Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 4

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Just saying....if the promos start announcing a shocking discovery.......well, I wouldn't be overly surprised. We all know that tptb don't always follow continuity when producing a new episode. And the fact that Ray said he hasn't killed anyone except in self defense.... well, I'm pretty sure if Ray was found out to be a serial killer, telling lies would not seem too important. :devil:

Gee, I love it when someone comes up with an idea that gets the board talking. The repeats on CBS have really sloooowed down the chatter around here. :lol:
Ray did too kill someone. Season finale two years ago.

What they're saying is a surprise reveal like 'Oh, when you weren't seeing him on camera, Ray was a killer! Muahhahhah!' Which would be stupid, because it's TV and you need to SHOW, not TELL ;)

TPTB hired the fan-freakin-tastic Liev Schrieber to be a killer. He rocked that role, too :) Nothing wrong with the idea, except they haven't built it up properly, so it would be epicly bad.

Ray killed someone in self defense, while on a crime scene, he did not kill women for the sport of it like Haskell and bury them with strange necklaces around their necks. And Liev Schrieber as Keppler ..yawn-yawn-snooze-snooze, no comparsion ever with these two, one was a complete bore, and one is so exciting, my opinion:bolian:
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Ray did too kill someone. Season finale two years ago.

What they're saying is a surprise reveal like 'Oh, when you weren't seeing him on camera, Ray was a killer! Muahhahhah!' Which would be stupid, because it's TV and you need to SHOW, not TELL ;)

TPTB hired the fan-freakin-tastic Liev Schrieber to be a killer. He rocked that role, too :) Nothing wrong with the idea, except they haven't built it up properly, so it would be epicly bad.

Ray killed someone in self defense, while on a crime scene, he did not kill women for the sport of it like Haskell and bury them with strange necklaces around their necks. And Liev Schrieber ..yawn-yawn-snooze-snooze, no comparsion ever with these two, one was a complete bore, and one is so exciting, my opinion:bolian:

While i'm aware it's your opinion you probably could have phrased it in a way that was less juvenile and offensive to fans of Liev and his character on CSI, my opinion:bolian:
It would be nice for all fans to show respect for each other's differing opinions, or at least "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Personally, I liked Schrieber and the Keppler storyline. The point in bringing him up in this discussion though, wasn't to debate how interesting the character/actor was, but to show that the 'killer' CSI thing has been done before (with proper buildup).

I think it would be totally weird for Ray to turn out to be a serial killer though. And as GNRFan said, it would totally negate the contrast in the courtroom scene - and just propagate the idea that genetics is destiny.

However, if Ray does kill Haskell, there would have to be an investigation into the circumstances. No police department is going to condone and reward a vigilante, no matter what the criminal had done. If there is some uncertainty about whether or not LF will return for another season, that sort of investigation could lead to a lot of different outcomes (LF returns, Ray is cleared; LF doesn't return, Ray is fired/jailed or is cleared and leaves to move to LA with Gloria or something :)).
I happened to really like Keppler, thank you very much. And we all know that it would be stupid writing for Ray to be a serial killer. The theory presented by Speedy was a joke. Or at least, that's how I took it and went with it. Being lighthearted and making jokes around this site is needed every so often.

As a great man once said, "Why so serious?" ;)
However, if Ray does kill Haskell, there would have to be an investigation into the circumstances. No police department is going to condone and reward a vigilante, no matter what the criminal had done. If there is some uncertainty about whether or not LF will return for another season, that sort of investigation could lead to a lot of different outcomes (LF returns, Ray is cleared; LF doesn't return, Ray is fired/jailed or is cleared and leaves to move to LA with Gloria or something :)).

Not to mention that he was a victim of Haskell and should not be working on this case. :rolleyes: And anytime a cop or CSI kills someone there is always an investigation.

He will not get a medal :rolleyes: he will or should be reprimanded for it. Why? Because he shoudn't be there in the first place. :wtf:

I happened to really like Keppler, thank you very much. And we all know that it would be stupid writing for Ray to be a serial killer. The theory presented by Speedy was a joke. Or at least, that's how I took it and went with it. Being lighthearted and making jokes around this site is needed every so often.

