Raveyn Zayra
What is happening to this thread?! In a matter of hours, it's degenerated from a friendly discussion of a television show to an ethical debate about prostitution, police conduct, and rape. Note to all of you, no matter what side you take: most of us come on this board to make friends and enjoy ourselves, not to bicker and mull over the horrors of true crime. I realize CSI Miami is a crime drama show, but it is fact, not fiction.
I hope one of the moderators can get this thread back on track before this argument drives away the fans who come here to "Talk CSI".
The ethical debate is relevant to the episode, and thus it's perfectly acceptable to discuss here, in my opinion...especially since there isn't any other thread on this whole forum to discuss true crime (that I'm aware of). Plus, the occasional debate keeps things lively. Talking about the same things constantly gets boring after awhile.