Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

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Wow! That looks intense.

I played it a little slower and the person with Catherine looks kind of like Archie. :lol: Except I don't think Archie has ever worn button up shirts. :lol: I think the person might have been a suspect or a witness unless it was Archie and they were just doing a training session.

I love the look on Sara's face it's like she can't believe that just happened inside the lab/station.

I thought I saw Brass in there somewhere, but I dunno.

Nick's voice sounded echo-y when he asked Sara if she was okay.

And of course Greg isn't in the promo. CBS puts the promo together and they could care less about Greg or Greg's fans. Hence why they didn't release any promo pics from ep 1 with Greg in it. Nothing new there. Doesn't surprise me a bit that he's not in the promo. Disappoint, yeah, suprise, no.
That's definitely not a dummy with Catherine. In the slo-mo you can see facial expressions. I can't wait to see Catherine's reaction after that. She does fall down with the guy.
I think that is Sara just behind Nick when they are shooting, and it occurs just before the 'are you okay?' scene. I like the 'what the sh** just happened?' look on Sara's face. :lol: I'm not sure Nick and Sara are in the lab. It looks like there may be construction going on, wherever they are. It may be completely separate from the scene with Catherine in the lab.
I think to be in this nanosecond promo you either had to shoot a gun or be shot at, or be LF. Hopefully, we will get a real promo soon. It seems that CBS is mostly promoting their new shows right now.
I think that is Sara just behind Nick when they are shooting, and it occurs just before the 'are you okay?' scene. I like the 'what the sh** just happened?' look on Sara's face. :lol: I'm not sure Nick and Sara are in the lab. It looks like there may be construction going on, wherever they are. It may be completely separate from the scene with Catherine in the lab.
I think to be in this nanosecond promo you either had to shoot a gun or be shot at, or be LF. Hopefully, we will get a real promo soon. It seems that CBS is mostly promoting their new shows right now.

I don't know, that looked like the hallway in the lab or police station to me... all of those glass walls behind them. But, it could be at an actual crime scene I suppose. I love the look on Sara's face. That's just a great expression for that moment. :lol:

I think you're probably right about who gets to be in the promo. Greg wasn't the only one left out. Hodges, Doc and Brass (I thought at first I saw Brass, but I'm not sure I did now lol) aren't in it either. Maybe Greg's out in the field and took Hodges with him and Brass is with them as well. :shrugs: On the bright side, if that's the case then that means Greg would finally get a solo case. :)
I think that is Sara just behind Nick when they are shooting, and it occurs just before the 'are you okay?' scene. I like the 'what the sh** just happened?' look on Sara's face. :lol: I'm not sure Nick and Sara are in the lab. It looks like there may be construction going on, wherever they are. It may be completely separate from the scene with Catherine in the lab.
I think to be in this nanosecond promo you either had to shoot a gun or be shot at, or be LF. Hopefully, we will get a real promo soon. It seems that CBS is mostly promoting their new shows right now.

I don't know, that looked like the hallway in the lab or police station to me... all of those glass walls behind them. But, it could be at an actual crime scene I suppose. I love the look on Sara's face. That's just a great expression for that moment. :lol:

I think you're probably right about who gets to be in the promo. Greg wasn't the only one left out. Hodges, Doc and Brass (I thought at first I saw Brass, but I'm not sure I did now lol) aren't in it either. Maybe Greg's out in the field and took Hodges with him and Brass is with them as well. :shrugs: On the bright side, if that's the case then that means Greg would finally get a solo case. :)

Another look on the bright side: do you really want your favorite character anywhere near gun fire? Didn't TPTB say they didn't like killing off characters, oops damn Warrick for getting the way of those two bullets aimed at his car....:rolleyes:
:lol: Tptb contradict themselves a lot, don't they? :lol:

I want to see Greg do something heroic. Like maybe there's a kid at a scene somewhere and there's a spray of bullets and Greg covering the kid, to protect them. As long as Greg doesn't get hurt in the process. :)
I don't know, that looked like the hallway in the lab or police station to me... all of those glass walls behind them. But, it could be at an actual crime scene I suppose. I love the look on Sara's face. That's just a great expression for that moment. :lol:
Sara's probably thinking to herself, "I came back to THIS!!! I was better off in a jungle with a monkey and a camera..dammit!":lol:
I'm waiting for somebody to write a really good parody of why Sara is back; the monkeys and the camera definitely easier on the nerves than CSI (which theoretically caused her such pain that she had to leave a Dear John letter and race to a cab to get the hell out of proverbial dodge). But hey -- it's only TV. And we constantly suspend disbelief when we watch it. I have NO idea whether I'll believe the premise of why she's back; I DO know that I'll love seeing her again.
Looks like Sara and Nick are wearing the same clothes they had on in the promo pics for ep one. So is the shooting scene from ep one or do they just have a lot of clothing that looks similar? :lol:
:bolian: did you all see the quick blink of an eye promo advertisement last night? It was like 3 seconds at approx 9:45, & it showed Dr. Langston and Sara, I screamed.:rommie: And on why is Sara back, [my take] she left like some leave a job, because they can't stand it anymore, but then have regrets. She was hoping that Grissom would come after her, and did he? So she's had time to heal regain back her health and mindset, and think things over, and is better. And the timing was right If it was Ecklie who called her back, it would make her feel important that the team needed her to help out on whatever case, she could be of service~
A longer promo for CSI:LV apparently was shown during the Patriot/Redskins football game. The person I know who saw part of it said that there was more activity in the lab due to the shooting. And then there was something across the screen that said "something happens that brings them closer together". As I did not see this personally take with a grain of salt. I'm not saying the person was lying but it's third person information so bear that in mind.

Suggestion? Start watching football. Both LV and NY had promos on tonight....
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