Screencaps, Fonts, & More! - Request Thread

Re: Special Screencaps - Requests and Offers Only!

Can I get some high res (1280x1024 ideally) screen caps of CSI Miami, what I need are shots of the actual city, you know, those background aerial shots? I need a few to choose from, if anyone can post some that would be great!
Re: Special Screencaps - Requests and Offers Only!

Here are some season 7 caps . Here are season 4 - 6 caps. Hope this helps.
Re: Special Screencaps - Requests and Offers Only!

Nabbed and thank you!!!!!!!
Does anyone know where I can find screencaps of the last new Miami ep "tipping point"? I'm particularly looking for pics from the Ryan/Valera scene.
Er, is this the place to ask for animations? If it is, then can someone please animate this video, from 3:07 to 3:12? If possible I'd like it 100x100 and the KB's (or whatever) low enough to use on most forums, but high enough to still be pretty fluent. It doesn't necessarily have to be set for this boards animation standards.

If this is the wrong place to ask, where do I ask?! :lol:
^^ Yeh sure I will have a go at the icon :)

You can also ask in the icon threads if you ever want others as some people dont often come in here :)

*Goes to make icon*

Edit: Here you go, I hope its ok without the cap being 100x...

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:lol: Love the icon of Jonathan. I'd dance with him. :D

Um, I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a cap of Calleigh maybe holding a picture frame in her hand? I need one for something I want to make. :)
Does anyone have a link to a site where they list all the color codes (for use with html and the like)? I used to have one when I was on aol, but when I switched to DSL, I forgot to save the link to the site.