Sara/Greg #6 - She Could Really Kiss Him

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:eek: FANFICS!!!! I'm so happy!!! :D :D Haha amusing how a devastating episode could be a base for a lot of fanfic plot bunnies... Thanks guys for writting them :)

misomeru said:
lol. I'm loving how Grissom can understand the cockroaches. :)
Well, he is the bugman... :lol:

Lia said:
I'm tempted to write a fanfic about that now.. haha.
:eek: MY HERO!! :lol: :lol: Oh please do write it...
Eh wait, you already started? o_O Fast... I'm gonna read it :)

I wanna read them, gregsandersfan and Hestia, but I'm trying to stay away from 'full' spoiler :( I wanna know generally what happen, just if there'd be GSR or not is enough (cuz my curiosity kills me), but I think knowing the whole scene would spoil everything when I watch the epi later... I prefer to stay curious :) but I'm gonna read them later after I've seen the epi, hope you don't mind? :)
Yey!! Fanfics are awesome!! Me and my friend start writting them, but we never finish. Short attention spand. [sp??]

Anyway sorry I haven't been here in awhile .. hectic weekend
you know there always is the chance that tptb will pull some sort of stunt, and ignore the last scene of the finale, or turn it into a dream, which would be good for us!
although i have achieved a sort of peace, i think, a zen like attitude toward gsr, lol. and after all i used to ship sara and grissom, and i suppose as long as she's happy...
haha, i cant beleive how invested i am in a fictional character!
I hope instead of it being a dream, it's a horrible, horrible nightmare :D

I still refuse to give up! I hope you all follow me :) I also hope that all of you write a letter of complaint... many people are planning to do it.

To cheer us up, how about we all post our favorite sandle pic? I'll go first. Here is mine.
Courtesy of CSImedia :)
Don't worry, Sandles21, I'll fight alongside you in this battle :D I won't give up on Sandle either, I mean...

I'm planning to write a complaint too (alongside my complaints of how underappreciated Greg is this season :roll:). But I think I'll try email, since I live in the other side of the world... my pigeons can't travel that far you know ;) :lol:

Fave Sandle fics?? MANY!!!! I'll try to post a list when I get back :)

Don't give up on Sandle! Tptb sucks with continuity, so, who knows there'd be an unexpected turn in the first episode of the next season... (like, the part of it being a nightmare, and Sara turning in her bed to Greg sleeping next to her, maybe? ;))

Thanks for keeping positive, people :)
I'll fight alongside both of you! Sorry I haven't been on in a while, real life is hectic...
anyway, fav sandle pic? Aggh, I have so many, I have to find one
I know! There are too many good sandle pics :D They are just sooo adorable together!

Silhouette- I love that idea!! Sara waking up from her night mare and seeing Greg laying next to her :)
Hello every one!!!

I know you don't know me but I have something to say!

This is about the finale. I posted this somewhere else so it dosent have to totally do with sandles.

OK here is my opnion on the whole thing.I Love CSI but I HATE GSR but that is not going to stop me from watching the show. It is still just going to the same old CSI.

I think if you can't watch CSI next season because of this that, that is just plain dumb, and you wernt a big fan in the first place.

This show is mostly about forensics with a little drama so just live life realizing the writers made a mistake in my opinion and they can not take it back. They my lose veiwers and they may gain then. it just depends on what people like.
Very nice pics, everyone. :D I don't have anything... although I did post a new ficlet that's sandle-ish. And it doesn't have any spoilers, Silhouette ;)
Check it out if you want. And keep up the positive attitude! :cool:
Hestia - Spoiler-free? :eek: I love you! I'm definitelly going to read it :)
Edited: Already read it :)

CSIWanabe said:
I think if you can't watch CSI next season because of this that, that is just plain dumb, and you wernt a big fan in the first place.
:confused: who says we wanna stop watching CSI just bcuz of the finale/GSR?
I think you misunderstood us Sandle fans... if you spend a bit more time reading our posts, you'd find that we Sandle fans are positive people (YAY! I'm so proud of us :D).
Even if I personally don't like GSR, I won't stop watching bcuz of that... I love the show very much, and besides, I wanna be around when GSR finally over and Sara come looking for Greg for comfort ;)

Well, that, or the 'nightmare' theory... whichever comes first :lol: :lol:
See? I am very positive! :D

justjess - awww... I love that pic!!! One of my fave Sandle scene :)
sandlesgirl254 - :eek: That's my fave pic too! I was about to post that but you beat me to it ;)
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