Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hehe, well.. I loved that scene in Bodies In Motion. I've seen the episode already, but I believe they haven't aired it yet in Ireland. Not sure about Germany either. They're airing Pirates Of The Third Reich here, tomorrow. I'm so excited about it. :) And Who Are You? is on tonight. I have it on DVD, haven't watched it in a couple of months though. Any great Sandle moments in it?
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Ohh Pirates Of The Third Reich is sooo confusing!! :lol: I didnt understand it at all :confused: I dont remember if it has any Sandle moments.. Im not sure about Who Are You either :( Sorry. But maybe there is some cute scene with Greggo in the lab :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Im not sure about Who Are You? either, sorry.

Season 3 is when I first saw Sandle as a ship too Silhouette but I had to go with season 5 because of all the great moments. Plus it was the only really good thing to come out of them splitting up the team, IMO :)

Dog Eat Dog was on yesterday, no sandle moments unfortunately, but another great Greg line,

Grissom: "Good luck, im rooting for you."
Greg:" "Well, hopefully i'll find a weiner" :lol: LMAO at that.
I bet if Sara was there she would have laughed, she always laughs at his jokes :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yeah I think Sara would have laughed, or at least smiled, at Greggo's weiner (dirty!) joke. I don't think there are any Sandle moments in Pirates of the Third Reich (was Sara even in it? I don't remember seeing her.) I did like the scene at the end with Grissom and Lady Heather though. Very good in my opinion. Dunno about any Sandle in Who Are You either.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I just finished watching Who Are You, and nope, no Sandle moments. :( Greg wasn't really in it, just one scene. I loved it when he wanted to go to Hawaii.

Greg: "Would Grissom let me go to Hawaii?"
Nick: "Ask him yourself."
Grissom: *Comes in* "What do you want to ask me, Greg?"
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Sara laughs at everything Greg does. he's really the only one who makes her smile. they had better get a hug this season or i am going to be mad...and a really long hug at that.

did anyone else see in Who Shot Sherlock that Sara totaly thrusted her pelvis when she hugged Greg? kinda weird, made me smile, made Greg smile...

Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

YouandMe1105 said:
Yeah I think Sara would have laughed, or at least smiled, at Greggo's weiner (dirty!) joke. I don't think there are any Sandle moments in Pirates of the Third Reich (was Sara even in it? I don't remember seeing her.) I did like the scene at the end with Grissom and Lady Heather though. Very good in my opinion. Dunno about any Sandle in Who Are You either.

Sara would have laughed :lol: I loved the ending scene of Grissom and Lady Heather. Hey, at least she keeps him away from Sara!
To be honest, I just don't see the chemistry between Griss and Sara. I see the looks where she smiles and he looks uncomfortable, but that's all. Sara and Greg just have soooo cute moments!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hi guys! My computer, she is alive!!!Bwa ha ha ha!!! I'm back fo' good ya'll! And louder than eva'!!!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

No, I didn't see Sara press provocatively up against Greg during the Who Shot Sherlock hug. Perhaps I should watch it again! :devil: Of course Sara would have laughed, everyone loves an inappropriate weiner joke. I know I do. :D

Welcome back araSgerG, have a cookie or two.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hi araSgerG, welcome back. I can say the same to myself. Finally found the time to let you guys know I'm still alive, and still a Sandler! :D Sara thrusted her pelvis during hug? Or I missed something, or you are seeing very weird things. :devil: I shall go look again. (I never mind to see a nice Sandle scene ;)) Hey Roos, what a coincidence, they're airing Pirates of the Third Reich here too! :lol: (for who doesn't get the joke, I live in the same country as Roos) So you guys still want me here? Shall I search more time?
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hi, I think there is an episode in CSI when Greg wanted to go out with Sara!! did he had a date with her or something? because I don't watch a lot CSI lol :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I think you're talking about Organ Grinder, where Greg asked Sara to have her lunch with him, and she said yes, but later she turned him down because she was working on a hot case, and he was all disappointed. :(

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, cause if I am I am a very bad Sandle shipper! :eek:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yes Dutchie, of course we still want you around... you haven't jumped the ship, have you? ;) But I can't be here as much as I used to either :( Is there anyone here who feels like trying to cram CSI into your hectic daily life?

Welcome aboard, horatio_love!!! Have some cookies! :D
Anyway, it's 'Organ Grinder' :) And the scenes go like this:

GREG: Hey, Catherine? Do you think Sara would ever go out with me?
CATHERINE: Sure. As long as you don't tell her it's a date.

(so later he asked Sara)
GREG: So I was thinking. Maybe we could take our break at the same time. Later this shift. Together.
SARA: Sure.
GREG: (surprised) Really?

(then later he was looking for her)
GREG: Sara! I was just looking for you. Still up for break?
SARA: Sorry, Greggo, hot case. I'm going to go look at Nick's champagne bottle. How you doing with our DNA?
GREG: (looking so dissapointed :) awww) Uh ... inside-outside we're still looking for a reference for comparison but the epidermals are looking promising.
SARA: Nice. (She walks away)
GRISSOM: You want to clue me in?
GREG: Sara and I were just going out for dinner.
GRISSOM: On the case, Greggo...

Awwww Greggo looks so dissapointed... poor guy... But I love it when he said "Sara and I were just going out for dinner" he sounds so proud :lol: And he tried to ask Cath's opinion too... I love Organ Grinder :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Oh yes, I love that episode. It's one of my favorite Sandle episodes ever. I mean, Greg asking Sara out.. that's so cute! It doesn't top sharing a shower, but who cares. :) Greg is always so cute, especially when it comes to him and Sara. I mean, he sounds so proud. I would sound proud too, so.. hehe. :)

Nikki, really? I didn't know that. Hehe. And you're still welcome, don't worry.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

*timidly makes her way inside the thread*

Hi, I'm new here and I just wanted to say I really like the idea of Sara and Greg together, he just always seems to be able to brighten her mood. And, by the way, my favorite episode would have to be 'Iced' since they show such great chemistry there.
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