Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Thank God Moose carries a rope around at all times. I was in that gutter all night!

Happy New Year everybody :D! 2006 will always be remembered as 'The Fannysmackin' Year' :lol:! Now, let's hope for major Sandle moments in 2007! Isn't it Leaving Las Vegas next Thursday for America? If it is, give us the info!!! :D

I love all the new captions! There's a lot behind a picture like that. You just have to look carefully :lol:.

Whoohoo, 3 weeks until my birthday! You're all invited! :D
Yay! Someone likes me enough to invite me to their birthday..unlike those snooby jerks from school with their New Year's party, but why would I want to hang out with those rednecks? I was on here last night soaking up the Sandle love.
:lol: Love all the captions :)And happy birthday for three weeks Sabser

Happy New Year everyone, I hope you all had a great day and I hope you all have a great 2007!

I'm sure Greg and Sara had a great new year together :D

ITA Sabser 2006 was the Fannysmakin' year, and here's to more sandle moments to come, which I'm sure there will be, because it is season 7 after all! :)

OMG I was watching the scene where Greg was being all Jealous!Greg and he asked Sara what Hank had that he hadnt, and she didnt answer. Which means that if she would go out with Hank the she would definitely go out with Greg, cos she went out with Hank and by not answering the question she basically insinuated that Greg was better :D

Next caption:
Hmmmm...allow my mind to slowly sink into gutter (as I hold on to my trusty rope of course)...
Sara: Nice suit, Greggo.
Greg: Thanks.
Sara: Not quite as nice as the one you were wearing last night, but...
Greg: But, Sara, I wasn't wearing...oh, I get it now!
Sara: Yeah...
Greg: Your's was nice, too.
Ah, Moose and the Trusty Rope. Perfect team! :lol:

:lol:, Moose, loved that caption. So funny! Don't sink too far into the gutter. Trusty Rope may snap. :D

My Caption then:
Sara: I did not know your hair could do that...
Greg: Well, yeah, it can. I decided to change it for court. You know, make me look more professional.
Sara: Yeah, well don't change any more of you're body. I like it just the way it is... :devil:

Yup, I know. It's dumb, but I couldn't resist! :p

Thankyou, CSIangel17 :D! It's nice to know people here wanna say Happy Birthday to me. People @ school always seem to forget...Oh well, more cake for us! :lol:

CSIangel17, I never realised! I always thought she was just ignoring the question, but it seems Hank is no better than Greg. But we all know Greg is much much much better than Hank. Squee!!! :D
I was thinking on the whole "She's more relaxed around him" thing:

You know the ep where she's practicing her speech 'I'm not an alcoholic" blah blah blah in front of her locker? It's kind of like she has to practice things to say in front of Grissom but with Greg it's whatever comes out of her mouth comes out.

Oh god. That could be taken the totally wrong way.....considering how Moose and Sabster are in the gutter....:devil:

Sara: You wore my favorite suit today.
Greg: I thought you hated this suit
Sara: I wasn't referring to the one you had on now.....:devil:

And here's to a Sandle-riffic 2007!!
Great, disappear for a few weeks and suddenly *boom* new thread.


For the lack of discussing Sandle and for not being around, I'll just wave the Sandle banner and multi coloured flags.
:eek: frickangel, where have you been? We've missed you! You still support Sandle? Phew...I was starting to think you'd abandoned us. But, yay, you're back :D!

Well, Kate, I was stuck in the gutter, until Moose rescued me :lol:. It was quite comfortable actually. One rat was quoting shakespeare, another was listening to Manson...I think you get it by now. :lol:

You know the ep where she's practicing her speech 'I'm not an alcoholic" blah blah blah in front of her locker? It's kind of like she has to practice things to say in front of Grissom but with Greg it's whatever comes out of her mouth comes out.

Oh god. That could be taken the totally wrong way.....considering how Moose and Sabser are in the gutter....

Kate, I understand. Partly because I know what you mean, and partly because that gutter is cold :lol:.

But really, I get it. With Grissom, she doesn't want to say something that could affect her work and out-of-work relationship with him. But with Greg, she can say what she wants-most of the time-and not be worried because he always seems to understand her and respect her choices. :)

Oh, and again, if you want you can call me Jess instead of Sabser/Sabster. :D
Hey, that gutter's nice! Give it more credit! Me and Mikey the Rat (he used to live in the auditorium at my school) were discussing how much the band had improved.

Anyway, of course Sara's more comfortable around Greg...I mean with all the strange things that Greg's said it would be easier for her to realize that he wouldn't hold anything that she says against her, he'll just listen. Grissom on the other hand is so cold and emotionless that it would be hard for Sara to tell if he was actually interested in what she was saying or if she had perhaps offended him (which is a lot easier to do with him than Greg).

