Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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It's Election day here today so... It's a busy day for me. (But I don't vote yet.. ;))

Hello to the new people! Hello Messermonroe! Welcome to the thread! Enjoy the cookies and Blue Hawaiian. *shares positivity cookies and Blue Hawaiian* Glad that you've joined us. :D And thanks for the cake.. Yum! :lol: ;) It's nice to see that we have a guy here.. ;) And hello catey1234! (I just realized that D/L shippers also ship Sandle.. just an obeservation. :D)

Pau, I think the "Greg-licking-his-lips-scene" might be from 5x09 Mea Culpa. She teaches him about how to use this strange whatever-thing-that-is. It's in one of my vids, too, could be the one you're talking about. He looks really cute in it
Thanks Kat. :) Then, I'll have to watch your vids and the epi again. And you're right, he did look good in that scene. *faints* :lol: :D And the poem fits the pic so well. I love your poems. They are very... sunny. :D ;) And you have 100 posts now. Congratulations!

Hooray for The Lady That Looks Good In Black.. Lady H! :D She totally deserves it. And hestia, I hope your banner will still be Sandle. :D
I can only think of one reason as to why D/L shippers also ship SANDLE. Reason being, all four of them are STEAMINGLY HOT - they need to double date sometime...hehe, now THAT would be an interesting thing to watch, in MIAMI. Hahahaha.

*ahem* I seem to have been lured back here. So much for german. I'm sorry for all the germans in here, but I really hate it. Don't take it personally, I'm an artist - languages are NOT my stengths. :p la la la, I would rather stare at my lovely ships all day! Or spend my time here with you guys!

Oh Kat, I'm definately gonna need your help! We needs signatures and lots of them, hehehe. Maybe then we can go and corrupt the chancellor in making her a D/L and SANDLE shipper. :devil: (hmmm....i wonder if there are any shipping politicians around) That way we get SANDLE day AND M&M's day, where chocolate cake and M&m's are FREE! yay!'' :D

Goodness, I need to lay off the sugar....
I can only think of one reason as to why D/L shippers also ship SANDLE. Reason being, all four of them are STEAMINGLY HOT - they need to double date sometime...hehe, now THAT would be an interesting thing to watch, in MIAMI. Hahahaha.
:lol: That would be something. :D And I agree that they are all hot. And they are the kind of ships that totally works... for me. :)

I just spotted another scene in Play With Fire (or was it just my imagination again.) I think after the explosion, we all saw Sara looked up, right? I think she kind of moved forward and sort of reached out her hand too. Like she wants to go where Greg was. Awww... Sandle-love! :) *eats cookies*
Hey go Lady Heather! :D
2. She spent the night with Grissom, so that Sara could spend it in Greg's apartment. Or more specifically: Sara could be doing Greg on his very questionable bedsprings. (Things got rough, the bedsprings broke! )
hahaha EXACTLY! Wow, alot of things happen during those Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks! :lol:

I'm perfectly fine not having to corrupt anyone, that just means Sandle is so awesome, people join willingly! :)

MesserMonroe you are my hero. *eats chocolate cake* I'm addicted to chocolate, its a sad fate :p
So I'm off to watch Sandle vids, I saw that one with the sexy "Bite my lip" look, it was great! :D
Hahaha I love your avvy Carrie I can totally agree with you there! (In addition with CSI:NY of course :p )

:lol: Chocolate cake is my specialty ;) So whilst im here, that's what you get! Until I get bored, and decide to serve Sandle some Creme Brulee ;) or perhaps some chocolate covered strawberries...

...must not think of dirty thoughts...

Greg could have a field day with those :devil:
Hey! Liff! Glad you could join us! And Catey too! Likin the list of names, i'm hopeless with names. Glad you remembered me, most people don't :( :lol: You guys can call me Soph if you want, or just shorten my username to PSG, if it's easier.

Anyways, Fallen Idols is on tomorrow here, are there any Sandle moments in that?

PSG xxx
Oh Liff I loooove chocolate! Love it just as much as Sandle *lol* Oh dirrty thoughts aren't forbidden, what else are the SSCB's for? As we don't see what happens during them, that's the only way to have hot Sandle moments even n episodes without Sara or Greg - and believe me the SSCB's are so damned hot :devil:
GregsLabRat said:
YAY! Hestia is encouraging my laziness my typing all those out lmao Thank you!
Of course. Who am I to discourage laziness when I'm feeling it myself, GregsLabRat (Carrie). I'll get this down. Don't worry!

