Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

*grins at Del's new Taylor avvie* She's pretty :) Welcome back hon!

Love your little dialogue there Naz, :) Seeing them on a date together would be so cute. And knowing Greg, he'd probably think up some quirky conversation to keep her laughing the entire night.
:) No problem Del. I don't think I've met you before, so... hi, it's nice to meet you! And thanks for the 'good luck' with my homework thing. I need it :rolleyes:.

Cute dialogue Naz. Heh heh.

I agree that seeing them on a date together would be incredibly cute, Liff. *pictures it in her mind* Aww, they're so cute...
Although, really, I still maintain that Rashomama was just a cover-up operation for the fact that Nick walked in on Greg and Sara's secret date. Or maybe an elaborate revenge operation by our lovely couple...
Great dialogue Naz!!! :D

Oh my! look what you guys have've let the thread fall to the second page :eek:
Can't have that!

^Me too...if Nick hadn't walked in I wonder what they would have talked about........

2 weeks till new eppys!! :D

Sal - we only have to wait 3 weeks to get to see the new episodes... they air here 1 week after the Americans I think but not a 100% but you're a spoiler gal so you'll probably watch clips on youtube but I still thought'd I let you know....

I watched Bull yesterday it was awesome......but weird in the fact that still no has said anything about Sara or how they feel about her leaving or anything like that.....

Also I really missing Eva for some reason(where is she)...maybe because I was reading "Its Not Over" again..and it gave me goosebumps!..(yet again)...
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Salean, thanks so, so much for this great list of Sandle moments! This is awesome!

May I add a

Sandle Poem of the Day

I hold it true, whate'er befall
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

(Emily Dickinson, from: Love reckons by itself)
^My are we bringing up Rashomama again? :lol: That was an awesome episode and I'll never forgive Nick for intruding on their lunch? date. Or was it breakfast, I don't remember anymore. But still, it's all his fault we didn't get to see more!

See? That's what happens when you crash dates; your truck gets stolen. :lol:

I wonder if the writers/TPTB will bring in someone as a romantic interest for Greg, you know spice things up a bit. And maybe Sara can come back out of jealousy and kick the girl's ass out the door so she can sit in Greg's lap instead. :D

I'm all for that!

Nice poem there Kat! I miss all the DOTDs and FOTDs....and POTDs... :(
^My are we bringing up Rashomama again? :lol: That was an awesome episode and I'll never forgive Nick for intruding on their lunch? date. Or was it breakfast, I don't remember anymore. But still, it's all his fault we didn't get to see more!

See? That's what happens when you crash dates; your truck gets stolen. :lol:

^^ He totally had that would have been great to see him get distracted by Cat or something and walk away from the diner...(yes I Ship CatNip and you will if you've seen the stuff we talk about in that thread..:devil: *points to Liffy*)

I wonder if the writers/TPTB will bring in someone as a romantic interest for Greg, you know spice things up a bit. And maybe Sara can come back out of jealousy and kick the girl's ass out the door so she can sit in Greg's lap instead. :D

I'm all for that!

^^Erics always said he wants a love interest on the show...There were rumours early that his potential love interest could be Ronnie but I haven't seen much of her since "Good Bye And Good Luck"...but I would love for her to be his love interest (okay so I changed my mind about her she's actually okay)...

I'm all for that too Liffy!!! :D

Nice poem there Kat! I miss all the DOTDs and FOTDs....and POTDs... :(

I have a little surprise for you Liffy, my friend...another...

Pic Of The Day

"There Is Still Hope"

Also for Liffy pressies my icons from the challenge:

3 weeks, Shazza? *dances* Wooo!!!
To be honest, I probably will watch clips on youtube etc, but it's not the same as watching it on the TV. :)

Kat, it was no problem. :) As I say, it was from a dead Sandle thread on another forum, so I thought that it shouldn't go to waste.

Oh, and that poem was awesome! Thanks for sharing it.

See? That's what happens when you crash dates; your truck gets stolen. :lol:

:lol: Exactly. It was bound to happen.

Yeah, I would love for some jealousy from Sara. If she got back from San Francisco and realised that Greg had a new girlfriend... we could have some really nice scenes.
Actually, I read a fanfic about that not long ago. Sara came back, and discovered that Grissom had died and Greg was engaged to Ronnie. It was so angsty, but such a wonderful fic. I'll see if I can look it up for you guys.

