from henry : you will be missed.

Well, the lab rats did manage to survive without her for six years, I think they can manage it for another one. They can still be hilarious without her eg. Werewolves, Henry in Appendicitement, Bobby in Take My Life, Please.

Of course, this is on the assumption that they're coming back and won't just fade into the background so that this new tech/CSI can take the spotlight...
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