Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

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This is from our one CSIFiles

In this week’s episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox) will reveal the last time she saw her husband, Gil Grissom (William Petersen). (Spoilers after the jump!)

In “Coup de Grace”, it will be revealed that Sara “just got back from visiting Grissom in Paris,” executive producer Carol Mendelsohn said. However, fans should not expect Grissom to appear on the show any time soon. “We have no plans for Billy to return at the moment,” Mendelsohn said, “but the door’s always open.”
Ok, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to say it. :wtf: Sara helped out, then went to see Grissom, and is not back in Vegas, boy this is going to be one expensive marriage. :lol:

So what? She can just leave, whenever she wants, to visit her husband and the rest of the team have to pick up her slack? (sarcasm)

Boy, when I start a new job (or come back to one), I wish I could take a vacation that fast. :rolleyes:

Alright, I know it's tptb, are they serious? Now if Nick, Catherine, or Greg have a long distance romance does this mean they just go visit their significant other when they want too? :p

So, tptb want us to believe that Sara and Grissom are so fulfilled in their marriage that don't have to live in the same country, :wtf:, Sara will just pop on over to Paris to visit her husband (because Lord knows Paris and Vegas are just a hop, skip, and jump away from each other) when she and/or he needs to see each other, that these two can afford these trips back and forth, Sara can now do the job after leaving Vegas TWICE because she couldn't handle it and then don't explain how she suddenly can, that Sara has waited more than 10-years to be with the one she loves and she is now married to that person, but doesn't want to be with him (how many women would do this? Not me)? Alright, what am I missing?

Oh, that proves my point, that every episode that Sara appears in will have to mention the 'marriage'.

Tptb are seriously whacked. Ok, rant over, for now. :lol:

We don't know the exact agreement Sara had with Ecklie. Perhaps she isn't a 'full time' employee or something; a consultant who is allowed to carry a gun. I don't know.

I've never been a Sara fan. I don't hate her, I just don't like her as much as the other characters. I have, however, enjoyed her presence so far this season.

Mentioning her marriage doesn't bother me either. As much as I dislike GSR, the way they're doing it now is fine by me. It feels like Grissom is still around. And I don't see it as rubbing it in our faces. One or two mentions of her husband is fine. Again, it's Grissom their talking about. No matter my feelings on Sara, Grissom is awesome. The current link we have with him is through his wife. She's letting us know what he's up to. I'll take it any way I can get it, including GSR.
This is getting ridiculous. Make up your flipping mind, Jorja, and stay or go!!!! When she decides to leave, again, in three months, are we going to get another long, drawn out sob story????
This is from our one CSIFiles

In this week’s episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox) will reveal the last time she saw her husband, Gil Grissom (William Petersen). (Spoilers after the jump!)

In “Coup de Grace”, it will be revealed that Sara “just got back from visiting Grissom in Paris,” executive producer Carol Mendelsohn said. However, fans should not expect Grissom to appear on the show any time soon. “We have no plans for Billy to return at the moment,” Mendelsohn said, “but the door’s always open.”

Ok, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to say it. :wtf: Sara helped out, then went to see Grissom, and is not back in Vegas, boy this is going to be one expensive marriage. :lol:

So what? She can just leave, whenever she wants, to visit her husband and the rest of the team have to pick up her slack? (sarcasm)

Boy, when I start a new job (or come back to one), I wish I could take a vacation that fast. :rolleyes:

Alright, I know it's tptb, are they serious? Now if Nick, Catherine, or Greg have a long distance romance does this mean they just go visit their significant other when they want too? :p

So, tptb want us to believe that Sara and Grissom are so fulfilled in their marriage that don't have to live in the same country, :wtf:, Sara will just pop on over to Paris to visit her husband (because Lord knows Paris and Vegas are just a hop, skip, and jump away from each other) when she and/or he needs to see each other, that these two can afford these trips back and forth, Sara can now do the job after leaving Vegas TWICE because she couldn't handle it and then don't explain how she suddenly can, that Sara has waited more than 10-years to be with the one she loves and she is now married to that person, but doesn't want to be with him (how many women would do this? Not me)? Alright, what am I missing?

Oh, that proves my point, that every episode that Sara appears in will have to mention the 'marriage'.

