Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

Aww...Shazza, dont give up. Im sure that you can came out with a simple but great dialogue someday...I know that you can do it, cause there's a Sandle Power in you...There's a Sandle power in all of us..:D

I won't I'll think of something maybe later...

I know im late but I wanna say, Shazza, the lyric is wonderful and the picture....Wooh!:lol: The look on Greg's face shows that he is concern about Sara. And he dont want to give Sara up...I wanna give a thumbs up for him :thumbsup:...hmm i think i may have a dialogue based on that pic...

ahahaha gald you liked it I think I'll make a new vid with that song since I haven't done one in a while...Also I'm glad the pic inspired you :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:...I love the little bit at the end about wrestling :wtf:...hehe I'm wrestling fan! :D - I seriously didn't see that coming! :lol:

Edit: Here it is :)


Love it! :D Thankees Liffy! I may have icons you later! :D

Also another

Sandle Song of The Moment

(snippet from the song 'Save Us' by Cartel)

'Simple words we never knew,
The power behind what they put us through,
Now it's all begun what it takes to make it real.
We're standing on the edge of this,
When our soul is gone what will we miss?
We lost what it takes to really, really feel.

But the better day's behind us now,
We all need someone to tell us how
To save the state of where we are,
It keeps demanding more and more and more.

And who will save us?
This can't go on, without the meaning in the rhyming.
Can you save? Can you save us?
Well I can't go on, out of rhythm with our time.'

Hope ya'll like it! :D
Cool. Now I'm officially the welcoming committee. :D Hahahaha.

Thanks for the lyrics Soph :) Sounds like a very fitting song for Sandle.

Wouldn't it be funny if Sara came back all of a sudden to the lab, and everyone's crowding around here, asking her how she is and all that, but Greg's just in the lab working, not paying much attention. Nick comes up to him asking if he doesn't want to meet Sara, and Greg just shrugs, "Go ahead, I had dinner with her last night. We've already caught up." :lol: Nick would be rather confused...blinking on the spot. :lol:
Here is a dialog I've made about Sara's departure... Sorry it's a little bit long...:) Hope you will enjoy and sorry for the grammar mistakes! ;)

Greg went to the locker room and found Sara, sat in a corner, eyes down. He moved near her and knelt in front of her.

Greg: Sar’, you’re okay?

She looked at him and immediately wiped her tears away.

Sara: Yes… Of course, I’m okay… Don’t worry, I just have something in my eye and it hurt…but now, it’s okay…I’m fine…

She smiled at him but Greg can see it was a fake smile.

Sara: Excuse me, Greggo, I got to go…

Greg: Wait!

Greg stood up and blocked Sara’s way.

Sara: Greg, I have to go…

Greg: You’re lying… You’re not okay, you were crying…

Sara: Greg, I tell you I have something in my eye! Let me go, the others are waiting for me!

Sara tried to pass but Greg blocked her way again. She pushed him but he caught her arm and the sheets of paper she was holding, fell on the floor.

Sara: Damn Greg!

Greg: I’m sorry Sar’, I didn’t want to… Did I hurt you?

Sara: No, I’m fine… Don’t worry…

Greg knelt and took the sheets of paper. Sara knelt too. They were looking at each other when Greg said:

Greg: Sara, I’m really sorry… I didn’t mean to make you upset or hurt you… I’m just worried about you…

Sara: I know that, Greggo… Can you give me my sheets of paper?

Greg: Of course… I just want to be sure you’re okay…

Sara: I’m fine, Greg… I promise… My sheets of paper...

Greg: Yeah, of course... I’m sorry...

He was about to give them back when one of the sheets of paper caught his attention. His mouth went dry and the tears glistened in his eyes. He let fall the other sheets of paper and held the particular one between his shaking hands. Sara noticed it and put her hand on his knee.

Sara: Greg…

Greg: No, Sara! There’s no Greg! How can you do this? How can you do this to me?

Sara: Greg…

Greg: *tears down his cheeks* You promise me you were fine! I was worried about you and all you have done, is lying to me! You can’t leave me…us! Grissom needs you, I need you!

