Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

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He was, as I recall they interviewd him while he was dusting for prints on the door. He answered their questions about catching the bad guys even with a cold trail or something like that. At least (as I can recall) he had more screen time than Warrick did.
Loved the list. *squeels* I feel so welcome! That's it! I'm staying. Hmm, does anyone have an Episode List of Sandle Moments so I can make my Sandle banners and WPs.

(Sigh) What I like about Sandle is that Greg's the underdog here. He doesn't get Sara with a snap of a finger and I like that he hasn't given up on her!!!

I always love an underdog story. ;)
Glad to here your staying tanglewood :D I will make a list if I have time. I need to get off the computer soon and I need to visit a ton of threads :lol:

he hasn't given up on her. That is soo freakin cute!
In built to kill Cath is dancing with Nick and it looks pretty hot so that means Nick is out of the way... ;) The only person thats between our Greggo and Sarabeara :)p) is.. *duh duh duh* Grissom. But he can so move. :D I hope this makes scence :lol: Its kinda late here. Hehe.
With GSR, I only saw sexual things, no other things. It's more like Sara sucking up to Grissom and whatever and for some time, I've been confused with my LV ships.

Thank God for Sandle. And I think the producers are putting up more storylines for Greg... Sandle won't be a bad start for them.
Right, so guys remember how a few pages back we were talking about Greg and musical instruments (Specifically the piano) and jazz? Yeah well, I was un-succesful in killing that bunny.

So dedicated to all the talkCSI Sandle fans--I wrote a fic. Can be found here or on my LJ
Comments and criticsm are most welcomed.

And to avoid the mods seeing this as spam-aka-shamelessplug, I shall comment that with the event of Fannysmackin' coming up, let's hope Sara realises how important Greg is to her.

You know, to be completely honest, I much prefer the "chase" or "skirting the lines" of a relationship and not so much seeing it materialise on TV. In fics and artwork, sure no prob. Somehow I rather much prefer the subtle hints on screen.

Yes thank God for Sandle. :D So cute, so funny, so enjoyable to watch. Must have more! More I say!! *twitches* I dunno the whole list of Sandle episodes, mostly those from the later seasons and of course the major ones from earlier like "Organ Grinder" and "Chasing The Bus." :) That shows how much they like each other, in "Chasing the bus" Sara defended Greg when that lab tech said something about him "embarassing them all." and Greggo defended Sara when she got suspended in "Nesting Dolls."

No offense to the multi-shippers (don't hurt me!!) but I never saw much merit in GSR. Sara keeps giving and giving but he never gives anything back. Sure there is a bit of something there but he's never open with her.

:D Thank god you didn't kill that plot bunny, frickangel, that was a great fic. I could see Greg playing the piano. That's something I've always wanted to do but have never had the chance.

I love the underdogs too, tanglewood14, because they're usually the greatest characters.
Greg was so cute defending Sara in "Nesting Dolls". He was totally right. I'd defend her too, with her cute, little purdy jorjeous face. :) They're the cutest couple around. The writers should know that. Shall we write a letter that they have to make Sandle a canon-ship. And guys, it isn't sure Sara and Grissom are together.. she only said I'm not ready to say goodbye. That could be another hint to Grissom that she loves him. Maybe she was just showering at Grissom's after Brass woke up. Who knows?
Oh lots of fics to read :)

Um a list? These are the only ones i can remember apart from the ones YaM listed.

Um Table Stakes, S1 - when she goes with Nick to see Greg in the lab, and she goes 'you're awake. I hate that' and then Greg 'You want some valium for her?'
Sara: 'I heard that' I just thought that was funny.

4x4, S5 - loads in this one, um the shower scene and when they are walking down the corridor and Sara says 'Gosh, reall? i saw everything' :lol:

Iced, S5 - most of that episode.

Down the Drain, S5 - the Sara: I heard you finally lost your virginity. First autopsy, how was it? scene

Commited, S5 - the pillowcase scene. Plus i like the fact the Greg was the only other CSI in that episode, and he comes into the scene where Sara and Grissom are alone together.

Revenge Is Best Served Cold, S3 - the Tupac part and the 'whats he got that i dont got?' aww jealous Greg.

Time Of Your Death, S6 - when Sara is the only one who remembers his birthday, and Sara: 'Please tell me there are something more to this guys and cars thing, besides the obvious penis extension metaphors.'Greg: 'So you want me to lie' :lol:

Um yeah thats all i can remember :)
I read this spoiler over at the csi spoiler thread:

Im not sure why, but there is a physce* person helping Gris on a case, and Gris pretty much says, go ahead and analyse me. And the dude does. This is the person that we heard about knowing about the GSR thing. He comes out and says that Gris is getting bored so he decided to have an affair with someone in the lab. The guy knows this because in a crowded room, Gris wont look Sara in the eyes. The guy goes on to say that Gris is only with her because he got bored and unles the little love affair fills the 'hungry ghost' inside Gris.. he'll want more.
:D You can't have forgotten Who Shot Sherlock? It's got some good ones in there too. Then there is Crow's Feet, they work well together in that episode as well. Greg tries to be angry with her because she didn't get him for the interrogation of their suspect (he hadn't taken his final proficiency test yet) but he settles for being grumpy when Sara explains why.

That's all I can think of right now. Now, I'm off to find coffee.
OMG i actually have forgotten what happened in Who Shot Sherlock? Is it when Sara says 'i could really kiss you right now?'

Oo thought of another one, in Nesting Dolls, S5 when Greg is in a suit *swoons* for court and Sara says 'Wow. Look at you, Mr. straightedge. I did not know that your hair could do that.' its so obvious she likes him, or she wouldnt have said Wow.

Thanks for the spoiler Raven04

Sounds like a good idea Roos , question though, what does canon mean? :)
Canon means that the couple is actually together. :) So that Sara and Greg are dating.

And yes, I think it's the I Could Kiss You Right Now-thing. My memory isn't that good, though, hehe. :) And I loved the 'Look At You, Mister Straightedge'-scene. :D
could anybody answer this question for me? its kinda of a spoiler so highlight the words to see.
why will greg and sara be holding hands in the episode Fannysmackin?
but for whatever reason i'm definitely not gonna miss it. i hope they get together they're so cute together i liked the show because of them. :) go sandle! oh and can anybody tell me which episode did sara hug greg when they had their csi vests on and which episode did the lab explode sending sara and greg flying out. oh and if you would also please tell me the season. thanks! :)
Woahh thanks for the spoiler Raven04!!! :D

crappidoo, I believe you have a spoiler in your post so if you could pleasee edit and put in a spoiler tag! Some people don't want to know whats going to happen. Thanks for changing your post crappidoo :D

YaM, are you still spoiler free? :lol:
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