Tptb are seriously whacked. Ok, rant over, for now. :lol:

Amen Sister!

Swear. Some women just can't do anything without a man. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

/Seriously starting to HATE GSR now.
I haven't posted in DAYS now, because I lost interest, but I literally can't stop shaking my head.

I think it is absolutely pathetic how TPTB jump through flaming hoops for Jorja/Sara. I say Jorja/Sara, not because I can't tell the difference, but because I don't think TPTB know the difference. It's like a twisted fanfiction that TPTB just can't let go of. It's annoying. Whenever CM is quoted or cited on anything, I don't even pay attention. No wonder her and Ausiello are such close friends; they both spout crap.

I liked(past tense) Sara, until TPTB let their inner fan girls(and guys) run rampant and crap all over the show.

I'm not down with dissing actors/actresses, but c'mon Jorja. Are you staying or are you going? Is CSI: your home, or do you want to pursue other things? Because quite honestly, unlike others, it's not entertaining in anyway, watching you enter and exit every 7/8 months. I think she realizes her (obsessive)fan base and enjoys playing games. And CM and the other PTB are accessories in helping her do so. So now, not only did I loose more respect for TPTB(I didn't know that was possible), but for Jorja as well. The fans of the other stars/characters are getting sick of the games. As if time wasn't being hogged by other, newer characters enough, now we have a one-foot-in-the-door, one-foot-out actor/character that will hog even more time. And Sara fans, don't even say it won't happen. Would TPTB spend this much time hyping her comeback if they weren't planning on having her take up time? Absolutely ridiculous.
I'm not down with dissing actors/actresses, but c'mon Jorja. Are you staying or are you going? Is CSI: your home, or do you want to pursue other things? Because quite honestly, unlike others, it's not entertaining in anyway, watching you enter and exit every 7/8 months. I think she realizes her (obsessive)fan base and enjoys playing games. And CM and the other PTB are accessories in helping her do so. So now, not only did I loose more respect for TPTB(I didn't know that was possible), but for Jorja as well. The fans of the other stars/characters are getting sick of the games. As if time wasn't being hogged by other, newer characters enough, now we have a one-foot-in-the-door, one-foot-out actor/character that will hog even more time. And Sara fans, don't even say it won't happen. Would TPTB spend this much time hyping her comeback if they weren't planning on having her take up time? Absolutely ridiculous.

................................................................. :wtf:

Jorja can persue other things and still be on CSI on and off; there's nothing wrong with that and tons of actors/actresses do that. She is not the first and she most certainly is not doing it to "play games" with her "obsessive" fans.

If there are fans of CSI who don't like Jorja, then I suggest not reading the basic spoiler discussion. If you were watching CSI without reading any of the news about Jorja's return, you wouldn't even notice a difference in character balance. You'd simply think Sara was back to help the team and another part of their CSI family was back. She's been gone for months now; and you fans of other characters got basically a whole season without her. I think the "obsessive" Sara fans deserve a few Sara heavy episodes after that Saraless season.

I have never understood the disrespect for Jorja. :shifty: There are some characters I don't like, but I never stoop down so low as to publically dis the actor and their actions. :shifty:
I'm not down with dissing actors/actresses, but c'mon Jorja. Are you staying or are you going? Is CSI: your home, or do you want to pursue other things? Because quite honestly, unlike others, it's not entertaining in anyway, watching you enter and exit every 7/8 months. I think she realizes her (obsessive)fan base and enjoys playing games. And CM and the other PTB are accessories in helping her do so. So now, not only did I loose more respect for TPTB(I didn't know that was possible), but for Jorja as well. The fans of the other stars/characters are getting sick of the games. As if time wasn't being hogged by other, newer characters enough, now we have a one-foot-in-the-door, one-foot-out actor/character that will hog even more time. And Sara fans, don't even say it won't happen. Would TPTB spend this much time hyping her comeback if they weren't planning on having her take up time? Absolutely ridiculous.

................................................................. :wtf:

Jorja can persue other things and still be on CSI on and off; there's nothing wrong with that and tons of actors/actresses do that. She is not the first and she most certainly is not doing it to "play games" with her "obsessive" fans.