Sara: You’re going to be okay, Greg…

Greg: No, I’m not! How can you say things like that?! How can you be so blind, Sara?! I’ve loved you since the day you come in this lab and I always will!!! So, no, I’m not going to be okay!

Sara: *crying* Greg, wait!

It was too late. Greg was already gone.

*Later, at Greg’s apartment*

Greg was sitting in his sofa, tears running down his cheeks, when someone knocked at the door. He stood up and went to open.

Greg: Sara! What are you doing here?

Sara: Greggo, I’m sorry...

She moved near him and wiped slowly the tears that were running down Greg’s cheeks. Then, she hugged him and whispered in his ear.

Sara: I’m so sorry, Greg… I hate myself for making you cry… I’m sorry…

She stopped hugging him and looked at him. Greg could see the tears in her eyes and he caressed her cheek. Greg kissed her softly and Sara deepened the kiss. When they separate for air, Sara laid her head on Greg’s chest and whispered slowly:

Sara: I’m so sorry, Greg… I love you…

Greg: I love you, too Sar’…
^Oh that was *sniff* so sweet... :) *smooshes you* I loved it! And seriously, you need to stop apologising about your bad grammar because it's more than okay! :)

Argh, I had a dirty thought, then I read that, and now it turned all fluffy and my head's blank aside from a few DL thoughts that's always there, and Sandle couch cuddling!

Oh don't you guys agree? We should SO get a Sandle couch-snuggling scene. :) That would make my day, everyday, for about...a month before I need a new one :p
*grumbles* I had this whole very hyper epistle of a post catching up with everyone. In fact, it took me so long to write that the board signed me out and wouldn't let me post it.


But anyway. Let's start again.

*mis les chocolats et biscuits français sur la table*

Firstly: J'ai retourné à l'Angleterre! I had a great time en France, although it rained... a lot. I didn't manage to meet any CSI fans there, Hes, since my contact with people other than my family was mainly limited to the caretaker of the converted mill we were staying in, and the farmers that lived nearby. The weather meant we didn't get out much. However, I did discover a CSI boardgame in the game cupboard in the mill, so someone must like it. Me, my Mum and my sisters had a great time playing that, although it took us forever to work out the rules.

Secondly: Welcome Manuela02! You don't need to keep apologising for your grammar, it's really fine. And you don't need to apologise for a long dialogue either. Heh heh, I remember I did that in my very first post in this thread, and everyone was telling me that the longer the dialogue, the more Sandle love is spread.

Ok, well I have to be quick, unfortunately, because my Dad is getting a little annoyed, saying that I've spent too long on the computer since getting back. (It took me about half an hour to write that other post.)

Anyway. Where was I? Oh, yeah, cool welcome banner Liff! And it has the Iced picture!!! I love that episode. It's defintely one of my all-time favourites. :D There's just so many cute little Sandle moments that I adore. And the other storylines are good too. It's such a good episode to watch. :D

Ahem. Moving on from that little ramble. Those lyrics are all so cool, Shazza! I do love how many songs there are that seem to fit Sandle so well. Have any of you heard any of Muse's songs from their album 'Showbiz'? There are quite a few songs on there that just make me think of Greg and Sara... as in, more than on a usual album.

Oh, and Eva, yeah you should check the song out. It really does sum up Greg's feelings on Sara's leaving for me. It has a tendancy to make me cry sometimes, though, just because it's so full of sadness, and yet hopeful at the same time.

Anyway, there's probably so much more I could say but I'm going to leave it there, and hope that this post doesn't disappear like the last one did.

Thank you, I'm happy you like it! Thanks Salean for the warm welcome and I make a virtual note in my head to stop apologising about the grammar mistakes! ;)
The only thing that save me when I am in bad spirits is Sandle. I watch CSI or read a fanfiction where there is Sandle and I forget everything bad! Writing help me too. I'd like to post my fanfictions but they are in french and it's hard for me to translate them, but like Jorja says: "Never say never!".

