Sara/Greg #6 - She Could Really Kiss Him

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I guess real life is taking over... *sigh* I'm sorry I can't be online as much bcuz of finals (a.k.a Hell Week :lol:)

Yes we need a new discussion... but I'm running out of ideas (cuz my brain has been over-exploited this past few weeks :( not too mention I've only slept 2 hours for 2 straight days #_#). Err okay I got off-topic...
Hmm, wanna play 'What you won't hear Sandle say in CSI'? It's like 'what you won't hear in CSI' but it's Sandle. I dont know if it's been done before... Just thought it'd be fun :)

(Once upon a time in CSI locker room...)
Sara: Greg, let's make babies!
Greg: I can't... I'm busy styling my hair

Hi everyone, I've been a Sandle shipper for a long time, but my shipperheart got broken when I heard about that last scene in way to go. :( But, I've decided I should go here and join the Sandleness. :D So are you? :rolleyes:
Sorry I haven't posted .. real life sucks!! SinCityx glad to hear your making icons .. i love the Time To Dance one. If i like one of the ones you make could i possibly steal it? I really need a good icon/avatar!!
i love Sandle. i've been reading what you guys have said.. and i've just made a dust mask that says 'GSR Kills'

the two of them freak me out....wait, if their supposed to be three years younger than their accual ages then that would mean Greg was 21 when he meet Sara. 'cause he's 30 now. woah.

anyways! love the Coffee Shop of No Return!
Silhouette said:
(Once upon a time in CSI locker room...)
Sara: Greg, let's make babies!
Greg: I can't... I'm busy styling my hair

You knowwww I can imagine them doing a case that needs baby dummies and her saying that.. and him making a joke.
Idk, haha.

I'd love to see that though.
Things you'll never hear coming out of Greg or Sara's mouths...

Greg- "I think I'm going to switch to a generic brand of decaf, blue hawaiian is getting to be too expensive."

Sara- "/sigh - i need a vacation."
Dutchie, FrostBite I am glad to see some new faces. Please drop by more often and feel free to take some chocolate sandies and some of Greg's Blue Hawaiian. It's yummy! :D

What wouldn't they say... hmmm...
Sara *to Greg*: You, me, wax candles and a bucket of liquid latex - what do you say? :devil:
Greg: Can't hear you, I'm listening to Manson.
Hi Dutchie, FrostBite!! *waves* Here, have some Sandle Positivity cookies, it could cure you broken shipperheart in no time! And of course, Greg's Blue Mountain to brighten your cloudy days :)

Hollie - Ooh I feel your pain... Real life could be hell sometimes *sigh*
But look no further for a cure, there is Sandle with cuteness you can't handle :D (that to quote Hestia's tagline :))

Lia - BABY DUMMIES!!! :lol: :lol: I need to put that to my list of 'Scenes tptb should do in Season 7' :D :D

Haha, good one Hestia! I get a feeling that Greg would say "Shhh! I'm listening to Mozart..." :lol: Now that's odd!
*waves back, takes cookie and coffee* Boy, I'm so welcome here :D Hmm what they will never say...maybe:

Greg: Wanna go out?
Sara: Sure.
Greg: *faints*

Haha, I'd laugh so hard if he finally had the guts to ask her out and she'd just go: sure. :rolleyes:
Yeah, considering their situation now... :rolleyes:

That reminds me of Organ Grinder, when Greg asked Sara if they could take their break at the same time (go out to dinner), to which Sara just replied "Sure" and Greg got so excited (awww)... And how dissapointed Greg was when later he was ready to go and Sara was "I'm sorry Greg, hot case"...
Hehe it's just so cute... I love that episode *sigh*
Oh the happy days of Sandle, how I miss you so...

Another scene that you wouldn't see in CSI:
Sara: *poking a db* Greg what's that green thing on his mouth??
Greg: o_O .... *picks up his cell* Hey Hazmat! We need decontamination shower. It's emergency! *pauses* Yes, again...


And later:
Greg: So, what did you see this time?
Sara: MUAhahahahahaahahahahahaha!! :devil:
Greg: o_O

:lol: that proves my lack of sleep :lol:
Haha!! These are hilarious. I'm gonna try ....

[continuity on 4X4]
Greg: Sara, I just want you to know that when we were in the shower together, I didn't see anything.
Sara: Really? Gosh, I saw everything...
Greg: Oh .. well .. I was just trying to be polite. I saw everything too
Sara: Well in that case, do you wanna come over my place tonight?
Greg: Can it involve liquid latex?
Sara: :devil:

I'm gonna go hide in a corner now, cuz that was pretty bad...
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