Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

*Sneaks in* Okay, well in about...14 minutes I will be going to my friend Chelsea's house-she's also a Sandle shipper :D!-but I have to say a big Happy Birthday to Hollie. Hope you have a great day! :D Gosh, I sound like a birthday card. :lol:

I also would offer you some Blue Hawaiian but it seems it has been spiked. I wonder who did that? *Grins sheepishly* But here, have these cookies I baked last night! *Gives cookies, and shares them with everyone.*

:D :) :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Happy Birthday HOLLIE hope you have a fantastic day :D *Gives Sandle birthday cake*

Lil present for you, sandle with your cake (not v good sorry) :)


I have a feeling that Sara is going to be by Greg's side throughout the whole entire season because of the Fannysmackin' Effect. The whole new Fannysmackin' Effect, that is.

Oh i hope so :) I think Fannysmakin is a pivotal point in their relationship and I think after that Sara may have had a real think about what and who she wants - Greg! Just because the episode where she took the fall for Gregs music against Grissom was so sweet and kinda out of usual character :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Aww. Thanks you guys! The cookies and cake are awesome. And I might pass on the coffee, i'm only fourteen.:eek:

Yay! For the Fannysmackin' Effect. That should be the name of our next thread or something. Anything that can bring Sara and Greg closer together.... :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

hollie, I'm 14, turning fifteen in less than two months (as I just now figured out) and I already drink caffeinated coffee. I just started. (Sadly, it isn't Blue Hawaiian, but it does have a lot of sugar in it. So I call it 'spiked'.) But since you're too young, how about something I started on when I was 13: cappucino? It's better!

Hmmm... The Fannysmackin' Effect would be a good name for the next thread... since we're on page 21 already! :p
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Oh, I drink coffee. I have for a couple years now. I was just refering to what it was spiked with.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Happy Birthday, Hollie! I hope you're having a good time... I'm a little tired today and I need to study for my maths exam tommorow. Bye bye. :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

HAppy birthday! (Think I missed already, but......)
And you've already tried spikeing the writers coffee? Darn....we have to think of something new.....

But yeah, I was wondering why she didn't congratulate him on the case or anything...I mean, come on she was all like caring at the scene....oh well.
Yes, Sabster I ill drink to that toast! *holds up mug of spiked Blue Hawaiin*
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

And you've already tried spikeing the writers coffee?
:lol: If Hollie doesn't, I will... I have to and I'll give them some Sandles cake to eat on while they're hungry on writing us Sandles scenes!

Hey, a girl can dream. :)

My dad and I are both CSI fans. My mom isn't, but never mind. :lol: He just bought the entire set of season 1-6... even though we have 3. Still. I wanna rewatch some Sandles episodes and especially the shower scene. Which episode is that from? Thanks in advance. :) :rolleyes: I'm very clueless!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

My dad and I are both CSI fans. My mom isn't, but never mind. He just bought the entire set of season 1-6... even though we have 3. Still. I wanna rewatch some Sandles episodes and especially the shower scene. Which episode is that from? Thanks in advance

Ah, the shower scene. Perfect Sandle moment. The scene is from 4x4 and the Season is season five. You're lucky, kissmesweet. I only have season five on dvd, but I'm glad I have that season since it's an odd number. And what does that mean, everyone? Tee hee! :D :lol:

Okay I admit, I helped spike the coffee. I did it and I'll do it again!...Unless they give us more Sandle :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Pass me some o' that Blue Hawaiian spiked or not, I've got another cold. Dang immune system...but I've got season 5 on DVD...I might just watch 4x4 over and over and over...
Hey Sandles21 , I don't thing it's a coincidence that 2 Sandle-ers got that autograph within days of each other...SANDLE SIGNS!!!
Hey, and I turn 15 on the I get Sandle-icious presents, too? *fails miserably while trying to look innocent*
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Haha. Of course you do araSgerG!

Sadly I don't have any of the CSI seasons on DVD. But, I plan to buy some with my birthday money and i'll prolly get the rest for Christmas. :D

Teehee, I'll spike the writers coffee. You can join me kissmesweet. With our Blue Hawaiian and cake, they can't refuse! They don't need to know that it's spiked...

As for the Sandle Signs, I'm looking out for them. I hope I get one. :D Haha. I can dream...
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Ooooooohh! Lemme come! Lemme come! I think I could use that on my otherwise spotless criminal record! Haha!
And may I present my Ode to Sandle...ahem...
Sandle rocks
Sandle rules
But I can't say that while in school
Cause all my friends are Grissom fans
From speaking to them I'd be banned

Thank you...I adapted this from the Red Sox poem I wrote when they went to the World Series I just replaced Red Sox with Sandle and Cardinals with Grissom
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

:lol: I love your 'Ode to Sandle' araSgerG! So cute!

I'll be looking out for Sandle signs too. I wonder if certain dreams count as Sandle signs, because I once had a dream where Sara was getting married to some guy, and as the guy was saying his vows, Greg walked out. Then, when it was time for Sara to say her vows, she hesitated and eventually said 'No'(WHOOHOO :lol:). So she went to Greg and they all lived happily ever after-well apart from the guy she left at the alter. Anyway, the next day I read a fanfic that was actually kinda-sorta-okay-not-really similar to the dream.

I'm just gonna shut up now and go to bed because I won't wake up tomorrow morning. Boring old school.

Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I've had a dream like that one, too...only mine had monkeys in it...monkeys in tuxes...any-who...yeah, let's not get into that one...
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I had a weird dream-
So I fell asleep at my friends house and in my dream Sara went into this bar. At this point, I was talking in my sleep saying, "Sara's at a bar? Wait-where's Greg?" and then in my dream I heard this video game music and then Greg came in and took Sara home. Then I woke up to my friends playing video was the same video game music as in the dream.....and greg amd sara went to a :lol: :lol: :lol:
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