If there are fans of CSI who don't like Jorja, then I suggest not reading the basic spoiler discussion. If you were watching CSI without reading any of the news about Jorja's return, you wouldn't even notice a difference in character balance. You'd simply think Sara was back to help the team and another part of their CSI family was back. She's been gone for months now; and you fans of other characters got basically a whole season without her. I think the "obsessive" Sara fans deserve a few Sara heavy episodes after that Saraless season.

I have never understood the disrespect for Jorja. :shifty: There are some characters I don't like, but I never stoop down so low as to publically dis the actor and their actions. :shifty:


Oh, but you see, I was never the one that said Jorja coudn't do both. Apparently, she thinks so. Or at least fans of hers. Because when I brought up this very same issue months ago they said that Jorja left to pursue other things. To break the monotony or whatever:rolleyes:. Sure, it's hearsay, but I'm going off what I've been told.

Jorja can go save whales if she wants to. She can convince people to go green if she wants to, or deworm babies in Somalia. I commend her on her humanitarian efforts. She can do whatever she wants on or off the show. That's her deal and she is entitled to do so. What I'm saying is STAY or GO. Don't go, then come back. Then leave again, only to come back INDEFINTELY. Maybe you don't see the disrespect for Jorja, but I see disrespect in the neglect of actors and characters who have weathered last season, and this season without leaving.

Put the actors that have been there and STAYED there, before the ones that have left. That's all I'm saying.

And Saraless? Oh come on. I dare say Sara got more time (on screen, and through discussion) than Greg got last season.
I don't think that anyone is necessarily dissing Jorja Fox. Honestly, I like the character of Sara Sidle. I think that she brings a lot to the show in many ways. However, I think it's the fact that there's this "She's Gone, then she's back, then she's gone again; is she coming back? When is she coming back." when they've already very neatly tied up her story arc.

Then there's the whole GSR angle of the storyline. It's going to get VERY old if they have to do a GSR reference every single time Sara's on the show. Also, there's the prospect of will Grissom come back or not. There are a lot of fans who want the show to move on and be what it's going to be with the cast that is left and the new cast members who come in to give the show new life.

I've also never understood why so many Jorja Fox fans are so touchy about this whole issue. Honestly, she left the show not once but twice, Citing the fact that she was not down with the darkness and violence of so many of the storylines. I don't quite understand why she keeps coming back. Is it her or is it Carol Mendelsohn not being able to let go? This is the type of thing that really makes me wish that Zuiker had kept control of the day to day operations of the show. At least he didn't dilly dally with things.
*Whistles* Okay time out, chill out whatever you preferre. Lets keep in mind this thread is about future episodes and characters, from time to time the actors name will come into play that can't be helped. But this thread is not to diss or defend any character/actor but to respectfully discuss opinions of them on the show. So if we could please get back to what this was meant for it would be much appreciated. Thank you. ;)
I don't think that anyone is necessarily dissing Jorja Fox. Honestly, I like the character of Sara Sidle. I think that she brings a lot to the show in many ways. However, I think it's the fact that there's this "She's Gone, then she's back, then she's gone again; is she coming back? When is she coming back." when they've already very neatly tied up her story arc.

Then there's the whole GSR angle of the storyline. It's going to get VERY old if they have to do a GSR reference every single time Sara's on the show. Also, there's the prospect of will Grissom come back or not. There are a lot of fans who want the show to move on and be what it's going to be with the cast that is left and the new cast members who come in to give the show new life.

I've also never understood why so many Jorja Fox fans are so touchy about this whole issue. Honestly, she left the show not once but twice, Citing the fact that she was not down with the darkness and violence of so many of the storylines. I don't quite understand why she keeps coming back. Is it her or is it Carol Mendelsohn not being able to let go? This is the type of thing that really makes me wish that Zuiker had kept control of the day to day operations of the show. At least he didn't dilly dally with things.

ITA. I couldn't say it any better myself.:thumbsup:
I don't think that anyone is necessarily dissing Jorja Fox. Honestly, I like the character of Sara Sidle. I think that she brings a lot to the show in many ways. However, I think it's the fact that there's this "She's Gone, then she's back, then she's gone again; is she coming back? When is she coming back." when they've already very neatly tied up her story arc.

