Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

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DJ, that is a good idea. I like it. :) That'd be a good way to bring Lindsey back in. :)

Speedy, I like the idea of Lindsey shooting someone in defense of Cath. That would be awesome.

I would like to see some mother/daughter bonding with Cath helping Lindsey get ready for college or whatever. But, I don't want the whole episode to revolve around it.

It'd be nice to see Cath in a stable relationship, but tptb recently stated (when asked) that this would not be happening any time soon for Cath. :(

Why are none of the CSIs on any of the shows happily married with a family? Well, I guess there's D/L, but.... I mean, happily married to someone they don't work with on a daily basis. :lol:
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I want to know why can't we like Catherine/Marg and Sara/Jorja at the same time? Why can't we like George/Nick and Sara/Jorja at the same time?

Because it's pretty obvious to me that these people in real life are quite fond of each other.

Sorry Smokey, I know you said to move on but it's sometimes a bit ridiculous that people need to fight over who's better or worse. If you don't like a character or actor there's really no need to trash them here or anywhere else. What does that accomplish?
Well said, kasey! ITA

I wish Lindsay had been more of a recurring character, since she is a huge part of Catherine's life. We tend to just see the drama regarding their relationship and not the good things. I liked the mention in YMWAH about them watching AI, or whatever it was called, together.

In season 8, Lindsey was looking at colleges so I hope she is going to college this season. I have always liked CSI's college episodes; 'Iced' is still one of my all time favorites. Of course, Greg's exploding toilet has a lot to do with that. :lol:

Gawd, I hope we get a promo tonite!
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This is probably irrelevant, but the thought did cross my mind. I think it'd be kinda interesting if Lindsey and the Milander kid knew each other from College or something. They would be around about the same age wouldn't they?

Ooh that would be so creepy!:eek:

Sorry Smokey, it gets really annoying when someone starts to bash a character and I simply return said gesture so that person gets a taste of their own medicine!

I actually like all the characters, I just find Sara annoying but I'm sure others find Nick annoying.

Anyways, I like that idea of Milander's son and Lindsey knowing each other, maybe even dating one another:eek::eek: Catherine would freak!
I wish Lindsay had been more of a recurring character, since she is a huge part of Catherine's life. We tend to just see the drama regarding their relationship and not the good things. I liked the mention in YMWAH about them watching AI, or whatever it was called, together.

I think that's it in a nutshell. Many have called Catherine's mothering skills into question. Quickly Catherine fans rally around her. But, to some people, they look at what is presented in the show and that is their SOLE basis for their opnion. Cath goes sees the building inspector guy and not her daughter after the carnival case, Cath flirts at a investigation with Chris, Cath argues with Eddie at Lindsey's play. Yeah look at those only and a strong case can be made against Catherine's mothering or lifestyle. But you can't pick just those things and you can't discount the other thousands of things that are probably not shown.

I'm going to credit SpeedyStokesGirl because I think she was the one who wrote basically this: have a realistic approach to the characters you like. No one is infallible. Not Catherine. Not Sara. Not Nick. People need to look at things objectively. That's my take on it anyway...
Sorry Smokey, I know you said to move on but it's sometimes a bit ridiculous that people need to fight over who's better or worse. If you don't like a character or actor there's really no need to trash them here or anywhere else. What does that accomplish?

Which is exactly why I asked that you all move on or move the discussion to the character threads.

Sorry Smokey, it gets really annoying when someone starts to bash a character and I simply return said gesture so that person gets a taste of their own medicine!

I actually like all the characters, I just find Sara annoying but I'm sure others find Nick annoying.

Reminder from the Spoiler Thread guidelines post...
Ignoring the baiting and negative commentary is precisely what is expected of those wishing to participate in this thread and Forum. If one cannot do so then a time out and away is probably the best thing all the way around until one is able to do the necessary.
Please, folks, don't say "Sorry, Smokey, BUT..." and then go on to do what you've been asked not to do. Discuss the spoilers here for upcoming episodes, and if there are not any new ones and there isn't anything new to say about them, then maybe wait until there are new ones to post again.
Holy Smokes! The just had a snippet promo of the season premiere. Nick shot a gun, someone was shot in the head, saw Catherine. Nick asked Sara if she was ok.

Now Smokey describe it more.
Holy Smokes! The just had a snippet promo of the season premiere. Nick shot a gun, someone was shot in the head, saw Catherine. Nick asked Sara if she was ok.

Now Smokey describe it more.

Yeah, I rewound it and paused....Nick had his gun out but the one behind him was the one smoking so that guy shot first. Then Nick shot too. I even caught the bullet mid-air. :D

That was a very short but very cool promo!
It all went by so fast....did it look like someone was shooting in the lab maybe?

Will this possibly be the first time Nick actually fires his gun? I wonder if there will be any repercussions for him if it turns out he does?
Well, the rumor was that Nick was supposed to fire his gun last year. I don't know if it was a real storyline that got squashed because of GE's back problems or if it was all made up. Perhaps they decided to go with it this year.

Nick fired his gun "at" the undersheriff last year, but he "missed."
Well, the rumor was that Nick was supposed to fire his gun last year. I don't know if it was a real storyline that got squashed because of GE's back problems or if it was all made up. Perhaps they decided to go with it this year.

Nick fired his gun "at" the undersheriff last year, but he "missed."

Could be. The way the scenes were shown tho, it was the other guy that actually hit the guy. But then why would Nick fire a second shot? Things that make you go "hmmmmm" and "HOW many days until the premiere?" :lol:
Nick fired his gun "at" the undersheriff last year, but he "missed."

You're right he did. I had forgotten.....I guess I mean fire his gun and actually hit or injure someone

Or Smokey, Warrick was wrong when he said Nick was a good shot in Poppin Tags and Nick's aim is way off and it lands in a wall or something.
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Huh? When did they show a promo? I watched the last few minutes of the ep tonight just to see if there was one and I didn't see it. They showed a preview for NCIS: LA instead.
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