I have a question: can I link my videos in this thread?
Ahhhhh, Guys as much as I am soooooooooo happy when I come back to see soo many new long posts...slow down a bit for my sake cause you got me going :scream:

^Oh that was *sniff* so sweet... :) *smooshes you* I loved it! And seriously, you need to stop apologising about your bad grammar because it's more than okay! :)

^^Echo's Liffy you really need to stop apologising about your bad grammer
Manuela02! because it's more than okay and don't apologise for long dialogues because I loved reading yours!!

Argh, I had a dirty thought, then I read that, and now it turned all fluffy and my head's blank aside from a few DL thoughts that's always there, and Sandle couch cuddling!

HAHA yes no dirty thoughts from Liffy! this has totally made my day....stay fluffy Liff cause your better that way! :D

Oh don't you guys agree? We should SO get a Sandle couch-snuggling scene. :) That would make my day, everyday, for about...a month before I need a new one :p

Yeas we should! but will we ever get it.....

Ahem. Moving on from that little ramble. Those lyrics are all so cool, Shazza! I do love how many songs there are that seem to fit Sandle so well. Have any of you heard any of Muse's songs from their album 'Showbiz'? There are quite a few songs on there that just make me think of Greg and Sara... as in, more than on a usual album.

Glad you liked it but I think we probably have totally different tastes in music like everyone does cause everyone is different I'm more into rock music but I don't mind a bit of everything! :D Take Liffy for example I just recently discovered he's a into country (if I already haven't noticed from his icon :eek:)

I have a question: can I link my videos in this thread?

^^Yeah ofcourse you can link you videos in this thread! I'm sure the mods won't mind! :D

Okay thats it for my long post
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:lol: Sorry Shazza. I did have a lot of posts to catch up on, though. My original post was even longer, so just be grateful you didn't have to read through that random ramble.

Well, music-wise, I just generally appreciate good musicianship, being a musician myself I guess. But yeah. I was just wondering if anyone had heard any of their songs.

Manuela02, I'm always looking for ways to improve my French so if you felt like posting your fics up as they are I'd read them, although for other people it would probably be better to translate them.

A couch-snuggle scene would be so cute. *goes off into little daydream* But yeah. I'm hoping for at least a hug when Sara eventually returns. It has to happen, people!

Oh, and also Manuela - I know what you mean about Sandle and CSI picking you up when you're feeling down. My family are always laughing at me, because they claim that I live permanently in another world made up of my various fandoms. (This is not true. I get cruelly jolted from that happy place on an increasingly frequent basis.)
Here are the links of my videos. Hope you will like them! Tell me what do you think...

Summary: Greg is beaten up and died. Sara is lost without him and all the world they built together is fallen apart. She feels alone even if she has her friends who confort her. The only person she needs is gone and all she can do is remember...

Summary: Greg can't take seeing Sara with Grissom because he knows that Grissom is unfaithfull to Sara. Greg wants her and finally Sara will see the truth...

Summary: Sara is finally happy with Greg and life has a gift for them...
It's not one of my best vid'...

Summary: Sara is leaving and Greg knows it. He loves her and he knows she needs some space after her abduction. Goodbye is the hardest word to say and Sara and Greg remember how it was when they were together...

Here is the translation of the song:

Heaven and Earth

I write your name without mine
Today on the day of goodbye
Even if it is inevitable
I still ask myself now
If I am ready to lose you
To give you up
But when I look at you I feel that
You are frightened just like me
It could have been but it isn't
It could have been
And my memories fly
Across the soul
And suddenly I am there, still

When we were heaven and earth
And you were the half of me
In each doubt and in each truth
When we had the same skin
The same light in our bodies and in our souls

Without breath I search for you
Without breath, and I feel that
There is no guilty, you know,
And not innocent either
And for just one moment
There is the same beat between us
The impression that once again is there
one more time

When we were heaven and earth
And you were the half of me
In each doubt and in each truth, in each look
When we had the same skin
The same light in our bodies and in our souls

So, as I watch you go away
Without turning around
I am not able to not feel you mine
And be without you
And forget

Each word you said to me
Each of your moves for freedom
Why does this all belong to yesterday now

When we were 'us'
When we were 'us'

I was supposed to do my homework but I was quickly tired of doing it...So I have an idea... With Photofiltre, I make my first Sandle photomontage... Okay, the montage isn't very beautiful but I love it... For a first montage, it isn't too bad I think... Tell me what do you think about it...