Then there's the whole GSR angle of the storyline. It's going to get VERY old if they have to do a GSR reference every single time Sara's on the show. Also, there's the prospect of will Grissom come back or not. There are a lot of fans who want the show to move on and be what it's going to be with the cast that is left and the new cast members who come in to give the show new life.

I've also never understood why so many Jorja Fox fans are so touchy about this whole issue. Honestly, she left the show not once but twice, Citing the fact that she was not down with the darkness and violence of so many of the storylines. I don't quite understand why she keeps coming back. Is it her or is it Carol Mendelsohn not being able to let go? This is the type of thing that really makes me wish that Zuiker had kept control of the day to day operations of the show. At least he didn't dilly dally with things.
1) She comes back because they ask her to come back (not to mention that they probably pay her fairly well, lol). Let's face it, losing 3 characters hurt. So considering Gary can't come back, Billy won't come back, and Jorja is ready and willing, I think people should cut her some slack. I think her coming back has added some stability to the show, and from reading comments about these early episodes, it seems many agree.

2) I doubt we will get a Grissom reference every episode, but, I won't lie, I'd be happy with that. :) I think they are just laying the groundwork a little in these first episodes as to the state of their relationship.

3) Speaking for myself, I get 'touchy' about Jorja comments on this site because she is dissed a lot; and not just here. To a lot of posters, she is the cause for all things bad that happen to the show (even when she is not on the show), and is rarely given credit for her hard work and dedication, except by her fans. When we get any good news about her appearances, people can't wait to 'rain on our parade'. So, yeah, I get defensive, and you would too if it was George or Eric or whoever.

We get comments once in awhile about Doc and David's wives, so maybe that's how they will handle Grissom and Sara's relationship. I don't know, just speculating. But she is the connection to Grissom, and it allows fans of his to know what he is up to. We don't know how long Grissom will be in Paris since it's a temporary teaching job. Maybe his research will be done in or near Las Vegas. I think it's a realistic scenario for two independent and unconventional people who have separate lives, yet are finding a way to share a life together. If it works for them, it works for me. But I'm fairly unconventional myself.
That and the fact the show is 10-years-old, but I haven't forsaken it, yet. I'm loving my Nick time. :D Even if my Nicky time might not last. :(

I don't know how this crossover is going to win viewers, especially when it's Langston going to all three instead of an established character. If you're going to do a crossover than at least one character from each show should be on all three of them and they should be established characters.

Don't get me wrong, I like Langston and Fishburne and he's had tough shoes to fill (I don't envy him), but you need to give the fans what they want and they want established characters doing the crossover.

Wait a sec...

why did you say 'Even if Nicky time wont last' ? I havn't been in here for a while, but whats up... whats going on with Nick? he better not leave....

and I opoligize if it seems as though i'm panicking... look what happed to my Eric...

Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to panic you. :lol: GNRF was right, I was just talking about his screentime.

Oh thank goodness... was just a little worried... just a little...

well I must say so far I have actully injoyed this season, tonights episode was fine, liked my Nicky time :) also liked Greg...

I like Sara being back, I don't know about being 'glue', but I like her, (in my opinion, Nick is the teams glue... but thats just me).

and Dr. Langston (I think somewhere else I called him Livingston?) he is actully growing on me, at least so far there being even with it all, it isn't all him all the time.

as for the triple cross over, its to bad it will just be him, and too bad about what going on at Miami, becouse I would have loved to have seen Nick Stokes and Eric Delko in the smae shot.... but alas.

I guess no new epi. next week?
I think Grissom and Sara have always been an unconventional couple, and that's not to take away from they're commitment. He's lecturing in Paris and he probably encouraged her to take a chance and fight off what made her leave in the 1st place. And she's a calmer happier person, I think it's great. She focuses on the cases as always and doen't let anything distract her from that. I am just curious as to what her actual title is? A full-fledged CSI, or just a consultant. Ecklie hasn't declared what she really she back as:confused: She's been fabulous in these new episodes, and I am certain he'll be back in some capacity as well, eventually~
Yeah I don't get why LV doesn't have a new episode next week both NY and Miami have new ones why no LV anybody get the reasoning or explanation behind it cause I'm curious as to why? :(:(
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