Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

shazza_018 said:
Eva - I just read your story and i reallly really enjoyed it.......Thanks for making my day lol.

I think I'll on making a video to go with that fanfic if thats okay with you? Do you mind me using that song lol???
Sorry....if its seems i stole your idea lol

Are you kidding me?! I'd LOVE a video to that song. It fits Sandle so well that it's almost scary. :D It would be amazing to have a video fitting to my fanfic. It'll show the world that It's Not Over! :D

Let me know when you have it up! And if you need any help, just PM me.
Glad you guys like the video as much as me. :D I'm trying to finish a Sara/Sandle angst video but it's moving really slowly. Stupid Windows Vista. :rolleyes:

Ugh, look at his stupid cute little face in that picture. :lol: And you can see Sara is smiling. He's still the only person who can genuinely make her smile.

So I heard that Sara might be back for the finale, if we ever get one. It probably won't happen but I'd LOVE to see what Greg will say to Sara after she just left.
I wonder if Greg has tried to call her. You'd think he'd be trying to get in touch with her.
Ho my god! This thread is getting so many posts to fast! I don't think I've ever come back from school seeing this many new posts. You guys are awesome! :D

Weather here has been brutal, so I think that's somehow correlated to my computer acting so sluggish. I'm trying to flip between posts to see who has said what! xD I'm sorry guys, but right now I'm going to have to address people by usernames. D: I still haven't gotten names down!

Shazza, great lyrics! They definitely ring Sandle in my head. :3 And cute wallpaper, too. I look forward to reading some of your fanfiction! It's been quite an addiction lately. ;D

As for you Eva, I'm going to read your fic right after I'm finished with this post. :3 I'm excited! Sandle fics are inspirational. Haha. And if it's the song I'm thinking about, by Daughtry, then I'm pretty sure a vid to it would be awesome. :D Good song choice!

Salean, you're doing way better than me with names! ;D Don't worry about it!

kissmesweet -- real cute screenname by the way, been meaning to say that -- such a cute screen cap! Look at that large smile! Definitely looks like he's trying to hold back a greater happiness.

sandersidle[/b]'s spoiler:]I'm pretty sure it's definite that Sara will come back as a guest star to the show. As much as I'm hoping she'll interact with Greg, I doubt the writers will put that in, and they'll focus on her and Gil. It's a real shame, though. D: I bet you Greg would tackle Sara with a hug, and act like a happy puppy -- he gives that image off sometimes, doesn't he? :3

I think I have a biased opinion concerning Greg contacting Sara because of my most recent fanfic, but I feel, like his past chances of getting closer to Sara, he freezes up. I don't feel like he's taken up the courage to call her up on his own, but still really wants to talk to her.

Woo! That was long! xD
Erm okay soooo after a fustrating 2 hours yesterday and 30 minutes trying to make the video......trying to get my stupid moviemaker to do what I want it to I finally uploaded the video. Here's the link Its Not Over......

Thanks for the inspiration Eva *super hugs* and I hope you all like the video :D :D :D

EDIT: I couldn't find the song thread so I decided I really need to post it here I hope you forgive me for that sorry but I couldn't resist posting it here.

"Now you're gone
I realize my love for you was strong
and i miss you here now you're gone
i've been waiting here by the phone with your pictures hanging on the wall

now you're gone
I realize my love for you was strong
and I miss you here now you've gone

I've been waiting here by the phone
with you're picture hanging on the wall

is this the way its meant to be
only dreaming that you're missing me
I'm waiting here at home
going crazy now you're gone"
Shazza , I just watched your video. It was so cute! I've probably said this before, but I really love how that song suits Sandle so well. Oh. and that song you posted really reminds me of them. What song is it, out of interest?

I think that if Sara comes back for the finale it will be mainly focussed on Grissom's reaction. But, they have to show the other's reactions at some point, right? I mean, at least she left Grissom a note. I don't think Greg would be overly annoyed at her if she returned, though,. He'd just be gobsmacked. And hug her. Or something.

I actually wrote half a fanfic about Sara's voicemail after she left. I'd like to think that they all tried calling her, because they just can't believe it's true. But, tbh, I don't think she would answer. Or, if she did it would be Greg that she talks to first. After all, she did seem to have kind of taken Greg up on his 'I'm a good listener' thing... he was trying to help her, so she probably feels that she owes him an explanation. Maybe she'd ring him?

