Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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You guys, I'm here to say goodbye; I'm leaving on a schooltrip to Germany tomorrow. I'll be back on Wednesday. Gonna miss you all and the Sandleness around here. So a last big hug and see you all on Wednesday or Thursday!

*hugs Hestia, Delia, Pau, Naz, Hollie, Katie, Katja, Carrie, Nikki and everyone else I've forgotten*

Yay I knew all the names! :lol:
Im still here. :p I don't know when I'll go to bed. :rolleyes:

Have a blessed and safe trip Eva, I'll pray for your trip that everything will go well. Maybe you'll meet Kat there. :D Heehee! Enjoy in your trip!

Oh Naz, I'm sorry. I got The Laws of Gravity and Meet Market mixed up. I've been confuse with CSI when Keppler arrived (But I do like him). ;) I forgot if there are any Sandle-luvin in Meet Market. I'm horrible in remembering things. :D :lol: And that glance scene I told you about.. Sara was actually drilling something and Greg bit his lip when he glanced at her. I am horrible in remembering things :lol:

And Del, I totally agree. Greg knows everything about Sara. So, he better be in the finale.. :D (Should I put that in a spoiler tag? ;))
yes he better be...have a safe trip Eva we will miss you loads *hug Eva

nvm Pau i can wait for wednesday....well we have the SSCB will definitely show many good..i mean it..GOOD sandle moments ;)

a good ones or maybe a bad ones (if you noe what i mean) :devil: :devil:
let me tell ya how i can get hooked up with sandle... :p

in season one, i was laid not crazy for any ship. then i get this information abt greg has this huge crush on sara..i was like angry cuz i wanna sara to be single then i say..aaargh this lucky guy will definitely take sara..

then after all those eppi with sandle in it..i began to love them both thats where i tried to find any vid of them in youtube...then i discovered this beautiful word SANDLE :lol: i dunno what it was then i search for more..i saw sandle again...i tried to combine their names ooh sandle..ok sandle :p thats where i came here.. :D :D

Sunny Sandle RAWKZ!!!
Well, first, have a safe trip Eva! My friend gets to go to Germany in june >.< darn lucky people

*Goes back on topic*

I do hope Greg has more screen time in the finale! Even though we all know he's there during the SSCB :devil:

I've got to go watch that video, i don't remember Greg giving Sara the "Bite my lip" look :lol:

Oh hey, GregsLabRat! Same here. I don't think I got your name. Terribly sorry.

Ok, Delia , my names Carrie (Like the killer prom lady :rolleyes: my mom cursed me.)

Wow, people post so fast! Well, I'm off to celebrate mothers day, see you guys tomorrow! :D
Hey Eva, hope you'll have a great time here! Where exactly are you going?

Pau, I think the "Greg-licking-his-lips-scene" might be from 5x09 Mea Culpa. She teaches him about how to use this strange whatever-thing-that-is. It's in one of my vids, too, could be the one you're talking about. He looks really cute in it :)
*pops in* Hi All!

I have to say....SANDLE Rocks guys :D hehehe.

Delia my dear where art thou goneth!? Im heeeeeer! At your request, your ficcy was reeling hun!

Yay for SANDLE...!
Oh yeah Sandle rocks!

Okay guys, finally I've been promoted and I'm allowed to post pics *cheers*
So I'll seize that and for today's poem you'll get a pic, too.



You’re close to me
I feel your touch
I know your scent
And I hear your soft voice
Forming words of an angel
They erase the coldness
That’s crawling underneath my skin
And all my fears vanish
Within seconds
Because I know you’re here
You’ll stay with me
And make sure I will be okay
This promise is made
With your touch
And your scent
And your angel voice
I don’t need to hear the words
To know you’ll keep it
Forever, for me
Omg, is tht Greg? What happened to him? Poor guy. I've been left behind in LV for sooo long! Argh!

SANDLE make such an awesome couple! Up there in my holy triad consisting of D/L and Catnip. :lol:

Btw, that's a lovely poem SandleDL!

I didnt know you had to be promoted to post up a pic?
messermonroe said:
Omg, is tht Greg? What happened to him?
I didnt know you had to be promoted to post up a pic?

First: I didn't know it either unless I wanted to post a pic in the poetry thread and really doubted myself b/c no pic appeared. Then I was told you have to have 100 posts before you can do it.

