Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

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Yeah, I went with "Because he hasn't given up on her" cause given the circumstances, it's just too damn sweet.

I don't really have anything else to say.. argh.. must .. make.. three.. lines..

Oh, I think Jorja would look un-good as a blonde. I saw pics of her as a redhead somewhere and even that wasn't fantastic- and almost EVERYONE looks good as a redhead! Nope, I think Jorja should stick to her gorgeous brunette locks.
I decided to try my luck at writing Sandles. Let me direct your attention to the FanFiction board :D

Dear Diary

Tell me what ya think :D

Aaah yes, and I voted for "Because he hasn't given up on her." My heart went *squeeeeeee* when I read that in the interview. It was the cutest!! I <3 Eric :D
littlesara I read the fic and I think it's really cute so far. I can't wait til you update.

Does everyone really look good as a red head? I kinda wanna dye my hair red, cause I love the way it looks, but I might just keep it brown. I've decided to take a break from dying my hair. I had light blue highlights once. Yupp. And orange ones, that glowed under a black light. They were cool. Then I kept them blonde, until they grew out. Now i'm back to brown, so yeah, like I said i'll probably stay like that for awhile.

Wow now that you've pointed it out, it is actually pretty hard to write three lines. Well sometimes. But if I keep rambling on like this, I shouldn't have a problem. :D Haha, i'm still rambling. I'll stop now. Too much coffee? Meybe.

Oh i've just noticed that this is terribly off-topic. So .. um .. GO SANDLE! Yeah I think it's sooo cute! Sara and Greg are adorable. :D
:lol: I love that quote in your siggy hollie, poor Greggo trying to be cool. Sandle is adorable, isn't it? The grumpy workaholic and her goofy guy.
Wow, page 22 already! :) Me loves le quote too! It's so.. Sandle-ish! ;) I love it. :) I can't wait until the twentyfirst of September, I mean.. when's the airing-date of 'Fannysmacking'? I'm so going to wake up early to watch it on CBS. :) I love the guys of CBS.
Yeah I love that quote too, that's why I stuck it in my siggy. I would have put more of it, but it wouldn't let me.

I know! I can't wait until semptember 21!! hmm. I have to make sure I set up my DVR thingy so I can record it cause my dance class is gonna make me miss the first five minutes. :mad:
poor greg,he's going to be so disappointed when he'll find out that sara's dating grissom,he never really gave up on her.
Ahh September 21st!! its so close yet so far!!! :lol: Im recording it too. Hopefully my dad will have set up Rogers Digital by then. We've had it forever and he still hasnt set it up :mad: :lol:
Setember 21st... wow, I have been waiting for that date for a looong time and now it'll be here in a little less than a month!! I can't wait to see if they're are sandle moments!Talk about getting anxious and excited! :D

sunshie, as part of the board rules, we aren't allowed to post links to interviews. What interview are you talking about any way? :p
So I was looking at the poll and 'Because he hasn't given up on her' is winning by a mile. 71%. 10 votes. [woo-hoo!]
September 21st can't get here soon enough! I hope there will be tons of Sandle moments this season. Perhaps some more hugging hmmm? *wiggles his eyebrows* Or more.. :devil:
Heya people... I'm back after being MIA for 3 days hehehe...

I voted for 'Because he hasn't given up on her'. I know I should be ashamed for voting for my own suggestion *blushes* but I love it so much!
I love it THAT much that I made an icon rightaway (see my icon? :D) I just can't help it. When Eric said it, I squeee!!! :D I'm so happy to see it's winning :)

Okay now I need to do some catching up... *goes to read the posts*
uhm..i say a while back something about a interview,
in respons with the'Because he hasn't given up on her' thing.
maybe i got it wrong..
Silhouette!! Your back! :D *runs and hugs her* here have a cookie *Hands Silouette a cookie* :)

I voted for Because He Hasn't Given Up On her Yet :D It's so cute, and appropriate! :)

When was the last time Sara hugged Greg..Well we SAW them hug :devil: Was it Who Shot Sherlock??
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