I love that picture kissmesweet . (Sorry, I haven't got the name list on this computer) It really shows how he's always trying to help her, like she has helped him in the past. :)
Erm thanks Salean glad you like my vid........I love comments on how to improve and stuff so plz comment.

That song is "Now You're Gone" by Basshunters and if I can I'll try and make a video and type up a fanfic to go with it.........ideas for that lol would be helpful if you don't mind lol.

Okay back to writing ideas for fanfic talk later.
Thanks so much for the video! I love it and I love the song even more now. It's officially Sandle! You did a great job. :D

Katie[/b] and the people who answered]I think I'd anyway enjoy to see Sara back in the finale. I already miss her. But yeah, I'm afraid the writers will focus on their GSR, just like they did in Sara's last episode. :mad: Oh well, we can still have hope... What did I say? We have to have hope. *points at thread title* :)
Thanks Eva gald you liked it I also provided a link to your fanfic so viewers could read it if they wanted to. I hope thats okay with you :).

Anywayz I was so bored that I decide to get creative again Here's a wallpaper I messed arond with lol. Hope you like it lol. ugh sorry have to provide links for all my pics cant wait till I've posted 100 posts so i can put images in my posts.
Shazza, I'll get to the video when I can. :3 Can't wait to see it! I just remembered that I saw a Sandle vid once before with the same song, though. :3
I did see your wallpaper, though, and that was cute. :3

Salean, I'd love to see that fic of yours, even if it is half done. :3 Could be motivation to finish it, you know? :D

I have no comments towards the spoiler now. I think I'd be redundant. :3
Skell said:
Shazza, I'll get to the video when I can. :3 Can't wait to see it! I just remembered that I saw a Sandle vid once before with the same song, though. :3

Seriously? I'd love to see it too. Could you PM with an URL if you still remember where you found it?
Sure, Eva. I'll have to search for it first. I know it was definitely on YouTube, though.

I've found my most favorite Sandle vids are the ones with no music, though. The ones that act like a "Series of Sandle Moments", as they're talking and whatnot. Real sweet. :3
*takes a look around*
I've just read all the previous posts, wow you guys are fast! :)
Skell, I know which vids you mean! I think they're by AmberCinders she's got a wonderful Sandle vid called "Piece of my Heart", too.
Have you noticed that the next banner challenge will be about ships of all kinds? So if there are any artists here (and I know there are^^), wouldn't it be great to have some Sandle love among all the GSR, D/L, DuCaine etc.? Just a reminder *lol*
Seeing this thread being so alive makes me want to make another vid, or write something... if I come up with something I'll let you know! ;)
I know! I love how quickly this thread is growing! :D
Kat, I believe you're right! I just enjoy watching those vids over everything else, because they're straight from the show -- no dubs, no stretches, but truth. :3
Oh, really? When's the next banner challenge due? I'm an artsy person of sorts, maybe I can cook up something. :3

Do let us know! :D
helooo my sandle buddies!! :D WOW!! were on page two!! woooo! lets celebrate!! *Dance around the blue hawaiian funtain* well actualy i purposely miss spell the word 'fountain' as Greg spell them 'funtain' instead of 'fountain' :D

i wanna share you all a poem i read from a birthday card in this certain store..

I love you very much for all the things you mean to me
For every little joke we've shared, each precious memory
I love you for your faith in me, your understanding heart
For showing that you miss me, anytime we've been apart
For every special plan and dream you've help me to fulfil
I love you now with all my heart, and I know I will always will
SandleDL said:
Have you noticed that the next banner challenge will be about ships of all kinds? So if there are any artists here (and I know there are^^), wouldn't it be great to have some Sandle love among all the GSR, D/L, DuCaine etc.? Just a reminder *lol*

SandleDL I'd be interested in that (as you can see from wallpapers I've post here lol) just PM me the details and I'll get started :).

Anyway I started a piece of fanfic but for some reason I've only managed to write a paragraph......I don't know what's wrong with me last week I had all the ideas in my head I just needed to type them up and now I've forgotten 'em all lol. Guess I should make notes when a new idea hits me......well thats it for me talk soon.