Sara/Greg #6 - She Could Really Kiss Him

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I can see a very messy Greg and a very messy Sara standing in a kitchen which looks like a tornado hit it :lol:
sandlesgirl254 said:
Oh, and personally, I think Greg and Sara would belong in the book Pride and Prejuduce (sp?)
Well, Greg is not like Darcy, and Sara is not like Elizabeth, so I'm not so sure that it fits, maybe apart from Sara's "I hate you." and we know that she now loves him. ;)
When i read the book question, Pride and Prejudice popped into my head too, even though the characters aren't very similar. well, actually elizabeth and sara are kind of similar, what with being strong willed and all that. maybe i just thought of the book, because it would be fun to see them dressed up in 1800's style clothing!
sandlesgirl254 said:
i think they would make homemade pizza or something messy. Greg would throw flour at Sara....*sighs*
I love that mental image... I can SO imagine it in slow motion :D
Flour everywhere. Sara running around the room, Greg trying to catch her. And... he slips! :lol: Greg falls to the floor, Sara's like "Aww baby, are you okay?" while trying so hard to hold her laughter. :D :D

Blah, I can't stop imagining cute scenes between these two *sigh* I really need to stop... WAIT NO I WON'T :D :D
I LOVE the Greg POV thing .. and the Sara and Greg "attempting" to bake a homemade meal. WOw i'm such a loser I get so excited over this stuff .. it's kinda like every Thursday night when it's like 8:59 and I know a new episode of CSI is coming on .. I freak!! ESPECIALLY the first time Greg pops up on the TV!!

hah .. wow i'm a loser
Hestia said:
9we need something like that! The GSRs have the gutter and snickers use the "dark side" - what are we?)

We have the best side, and that is exactly what I've called it, the best side.
Umm...I feel so stupid for asking this but, what does 'the gutter' and 'the dark side' mean? I haven't been in this board that long so... I miss a lot

Omg, it's now three in the morning here! I should be doing my hw but... tempted to go here and post :D
Kinda offtopic, but... Whoa, it's already Wednesday (CSI day over here), that means 17 hours left to infamous Greg's KissKissByeBye hat trick! :D :D *happy dance*
Ahh I do that kinda stuff too. I freak over fanfics and comments people say. I seriously need a I even have one? :p I have four baby birds on the table and I'm trying to think what to call them. Any Sandle-ish ideas? There's two girls and a boy that aren't named yet, the one is being given a name by my best friend. :p Speaking of the little feather balls, I have to go feed them again.
I was just reading a book where this one guy was crazy and he spiked his hair. He had a major crush on this girl who liked his hair when he didn't spike it, and to make a long story short the characters are exactly like Greg and Sara and they get together in the end.
weird, I know! :lol:
(BTW, after awhile he stopped spiking it for her)
Aww that's so cute and awesome! What was the book called? I think I may want to go abduct it from my library.
Silhouette said:
Umm...I feel so stupid for asking this but, what does 'the gutter' and 'the dark side' mean? I haven't been in this board that long so... I miss a lot

Don't feel stupid, Silhouette! ;) I'm not an expert myself, but I shall try t explain.
*Ahem* Well, just like each shipper has their own "name" (Sara/Nick has Snickers and Grissom/Sara has GSR) they also created a little "realm" if you will. I've popped over from time to time (Don't stone me! :lol:) and GSR shippers refer to their thread as "the gutter" (because their minds are always there? That's what I think... but doesn't everyone have guttery thoughts from time to time?) And I've seen a banner or two that refers to the snickers as the "dark side". Like, "come over to the dark side" and they mean "come over to the snicker side (although they're not so dark! :p)
I hope this explains it... kinda off topic, but I like that we're "the best side"
Maybe we could be the sunny beach (‘cuz sandles are like the shoes... never mind! :rolleyes: )

Well, I posted a sandles ficlet, so if anyone wants to check it out, just click on my signature link! :D

( :cool: Greg probably changed his hairstyle to look more serious for Sara!)
Sorry I don't know what the name of the book was called (don't kill me!) because my friend had it and I only read a couple of chapters of it while I was in study hall.

Greg needs to start flirting again, it's bothering me that he's always so serious!
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