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I was supposed to do my homework but I was quickly tired of doing it...So I have an idea... With Photofiltre, I make my first Sandle photomontage... Okay, the montage isn't very beautiful but I love it... For a first montage, it isn't too bad I think... Tell me what do you think about it...

Okay, catch up time! :p First of all, welcome back Salean :) Hope you had an awesome time in France. But yes, long posts are love. Soph is just being lazy :lol:

Second of all, Manuela02, I'm not sure you're aware, but you can edit posts up to 24 hours, so you can add more content if you wish. Double posting shouldn't be done unless that 24 hour window is over. :)

Anywho, I understand what you all mean about CSI picking you up when you're feeling slightly down and RL doesn't seem all that...desireable. Haha, I don't have that many ships but Sandle is one of them and they never fail to take me to that "happy" (sometimes naughty) place :) I disappear there every chance I get. Lol.

Couch cuddling scene AND hugs are a must when Sara comes back. :) It's just a must in everyway you can imagine. A little peck wouldn't hurt either.... :rolleyes:

^Oooh I love the manip! Haha, Mr & Mrs. Sanders. :guffaw: good one!
^That's alright Manuela02, I was just giving you a heads up for next time :) Don't worry about it. As far as I know you can't delete posts. So yeah, it's alright. :thumbsup:

Has anyone read one of the latest CSI news items about one of the upcoming episodes where (don't know if this needs to be under spoiler codes, but I'll use them anyway)

Cath goes to Grissoms apartment and we get to go in and take a look around. There's supposedly a picture of Sara somewhere *shudders*.

Haha I wish we could go to Greg's apartment! I bet you we'd see LOADS of Sara's picture, and all of them WITH Greg. :D Who's with me?? :p
Yeah, apparantly the whole team are battling the flu. So that should be interesting. I really want to see Greg being all sick, and still having to work. From what I've heard though, and judging from the title I'd guess this is about right, the episode is going to be mainly about Grissom being ill and having to work, rather than the others. Although, if Catherine is going to visit Grissom, maybe she isn't so ill? Well, anyway. As I say, it should be interesting to see. And we'll be getting it over here not long after it's shown in America so :D Although, it is coming back just at the time when I'll be having to work for my exams... but still...

But yes, I am so with you Liff on seeing Greg's apartment! In one of my imaginary scenarios, which I had during the break between seasons 7 and 8, I had invented this scene where we see all the CSIs in their homes. And I imagined Greg's to be this slightly disorganised place (although, not particularly messy... just, with a lot of stuff) but he had this shelf which had a load of photos on it. Photos of everyone... his Mum/Dad/Papa and Nana Olaf etc. But yes, sure enough there was a picture of him and Sara there which he looked at for an especially long time. In my mind the shot went from Grissom looking at a photo of Sara, to Greg looking at a photo of Sara, then to Nick watching some American football match, to Warrick watching the same match, and laughing because Nick's team were losing, and then onto Cath filling Lindsay in on the events of the day...
Welcome to the wonderful reality of my imagination. :rolleyes: I'm gonna shut up now.
^I like that idea Salean :) Kinda like a recap at the end of the episode right where we see the team members go off to do their own things at the end of their shift (or something like that).

I always imagined Greg's place as being one with an ecclectic look, simply, modernistic, yet with some of his rock CDs in a messy pile in the corner next to his huge stereo. Clean, because I have the mentality that you have to be pretty neat and organised to be a CSI, and I don't think he's the type to have an apartment that looks like a storm just ate everything up and spat it back out. :)

Greg might have a robo-spanker in the corner too :guffaw: