Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Dirty Thought of The Day:

I firmly believe that upon swabbing the elevator, the broom cupboard, the bathrooms (both), the light table, the evidence locker, the locker room benches, the department issued vehicles (all) AND Grissom's dining room table, DNA testing will infact point to both Greg Sanders and Sara Sidle.
These locations will be roped off for further inspection. We apologise for any inconvenienced caused by Sandle's inability to refrain from engaging in sexual acts in crude places. Thank you.
*Hands cake to Aliff and everybody else! Still dancing to the Sandle song!*

I totally agree, guys! How to Save a Life is a perfect song for them!
yeah....hes the dirtiest thinker here and we love it...hurray for dirty thoughts!!!! :lol: :lol:

i guess we should wait 4 the next season....well while waiting....we can talk dirty abt sandle :lol: :lol:
I am really behind posting. :eek: I hope I'll be back on track soon. :D

Yay!! I am loving the thread names.. ;) We really are moving fast. ;) And we're on page 23!! :) Thanks for the cheer Hestia. :)

And I also love Liff's dirty thought of the day. That one made me laugh. :lol:

(Grissom in the desert? Grissom as a flower girl? How about Grissom... dressed as a flower girl in the desert! )
Haha! :lol: Whoop whoop!! I love that. ;)
Geee, you guys are right. We ARE on page 23!!! That's so insane! :lol:
we can talk dirty abt sandle
Totally, actually RIGHT NOW I see Greg sitting at his desk even though everyone told him to go home. He wants to help SARA! Grissom can't, because he just... can't.. :lol:
LOL yep sometimes there are unexpected accidents, aren't there, Grissom? :devil: Cheer up man - at least your dear Sara is happy - happy with Greggo in your office! *laughs evily*
Oh it's so funny reading your posts, I'm at work right now^^
^^ :eek: Oooh, you bad girl. :lol: On here reading Sandle smex while you're supposed to be working! :lol:

That's why we love you, I guess!!

Oh and yes, Greg & Sara TOTALLY did it on his desk... They were so hot, they pushed everything off the table... Hmmm, I wonder what happened to those bugs he kept. :lol: They're probably running all over the place and just because Sandle couldn't keep their hands all over each other!
I agree with you Del that Grissom can't... because he just can't. And he never will.. :lol: ;)

And we really are moving fast. Go us!! :D Nobody can defeat the great power of the Sandle-buddies! *superhero music plays in the background*

Haha!! On Grissom desks?? Genius!! :lol: ;) The bugs must be watching.. :devil:
speaking of superheros.....i just watched LOTR....i came up with this thread name.... :D

Sara/Greg #11: Sandle, Lord of the ships :lol: :lol:

haha soon SANDLE will rule the ships!!!! :devil: :devil:

speaking of table....while they were doing on the desk, suddenly the desk broke.....there's a voice under the desk.... when sara n greg looked under it.....guess who they found under the table?? :devil: theres no right or wrong answers :lol: :lol:
^^ Nick, probably. :lol: He's dirty + he was probably listening + watching. :devil: Naughty boy!
Sara/Greg #11: Sandle, Lord of the ships
Lovely. Added to the list.

Sara/Greg #11: Bringing Cuteyful Back
Sara/Greg #11: He'll Come There For Her
Sara/Greg #11: Greggo, Sara's Hero
Sara/Greg #11: We Love Commercial Breaks
Sara/Greg #11: Somehow, Someday...
Sara/Greg #11: He Was Always There To Help Her (And Always Will)
Sara/Greg #11: Goodbye Means Nothing At All
Sara/Greg #11: There's Still Hope
Sara/Greg #11: She'll take that as a compliment!
Sara/Greg #11: He's her Gold Star!
Sara/Greg #11: Geeks Surrender
Sara/Greg #11: No Giving Up.
Sara/Greg #11: Greggo'll Get The Girl!
Sara/Greg #11: Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
Sara/Greg #11: Sun After The Storm
Sara/Greg #11: Against all odds.
Sara/Greg #11: Still loving her
Sara/Greg #11: Sandle-love is so addicitive... Addicted yet?
Sara/Greg #11: He Loves Her More
Sara/Greg #11: He Means it if He say "I Love You".
Sara/Greg #11: It's in His Eyes
Sara/Greg #11: He will do anything for her
Sara/Greg #11: Nothing will stop their love
Sara/Greg #11: How to save a Life
Sara/Greg #11: Having "Secret Fun Times" during the SSCB
Sara/Greg #11: She belongs to him!
Sara/Greg #11: They belong to each other!
Sara/Greg #11: Showering can get kinky!
Haha!! Love the thread name Naz.. :lol: ;) Someday, we'll rule the ships and the world!! Those who don't ship Sandle we'll not see daylight again. :devil: Okay, maybe that was too harsh.. But Sandle WILL rule all ships someday. :D

Hmm.. just a guess. Grissom and a bug?? Hihi.. :)
^^ Oh yes, Sandle will SO rule all the ships one day! Hopefully soon and hopefully sail over (and crash. :rolleyes:) GSR. :lol:

Grissom's bugs are gone again! :eek: *Runs around to find them!*
^^ Nick, probably. He's dirty + he was probably listening + watching. Naughty boy!
Hehe.. Yeah! Nick.. And video taping.. :devil:
And when Greg and Sara looked up they saw the video camera moving.. Archie must be watching too wth fellow lab rats. :devil: Tsk tsk! :D And the bugs must be in little groups talking about Greg and Sara's "action" on Grissom's desk. :devil:

A lot of dirty thoughts today.. :devil: ;)
Wow, I'm way behind, so I'm here to catch up on all the latest 'Dirty Sandle Thoughts' :lol:

^^ Nick, probably. He's dirty + he was probably listening + watching. Naughty boy!

Hehe.. Yeah! Nick.. And video taping.. And when Greg and Sara looked up they saw the video camera moving.. Archie must be watching too wth fellow lab rats. Tsk tsk!

:lol: yeah. And Warrick is in there too, sulking because he lost the bet! Ah, Nick, gotta love the guys sneaky inside knowledge :rolleyes:.

I'm loving all the thread names so far. It will be amazingly hard to choose which one I like best. Keep it up everyone! ;)

Grissom dressed as a flower girl in the desert?


Wow, I can't imagine a prettier picture. He can have taken his favourite bug Roachy with him to keep him company.

Grissom: *Wandering around the desert aimlessly while holding Roachy the cockroach in his right hand* I guess it's just you and me now, pal...
Roachy: *Jumps off Grissom's hand and scurries off.*
Grissom: *Sighs and continues trying to figure out of way of getting out of the desert and out of the pink, girly dress.*

... :lol: I'm crazy!
Haha Sabser! I love that.. :lol: *rolling on the floor laughing* Roachy?? Really cute. :D I can really see Grissom in a dress.. I think pink suits him well. :D

Grissom: *starts to wander around the desert until he is able to spot someone and runs toward him* Help! I need help! Can you please- You?? :eek:
(Hank is sitting on a rock dresses in a tutu)
Grissom: You look like a 5 year lod girl..
Hank: Looks who's talking.. :rolleyes:

If Grissom is abandoned by Roachy, he needs someone to keep him company. Who could be better than Hank in a tutu. :lol: :D

And it's okay Sabser.. All of us are crazy. We're crazy over Sandle. I feel Sandle-loopy..
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