Yes I just thought that everyone would have thought the same thing you know, that they have it wrong. There was never anything thrown out about Grissom's father being deaf, in that case in the Sounds of Silence when Dr. Gilbert asked who taught him how to sign, he probably would have said that "My parents tought me" instead of what he said 'My mother (taught me)". Yes this article is written by someone who did not do their research nor watches the show enough to know what the deal is. But on a side note, we have fans who are die hard who think that Grissom didn't become the night shift supervisor until the second episode of the first season, when clearly he told Holly Gribbs "Hi Im gil grissom, im going to be your supervisor on Graves" in the first episode. Sorry that just ticks me off when people say that. Some forget he became supervisor of the CSI Unit, meaning the whole thing, and then lost that position later on, the episode escapes me but I believe it was when Ecklie said "Heard you lost your gig"