Greg's cool, he'd just listen. Ohhhh! And I've got a new Sandle fic written up, all I've got to do is type it up.
Ohhhh, I wish I had more holiday time! By this time next week, I'll be doing HOMEWORK because I'll be back in school. (But hey, I'll have something to look forward to- my 15th birthday's next week! But I'm not going to have a happy one, because I get a report card two days after it.) I need to figure out a way to make balloons and streamers with Sandle pics on them.... so I can have a Sandle-y party! :D *thinks* *Googles 'make your own party supplies'* Ah, well, I'll do this later. I'm hungry, I have a story to write, and I need to fix my music deprivation! *plugs into her iPod*

*pulls earbuds back out* Oh, and I was on a baby names site, looking for names for my story, and I came across 'Greg'. It means 'watcher'. ('Gregory' means the same thing.) 'Sara' means 'princess'. So Greg could possibly be watching out for Sara.... hmmm.... I need to write. :lol: I'm thinking up a story here. But who knows, it could be true!
Nice catch, szmandatogoholic. Since I can't sleep tonight, I decided to hit the computer, and when I read your message, I decided to do a little digging myself, and it said Greg means fierce! How wrong. Greg has never been fierce. Especially not to his Princess. Oh, and in case you're interested, Eric means ruler, and Jorja means farmer. :D

szmandatogoholic,Happy Birthday for next week.! :D

Oh, I was listening to my MP3 player, hoping that would get me to sleep-no such luck-and I was listening to the Liz Phair tracks I'd put on there about a week ago-Thankyou Dad for ordering the albums from the USA. So, I came across 'Closer To You' and I thought " Squee! Sandle Song! I'll post the lyrics! :D

I see the things you do
Do you think I wander through, half-blind?
I see the things you hide
The fear you have inside is nothing new

But I would never want to find out
Everything about you
Cause I would never want to find out
What I thought wasn’t true

Your mind is a place I don’t need to embrace
What you’ve got in your heart is enough
For me to start breaking through
Closer to you
Closer to you

I love you as you are
Here and not too far
Out of view
I love the way you walk
To hear it when you talk
Like you do

But I would never want to choose
What I like best
About you
Cause I would never want to spoil
That mystery
With a clue

Your mind is a place I don’t need to embrace
What you’ve got in your heart is enough
For me to start
With enough holes in my soul
I don’t need your rock-n-roll to stay in tune
And open to you
Open to you

Oh the abyss
Mess of all those frustrating fools
They wander all around
Black and white, no sound, no improvements

But I see something on a TV
With a smell and a choice
When I feel yours and my heart beating
With the wealth of the universe

Your mind is a place I don’t need to embrace
What you’ve got in your heart is enough
For me to start making your happiness my own
Open up and let me show what I can do
When I am closer to you
Closer to you

Now, it kinda makes more sense if you listen to it, but I think it's easy to see things about Sandle in there. For Example:
1)'What you’ve got in your heart is enough
For me to start breaking through
Closer to you'-For me this represents the walls Sara has
around her, but she can break through them with Greg.
2)'I don’t need your rock-n-roll to stay in tune
And open to you'-Greg likes rock music and Sara is open
with Greg. Don't disagree, because we have been
discussing this for the past day or two.
3)'What you’ve got in your heart is enough
For me to start making your happiness my own'-Sara is
happy around Greg, we can see that, so this makes sense.

Phew, long post *Falls on floor* :lol: :p
Jeez Jess long post indeed!

Okay, szmandatogoholic I absolutely cracked up when I saw your new avatar. Love it!

Back on topic, Greg is always watching out for his princess...who can deny it? Anyone? *some non Sandle shippers raise their hands* Okay, so some people CAN deny it, but I choose not to. :D
So that's what their name's mean...I've always ment to look it up, but you know...Well, at least they aren't 'rival'...what kind of name meaning is that?
*Pops in*
My first sandle post of the new year! Hi everybody.
You all sure have been busy. Thanks for the review Ziva! I know I'm a bit late but I still want to say a few things:
First of all, Welcome Fia, and netartemisa! I'd offer you some Blue Hawaiian but the other sandle gals have taken care of that.
(Mmm... Blue Hawaiian: official sandle drink!)
Also, I’m glad to see you around this neck of the woods, Night! Come talk more often (even if it's just with me.) That reminds me… I’ll see you in the Checkmate aisle. ;)

Second, I hope everyone had a Merry Sandlemas and a sandletastic new year - my holidays were sandlemazing. I know Greg and Sara would have loved to have their sandlevacation here in NYC for New Years Eve! It was so crowded and pumped! When the ball dropped all the lovely couples kissed and that just screamed sandlelous, but it gave me a nice sandlebunny. Greg and Sara in Times Square would just be sandlesqueeable! My sandlesize thoughts reminded me of this thread. I missed you all, what with your sandlistics, the SandlePod thread with all the nice sandlyrics(as linked by the lovely 1CSIMfan), and of course the sandlegutter! Can't forget that! :D
Keep up the sandlove. It's sandlicious!

I hope I haven't confused anyone with my sandleguistics, from our new sandlelopedia. :p
(I think I gave myself a sandle-headache... and that wasn't even all the words! :eek:)

Third, SaraStar your banners are sandle-spectacular. In fact all the pictures and captions are terrific and really funny! :lol:
I promised to post a cap after the holidays and someone was talking about the “You smell like Death” scene from Bully For You. So here it is:


(If this is too big or stretches the page, tell me and I'll change it to a link)
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