Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

OHHH man. I cried when Greg got beaten up on last thursday's episode but there was some major Sandles goin on. Like when he knew it was Sara even though he couldn't see her. That was so CUTE!!!!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Eat your heart out... err... certain other shippers.

That's enough of that. ^^

There are multi-shippers in Shipper Central and that statement could be offensive to them. This thread is for discussion about Sara/Greg so let's keep on that topic. If you want to compare your ship to others on the show, please take it to The Great Ship Debate CSI:Crime Scene Investigation thread pinned near the top of the forum.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yeah! Or you won't get any happy positivity cookies. lol.

Seriously, though - those scenes were love. I hope there's some kind of follow-up like we find out that she went to visit him all week, or that she kind of planned some welcome back thing.

And I do want Greg to be one of the first to find out just for his reaction. That sounds horrible, but I dunno... I just want it.

I want there to be a kind of look of hurt from him to her.

Maybe I just love the angsty goodness of Greg.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I'm looking for some pics to the shower scene with Greg and Sara. I didn't see any here. That doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't, i have a tendency to miss things at first glance. Could someone point me to some pics of it, and clips of the scene would Rock!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Best case senario: Sara realizes she loves Greg and that while she likes Grissom's company, she realizes that she likes him on a platonic, friendly, almost father-daughter level.

But as I don't have much faith in TPTB, they'll keep on shipping their chosen ship. Personally I think that you can't be a writer and producer of a show like CSI and still be a shipper.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yes yes, no picking on other ships, just because they don't float your boat. :D Instead, focus on just how great that scene in Fannysmackin' was! Oh yes, it's been the highlight of the season for me so far. ;)

Ronnie, you can find pics of it here. And if you check out the Greg_Sara yahoo group, they have a clip of it.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Best case senario: Sara realizes she loves Greg and that while she likes Grissom's company, she realizes that she likes him on a platonic, friendly, almost father-daughter level.

But as I don't have much faith in TPTB, they'll keep on shipping their chosen ship. Personally I think that you can't be a writer and producer of a show like CSI and still be a shipper.

I'll requote what I just said only 3 posts up. That's enough of that. ^^

There are multi-shippers in Shipper Central and that statement could be offensive to them. This thread is for discussion about Sara/Greg so let's keep on that topic. If you want to compare your ship to others on the show, please take it to The Great Ship Debate CSI:Crime Scene Investigation thread pinned near the top of the forum.

Now, let this be the last of the GSR talk or talk against any other ships. If you don't like a ship, that's fine. Just keep it out of this thread.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hopefully Sara won't take anything too fast. If she does have feelings for Greg, as much as I'd love to see her run to him immediately, she needs time to sort out her feelings. I just want her to be happy, and Greg is perfect for that. I just don't want to see her do anything wrong.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Okay, thank you 1CSIMfan! :D So c'mon guys, we're the positive ship here... :)

Anyway, I'm amazed on how FAST this thread is growing! :eek: My God I could hardly keep up... So many new people. But I'm not complaining, I think it's a good sign :D

First of all, Sabster, it's not allowed to post any link to any videos so I'm just going to PM you-- Oh wait. Seems like someone already beat me to it :D (Thank you Yummy, can I have the cookies too?) But if you still need it, just PM me.

Second, frickangel, aren't you in Malaysia? Omg how did you get to see the new season? So far AXN only got to re-airing S6 :( Is it cable? Internet? Hey, spill. I'm dying here... :lol:

sandersidle said:
*raises hand* I have to admit, I did put extra "Sandle Positivity" in the writer's cookies. :lol: :D Guess it worked!! I hope they notice the positive reaction from their scene and write more like it!!
Now that explains it... :lol: No wonder than... It's either that or my little voddooing that sets them. Then we should continue :devil: *takes out voddoo* Give us more Sandle... Move your fingers, writers... Follow my rule and my rule only... :devil: And don't forget... Positivity! So smile... :lol:

I was reading Fannysmackin' episode thread and I'm so happy to see a lot people (even those I don't know, and not Sandle shippers) comment on how the Sara and Greg scene is too cute. It just makes me happy that other people could see that too beside us :)

And last but not least... Sorry about the RP! I'm posting again now. And I think hollie is still busy, I'm afraid Sara might be MIA for I don't know how long. So I guess any other characters could jump in whenever :)
Keep it alive! Especially after Fannysmackin'... Gotta keep Sandle lovin' alive! :D

LONG POST :eek: My God I'm really that hyper from caffeine... :lol: (or it the the cookies? :p)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Positivity cookies! Stay positive. I just hope they leave the Sara/Greg storyline behind. I really hope they continue it. I made my dad watch it (he thinks I'm a CSI freak and crazy) and even he was like 'Sara and Greg are cute together. They should go out'. And he's never watched CSI before!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

i think this traumatism will only bring them closer....the scene was just incredible!!

I think they shoul explore more that side of CSI , i mean the human side which what they did from the beginning of the new season: it just let us know more about the characters, how they feel etc and that's what we desperatly need.

(btw the sandle RP is dying, i'm pretty sad about that....)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

That's very true, sissi59100.
I like discovering the lives of our CSI's more. It makes me feel like I actually know what goes on inside their heads. It would be excellent to find out more about the two of them. That way, we'll know how much they have in common.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

ITA with you Sabser :D well i think that this episode will have an impact on greg's future and by extension to Sara's too; i'm pretty sure they spend a lot of time outside the lab, doing stuff together, like exploding toilet :lol: no i'm kidding but it would be fun ha ha
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yeah ITA, the trauma has definitely got to bring them closer, thats evident from the way that Sara reacted that she cares for him, and him for her. Maybe itll make them realise they should be together :)

Well, the impact on Gregs life will be huge, and maybe itll make him re-evaluate his realtionships and make him ask her out again, and make sure hes goes through with it this time! :)
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