SandleDL said:
Thanks a lot for the list, Hestia. I started writing the names down *lol* you know, bad memory...
You're welcome SandleDL... I mean Kat! :lol:

SandleDL said:
Sandle Day? I like that! We just have to find an appropriate date. Hm when did Sara and Greg meet for the first time, in which episode, which air date?
First appearance together was in Cool Change, second episode, air date: 10/13/2000. Second time they appeared (and interacted together, alone) was in Anonymous, episode eight, original air date: 11/24/2000. And of course, first "flirty moment" (was it? He kind of teased her because she didn't get enough sleep.) Table Stakes, episode 15, original air date: 02/22/2001. Second flirty moment (when Greg waved at Sara) would be Sounds of Silence, episode 20, original air date: 04/19/2001.
("Just something I know" :D Okay, I had to look it up but I've always wanted to use that line. Sigh...)
So yeah. Take your pick out of any of these first season gems.

luvincsi said:
Hooray for The Lady That Looks Good In Black.. Lady H! :D She totally deserves it. And hestia, I hope your banner will still be Sandle. :D
Yes, I'll ditto that! Poor Heather needs some sandle-strength positivity after all the terrible things she's gone through. And to comment on something you said, but I forgot to quote, while some D/L shippers also ship Sandle, I also noticed that some CaRWashers ship sandle as well. And I understand that because I see the similarities. :) I'll also say that I love M&Ms... the candies! I don't watch NY (...yet) so I don't really now anything about D/L (and that's my off-topic, off series ramble for today. Hope the moderators don't whack me! :eek:)
On topic: Just installed my new banner that I tried to enter in the same contest that I won the animated challenge for... (that sounds gramatically wrong to me but I'm too lazy to proof read. :rolleyes:)

And one last thing; it seems that to an extent, messermonroe (Liff!) was lured in here by kissmesweet's (Delia) fic. She converted someone to sandle and this cheer goes out to her! (it's by her, as well) ;)

We jump... for Sandle!
We cheer... for Sandle!
We hug... for Sandle!
Sara and Greg have the best chemistry!
Ev'ry thing between them is so easy!
C'mon, don't try to deny it!
They are the PERFECT FIT!
Go... Sandle!

Yes, I still do cheers from the first page if a member here converts someone to sandle. Can't let that tradition (however new it may be) die. :p
This is getting hard! Now everyone's talking about chocolate so I simply cannot resist popping back in! :D

So, dirty thoughts are allowed in here eh? :devil: That makes me very happy since I have a very dirty mind :p At least, over on D/L anyway. But I'm sure my mind doesn't really care which ship it decides to play dirty with.

Current dirty thought: Fireplace + SANDLE + chocolate sauce :devil: *it's gettin' cold here, so fireplace is ALWAYS on my mind* hehehehe.

I have to say Kat, I love your banner - it's so purrdy. And my attempt at dng some deutsch? Ended in me, making another D/L banner :p - I'm useless.

^Oh and yay for Delia! *poke* Yup, her fic was definately the bait that she reeled me in with. :lol: - Lovely cheer Hestia! yay for SANDLE!!
Theres awards here? Wow. I want to play in the awards man, Cordy if you came up with that, I'm whacking you.

Chocolate is love, hon. Don't resist it.

a fireplace and sandle and chocolate sauce. Just chocolate sauce? Thats it, nothing but chocolate sauce? Hmm. I'm sure Greggo has already gotten dirty thoughts from that. :devil:

You know, I just realized, I have nothing sandles :(
Wow fireplace and chocolate sauce and Sandle? Yummy... oh my, my thoughts right now are just as dirty as... hm... what can I compare it to? Maybe as dirty as my horse was today *lol* or even dirtier...
Thanks for all the dates btw, very interesting to know. I wish I had seen the "early Sandle days" *sigh* it's been going on so long, if they aren't meant for each other then who is?
^Shall I add a shag rug? Or is that over doing it a tad bit? :devil: hehehe.

Oh yes, chocolate sauce,...mmm. But I mentioned the strawberries earlier on. Im sure Greggo's gone past the dirty thoughts straight to the dirty acts ;)

*hands Lynny a slice of chocolate cake*

Just feel the lurve that is SANDLE. :D (...and D/L ~ I couldn't resist :eek: ! Sorry!)
You and DL. I swear. *but eats the chocolate cake* hmm how yummy. So nice.

Strawberries early on? Hmm does this include coolwhip? Your giving me a fic idea, you know this right?
You swear what hmm??? :p D/L - no touchy! :D

Strawberries...a lil' dipped in chocolate, and then we move to the fireplace where the shag rug has been 'schemingly' placed by our Greggo and to top it all off...he whips out a can o' whipped cream. :devil:

Idea for fic? dear Lynny you don't mean something smutty do you? - this thread's rating just shot up the moment i got here. :D hehehe. If you're gonna write a fic, make sure I get notified! I wanna read it :)
LOL the rating can't get high enough :devil:
Speaking of fanfics, I've finally finished my first Sandle oneshot Midnight Talk, maybe some of you would like to read it? Nothing special, though, and definitely no smut. But I'd just so love to have this development in the show ;)
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