Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

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frickangel that fic was amazing, love Greg the jazz pianist :)

Greg would definitely be the one to make a move again. And i would say that if it was going to be anytime it would be in season 7. Just because William Peterson wont be in a few eps, so that gives Greg plenty of oppurtunity, and after Fannysmakin', if the spoilers are true, then i think that everything that might happen to him will definitely spur him on to make the next move. hopefully. :D
Thanks, for the lovely words, guys! Greg behind a piano was what spurred me into writing it.

Anyways, I'll be waving the multi-coloured flags then while everyone else holds poms-poms.

Silhouette: plot? I figured Wendy pops by, snarks a little and leaves *grins*

Whoa what was happening to talkCSI last night? When I woke up this morning it was still down, but thank God now it's up again.

Plot? Well of course, frickangel... Wendy gets a bit of an important role as a matter of fact... So, still wanna be Wendy? ;)

Yes of course, sandersidle, pom poms for you *hands pom poms* :D

Hmm indeed it's a move, if the spoilers are true... GO GREGGOOOOO!!! *shakes pom poms* I can't wait for Fannysmakin', then we should know what's gonna happen (even though I won't be able to watch it... but yeah cut on the dissapointment I guess, if tptb messes up again :rolleyes:)

Gotta run for now... school starts in about... 1 hour!
*hangs on to the Wendy-RP nametag tighter* Mine. :p Will PM you later about the err...plot.

Oh, yeah and Happy Birthday to Silhouette. ;)

Happy birthday Silhouette!! :D :D I have a present: The Sandle Hug :p I would make one for you but im on the computer that has no pictures :(.. And its really late her :) Tomorrow I will make you one tho! ;)

*Shakes pom poms* Wooo! GO GREG!! :D
The Sandle Hug :D That was one of the first scenes I looked at and thought "Awww!! Sara & Greggo!!" SO CUTE! But, they're always cute.

I'm looking forward to Fannysmackin' as well. Not because Greg is gonna get beat up :( But because of all the potential Sandle moments that could come from it :)

*Dusts off pom poms from junior high school* Gimme a G!! Gimme an R!! Gimme an E!! Gimme a G!! YAY GREG!!!
Awww thank you frickangel and sandersidle :) :)
Awwww it's teh HUG :D Sandle always makes me happy. Even if my first day of new semester sucks like a vampire :rolleyes: Hehe this board makes me happy...

*joins littleSara* Gimme G!! Gimme R!! Gimme E, and G, GOOOOOO GREGGOOOOOO!!!! :D
Yeah, I'm glad ya'll agree with me that Greg will be next to put himself out there. Poor guy is a glutton for punishment, having been denied before. But obviously Sara is special to him. :)

*covers his eyes* Ahhh! Good lord people, keep your spoilers and spoiler reactions to yourselves!

Heh, TalkCSI was down so many times yesterday I developed a weird attraction to that photo of Johnathan Togo. They should put a picture of Jorja up too so we guys have eye candy to look at while they do maintainence as well. :devil:

Off to watch the CSI marathon on Spike! Yay!
Yeah I think everyone's here kinda too open with spoilers. I'm not spoiler free so it doesn't bother me, but poor others who do. So, keep your spoilers in spoiler tags, people, even if it's just one sentence like in littlesara's post :)

Ah poor Yummy... so hard to keep spoiler-free eh?
:eek: Weird attraction to Jon??? :eek: Wow are you serious? I can't believe Jon is so hot he attracts Yummy too :lol: Join the club, hun, I fell under his spell myself ;)

Yeah he's been denied before, but you know Greg. He's not that easy giving up on something. He worked hard to be a CSI. Same way with Sara. He won't give up that easily. :D
Happy birthday Silhouette!!! :D

Ahhhh! I love that pic! The hug! I was actually just looking for that picture! :lol:

TalkCSI was down forever! They said it would only take on hour and then it took like 10! :lol: I was low on sandle love. I was grumpy. This board just makes me feel better!
I know it took forverr. And then when it was back up it made my computer slow on this website. Its fast now but I was so sad :lol:

Aww Silhouette, your birthday is on the first day of school? School starts tomorrow for me.

Ahh yes the Sanlde hug :D It's soo cute how he just wraps himself around her *faints* :)

I might go watch the CSI marathon :D
*Sits on the bleachers and waves her flags while everyone cheers*

Heh, maybe for today we'll have Sandle cake instead of cookies just for Silhouette.

I need to toggle this... *toggle*

I have been shipping this one before I ever became a member on this site! I haven't been posting much since school started for me three weeks ago... I feel sorry for y'all who have to go back today. Or tomorrow.

Greg and Sara are sooo cute together. :D I have a friend who made me a Sandle banner... Sandle banner She's a member on here... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! ;) :p :p

ETA: I just now noticed... what are y'all going to name the new thread? I just came up with one- "over their heads" or "He's Over his head" (I listen to The Fray, okay?)
Haha, sure I know who I am, Neelie. :) I have to make some new banners, though... And nice to see you here!
I have to go back to school the day after tomorrow. Don't want to!!! :(
I love that banner. :lol: I have to go back to school tomorrow. 'Cause today's Labor Day and we had a break from our already three weeks of school. I don't want to go back, I enjoyed sleeping late!! :lol: And I have to make a decision on my school schedule... regular English/Geography or Honors English/Geography? *brainstrain*

I am tired now... I got up at 8:55 am EDT to watch a CSI marathon. And I'm sleepy. :lol: But I resolved to type out my story.
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