Edit: As I post this, my sister is playing 'Silent Night' on the piano... It's Easter! Why is she playing a Christmas Carol?
3 weeks to what? Isn't it just 13 days until new episodes? :D Hooray! (But yeah, I haven't watched the latest season so I'll just keep quiet now). :p

Nice graphics there Shaz! :) Love 'em all to bits! We need more Sandle scenes and I think Sara learning that Greg (may have) moved on would bring her back in a heartbeat, forget all about Grissom, jump into his arms and ask, "Been keeping my spot open?" :lol:

I don't really want Grissom to die, because he's cool, but maybe he can forget any romantic notions he had about Sara and just concentrate on his bugsies. Leave Sara to Greg :)

Salean, you're a DL shipper too? You have to come by the DL thread and post! :)

And maybe your sister's got the wrong holiday in her head. Might wanna tell her Christmas isn't here yet. It's only Easter. :lol:
^^Dude!...did I mention something about the fact that me and sal in the UK so Its gonna be while till we get to see new eppys!!...DUH!...Liffy needs to keep his mouth zipped!!...

Thank You..!! Glad you like 'em...we definately need more Sandles scenes and I love your senario.....

Btw, lol I haven't watched New York in a long time but D/L is such a cute ship.....If I ever get in New York again I'lll pop by the thread :)
^You better! I'll hold you to that. And sorry about the whole wrong date thing. :eek: If it's any consolation, we haven't even finished S7 here! It's just started!! No idea when I'll be able to even watch S8, when you're all talking about season 9 probably. :lol:

Wouldn't it be fun if Greg had to come out to New York for a...conference or something? And he meets Sara in the crowd, and they catch up. Sara's can be holiday or something and they can go out for coffee and end up double dating with Danny and Linds *dreams* Oh how wonderful. :)
^haha don't hold me to that...I don't watch that show anymore :eek:....I'll try and watch it this worries about the whole date thing...were actually talking about season 8 Liffy :eek: Season 9 hasn't even started yet...

HAHA! the double date thing sounds cool.Oooh! now wouldn't that more an awesome crossover eppy...I like New York but its sometimes very dark so I don't really watch it that D/L are your OTP, right?? cool...I will pop by the thread if I get a chance!! :D
Well what I meant was that where I am, Season 7 just started airing, which means by the time I watch season 8, y'all be watching Season 9! Am I making any sense?

Ah yes, I'd love a Vegas/NY crossover. :) Greg can annoy everyone with his Blue Hawaiian addiction and he can bring along his swami hat. Lol. They can all meet up at a good Pizza place Danny finds and end up randomly talking about their labs and old cases and stuff. Then Greg can tell them how he accidentally peed in a crimescene. :p
^oh! Your making perfect sense I just didn't read what you said before probably :eek:

HAHA! love the ideas....and Greg peeing in a crimescene OMGOD...:guffaw:haha! it'd totally work and be so funny...:guffaw:the swami hat haha! cool...:lol: that was funny Liffy you really crack me up...:guffaw:and since you said it and because you're gonna hold it against me if I don't I'm off to the D/L thread..
Hi guys! Sorry for being here in awhile. Glad you have kept the Sandle conversation flowing! I've made another Sandle video; I've really gotten the Movie Maker addiction. :D I set the video to Paramore's 'CrushCrushCrush', so you just have to look for 'Greg & Sara - CrushCrushCrush'. Hope you'll like it!

Also, I've finally seen Goodbye and Good Luck last week and my, I was so amazed by the episode. Jorja played sooo well! Of course I do still think it's ridiculous that there wasn't any Sandle goodbye at all. They were best friends! I think I'm going to write about Greg finding out that Sara is gone and his feelings about that. I'm sure he's devastated about her departure... :(
Ha, yeah, I'd love for them to do a Vegas/NY cross-over. They're the only two that haven't had one, actually... since Miami has had one with both Vegas and NY... Just thought that was interesting.

Liff, yeah, I ship DL too. I used to ship them loads, but for some reason they dropped a bit out of my radar for a while, but I'm getting my love for them back now :D So yeah, I'll check out the DL thread at some point.

Eva, I love that song! So going to check that vid out in a bit. :) And yeah, I was really disappointed that there wasn't any Sandle in that episode. Especially after we were promised it... :( *sigh* However, as you say, I'm sure Greg was devastated... but he probably kept it very private which is why we don't see much of it onscreen.

Random thought: Have you noticed that, while everyone considers Greg to be the most 'open' of the LV team, we actually know less about him than we know about all the others? I think it's odd...

Hmm... sparking ideas for a character study fic...