Second: Oh you really are behind *laughs* "Fannysmackin" is the name of the episode, and yes Greg gets it really bad. He's such a brave guy, trying to save a man who's beaten up- and so he ends up on the ground. And it's Sara who comes to the scene for him. "You should process the scene now, me later." - "I came here for you, Greg." *squeeee* That was so cute! Can't wait till it's aired here in Germany! But I've got the important scenes already saved on my pc ;)
LoL. I wasn't kidding when I said I was behind! Tht was after Nick got buried alive right? Cos if it was before...I'm going to go bang my head on the wall a few times. Grave Danger was the last ep of LV i saw before...the life of IB started. i.e. my social life gets thrown out the window. including any and all tv time :p

The 100 posts thing is to have an avatar, under your name (I'm neeeeearly there!). Not for posting pictures, at least I highly doubt so. :)

Haha, omg...she really said that? Right...need to get my hands on CSI EPS!!!! ARGH. ...I'll be ransacking all the CSI DVD's on my next hol. LoL. SANDLE is too cute. :)
Hm then why didn't the pic appear before? *confused* but ok doesn't matter anymore :lol:
Fannysmackin in season 7, Grave Danger was season 5. GD was actually the first epi I saw, and then I din't watch CSI for a long time.
Bad thing for Sandle is the stupid GSR thing... but as we've already got more than 100 reasons for her being with Greg (and NOT with Grissom) it's just a matter of time ;)
Hahaha, I have to agree with you there! It's just a matter of time before Sara realises that what she has with Grissom is only a FRACTION of what she can have with Greg. Including the bedroom :devil:

Right...stopping that train of thought now. :D Goodness, I'm 2 seasons behind??!?!? *hangs head in shame*

Oh the shame...oh well :) I'll make up for it by being here! LoL. I've read about Fannysmackin' before. Thought I realised it from somewhere. Poor greggo. HOT! :devil: I'm a guy...Greg is one lucky dude if he gets her (which we ALL know he will eventually) :D
Aww bye, Eva! Have fun :D *huggles*

Welcome, messermonroe! :) Oh my, 2 seasons? :eek: You gotta catch up, man! :p Oh sweet! We need more guys around here. :p ;)

And here's a picture for good measure :p

Haha, thanks sandersidle, and thanks for the pic! :D

You can just hear his thoughts...."Ohh yeahhh....she likes me"

Another boy! Hi messermonroe! Welcome to the sandle thread you are welcome to some of Greg's coffee (Blue Hawaiian, of course) and some positivity cookies:

You guys, I'm here to say goodbye; I'm leaving on a schooltrip to Germany tomorrow. I'll be back on Wednesday. Gonna miss you all and the Sandleness around here. So a last big hug and see you all on Wednesday or Thursday!

*hugs Hestia, Delia, Pau, Naz, Hollie, Katie, Katja, Carrie, Nikki and everyone else I've forgotten*
Oh have fun SaraStar! I'll miss ya!
Now who's gonna post the SPOTD? *coughDutchiecough*

Ahhh, so many new fics! Gotta catch them all!
(Wait, did that sound like some stupid animation thing?)
If my memory serves me well, kissmesweet, that's a tag line from Pokemon! :lol: My brother still plays the video games. (Sorry for the off-topicness!)

Hestia, You're here. I like your smileys. Hehe! :D Chocolate Sandies? Sound delicious.. :lol: I am still loving your banner. ;)
Thank you very much, luvincsi (err... Pau!
) I got many smilies that I still haven't used yet. Oh and I'll be changing my banner soon. :cool:

I'm guessing no one's going to tackle the list of names so I'll give it a shot. :)

Here's the current sandle members I've got so far. I am positive I forgot some people (and possibly mixed up some names), so if I did, I'm sorry and tell me if I forgot you so I can add you to the list I'm making:

YouandMe1105 (also a boy :D)
SaraStar (Eva)
Dutchie (Nikki)
kissmesweet (Delia aka Del)
sandersidle (Katie)
GregsLabRat (Carrie)
luvincsi (Paula aka Pau)
SandleDL (Katja aka Kat)
greg_sara_love (Naz)
PintSizeGenius (Soph)
CathStokes (Lynn)
messermonroe (Liff)

So who did I forget and what do you want to be called?

Edited: to add a bit more.
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