As a great man once said, "Why so serious?" ;)

I wasn't joking. :wtf: :lol: Actually, I was being sarcastic :p and kidding. I'm just saying it would be a shocker and something not done before. And yes, most serial killers are great at hiding their crimes and deceiving people.

John Wayne Gacy, he fooled everyone. Everyone thought he has this great guy, he loved kids, etc, etc. and what did they find in his home?

So Langston could have been sitting on that stand and say he has never killed anyone, but in self-defense all he wants. Doesn't mean he isn't a serial killer.

I mean you really think if he was a killer he'd actually admit to it on a stand? :rolleyes:

As for Squeegel, he wouldn't go after Haskell as Haskell doesn't fit his M.O. Think as to why Squeegel killed his victims.
Once again...time to remind everyone to be respectful of everyone's opinions and likes/dislikes. No one is saying you can't dislike a character, just be respectful of the opinions of those who do like the character.
Yes respectable of the main lead Ray as well:cool: And I don't get why this character Keppler who was a guest 4 times on CSI, in S/7 [while WP was doing a play] would even have anything to do with the "spoiler" thread as of now. I guarantee that Ray is not involved with dead bodies, too far-fetched, that's like saying Nick is repsonsible as well, or Greg, or Sara. I think the hype about "it's huge" [the finale] or comments like that is to draw in as many fans as posssible for the old "ratings" issue;)
Yes respectable of the main lead Ray as well:cool: And I don't get why this character Keppler who was a guest 4 times on CSI, in S/7 [while WP was doing a play] would even have anything to do with the "spoiler" thread as of now. I guarantee that Ray is not involved with dead bodies, too far-fetched, that's like saying Nick is repsonsible as well, or Greg, or Sara. I think the hype about "it's huge" [the finale] or comments like that is to draw in as many fans as posssible for the old "ratings" issue;)

Yes, respectful of anyone's opinion of Ray, the character, but there is no rule stating that people have to be respectful of the character. That goes for all of them.

That said, I do think it's nice how most people on this board do speak respectfully about the characters. :)

As to why Keppler was brought up in the spoiler thread, it was part of the discussion about whether or not they might bring in a character to work with the team who has killed someone before, therefore yes, it's relevant.
Not to mention that he was a victim of Haskell and should not be working on this case. :rolleyes: And anytime a cop or CSI kills someone there is always an investigation.

I agree with Speedy here.

He should be recused from the case for personal reasons. The people on the case should be Cath, Nick, Sara, Greg, Brass and/or Vartann in some form or other. Definitely not Langston!

Also, we're all familiar with the shooting review board, it's standard, and if even if the death is not by shooting, there's still gonna be an investigation.

I was also going to say that I didn't think mentioning Keppler was irrelevant to the conversation. The various posts sort of led into it. I liked his character, in spite of the build-up to be a bad-guy. I also liked how he was sort of tricked into killing the innocent guy, and I still felt sad when he died at the end of his 4 episodes.
I would think if Greg had to go through a Corner's inquest for when he hit Demetrius James, Ray should certainly have to go through something at least similar if he kills Haskell.
I've served on a corner's inquest jury several times. Even the officers that FIND a body (suicide, whatever) have to be at the inquest. It's up to the jury to decide if there needs to be further investigation based on the facts presented. I've never had one that warranted further investigation (and I'm so glad I didn't have to), but unless tptb want to play fast and dirty with the storyline, if Ray even shows up at the scene, with his history with Haskell, he'll be on the stand.
What is Ray kills Haskell in self defense? for instance Haskell comes after him and he protects himself by taking him down? With wittnesses like Cath, Nick, etc. would he still have to face an inquest? And, BTW beings people from the past have been mentioned, what happened to McKeen? the one who shot Warrick, is he incarcerated in Vegas. We never saw his trial:confused:
Well this is not Law and Order so I don't think they would want to bore most fans with McKeen's trial.
Well this is not Law and Order so I don't think they would want to bore most fans with McKeen's trial.

I thought it would have been interesting, not boring at all, as to his testimony, and his reasoning, why he shot him, and with the whole team on the stand:thumbsup:
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