Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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yay!! were on fire and its hot in here :D :D wanna noe y???cuzz they are the hottest couple ever!!Woohoo!! :D

wow..i guess its over 100!! :D

i would like to add some if you dont mind.. :D

because theye are cute together(even the GSR people say so :D)
they love to flirt
Eric is the founder
Jorja always hang out with Eric on/offscreen

i couldnt think of so sorry if some of them are already there :D
OMG Hollie, that's so cool about the article! I wish my mum brought that home for me; I so want some Greg and Sara pictures in my room. But they don't really appear in magazines here...
Oh Eva.. :( Magazines here don't really contain any CSI article. This makes me soooo sad. :( *sob* I saw one mag but that's the only mag I ever saw with CSI. :(

Love the newly suggested reasons Naz. And i totally agree with them being the hottest pair ever. That's why you had a fever the other day. ;) too i noe how it feels :( :( maybe i get the fever because of the hotness in Sandle :D :D cool theory Pau u saw 1 mag?? WOW!!! here..theres no mag with CSI in it.... :( :( i wanna see more Sandle.. :(
It was only one. I cried because my mom won't let me buy it. :( But my sis bought it because Nicole Kidman is in it. I was shocked to see it in her room. :D But no Sandle was mentioned. :( That was a bummer. But still.. there are pics. :) sandle :( :( maybe next time...imagine all the mag cover shows Greg and Sara..the headline 'Sara has a secret relationship with Greg and the last season will show more about it' I swear...if i saw that headline in any mag, i will jump and run around in the store no matter what will the other people say :lol: :lol: :lol:
Maybe run with it. :D Then it'll be later that I realized that I haven't paid for it. :lol: Seriously, I'll do that if I see a mag like that. :D
greg_sara_love said:
imagine all the mag cover shows Greg and Sara..the headline 'Sara has a secret relationship with Greg and the last season will show more about it' I swear...if i saw that headline in any mag, i will jump and run around in the store no matter what will the other people say :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hehe guess I'd either scream like crazy or simply faint... :lol:
Oh, speaking about the autopsy, I've got another reason (does it count?):
Because she's interested in his virginity!^^

Hm I'm just wondering if there are any Sandle moments in "What's eating Gil Grissom"? That's tonight's episode today. And right after that it's "Formalities" (Sophia Curtis' first appearance in CSI) - any Sandle moments there?
But anyways, if not I'll just let my fantasy do the work and enjoy the SSCBs ;)
Because she's interested in his virginity!^^
Haha! :lol: That's cute. I like that! :D

I don't know if there are during the epi but I know that there's a Sandle scene during the SSCB. :D Now, we know all epis have Sandle scenes. Some are just during the breaks. :D :lol:

Nyt guys. or Good morning. Im off to bed and it's almost midnight here. I can her my mom shouting at me that I need to sleep. :D
*lol* now that is the right attitude, always be positive!^^ Well okay I'll just watch, then... The only problem is that one of my fav. NCIS episodes is shown at the same time on another channel - that's always the hardest decision of the week, NCIS or CSI, NCIS or CSI, NCIS or CSI..? I wish they'd handle that better, it's not fair!
I hate this stupid weather, it's been raining for days now... (ok it was fine the whole 6 weeks before so I shouldn't complain...) But on the other hand, just perfect weather for writing^^ I'm quite creative right now, and I had this idea this morning - gonna try turn it into words, I guess. :)
Yay! Cannot wait to read it. Thanks Hollie! :D

Sandle Pic Of The Day
(from Shooting Stars)


I chose this as SPOTD, because I believe it shows the way she really listens to him when he has something to say about a case. I feel like Sara is the only one at the Crime Lab who treats Greg as a 'equal'... you know, all the others still kind of treat him like the geeky lab rat, younger and less experienced in being a CSI. But Sara doesn't! Anyone else who knows what I mean?
Oh wow lol ok first:
I LOVED LOVED LOVED your poem, SandleDL! I'm adding that to the printing of sandle :)

Hollie, you have no idea how loud i would scream if my mom did that for me :lol: i need to keep my eye open for mags like that now ;)

The list keeps growing and growing! I love it!, But, I'm never gonna print this because it keeps being updated! lol

So, tonights the big night!

I so have a little Lady Heather sign to wave while watching this episode, ;) Come on Lady H! Steal Grissom!!
Oh, I have a Sandle sign guys! I was watching CSI reruns last night, and there was a Greg/Sara scene, you know,they were just talking and stuff, but then my phone goes off, and my ringtone starts singing: "Come on, come on, spin a little tighter, come on, come on, and the world's a little brighter, come on, come on, just get yourself inside her, love...I'm in love." :eek:

Its a sign. At least I believe it is. Of course I think a couple wearing sandals is a sign :p
GregsLabRat said:
Oh, I have a Sandle sign guys! I was watchingyou know,they were just talking and stuff, but then my phone goes off, and my ringtone starts singing: "Come on, come on, spin a little tighter, come on, come on, and the world's a little brighter, come on, come on, just get yourself inside her, love...I'm in love." :eek:

Its a sign. At least I believe it is. Of course I think a couple wearing sandals is a sign :p

Oh that definitely is a sign! *lol*
Thanks for the interview, hollie! But have you noticed that they spelled Greg's name "Saunders" on the last page? :lol: Well they are forgiven...

Glad you like my poems, right now I just love writing Sandle! So here's a new one, written only a few minutes ago ;)You remember that a few posts ago we said how hot Sandle is - somehow that didn't leave my mind. And as I still looooove the love affair idea - here we go!

Phoenix Love

Every word you say
Every time we touch
Everything I do to you
And every move you make
Everything is a single spark
That sets us on fire
We go up in flames
Feel the heat crawling beneath our skin
Melt away as time passes by
And we know that we destroy ourselves
But we’ll do it again
Because although we might turn to ashes
With every gentle touch
Every sweet kiss
And with everything we do
We also know
That the ashes ain’t dead
For like a phoenix our love
Will be reborn
Through times and times again


Hope you like it!

Oh and I really do like the POTD! Sara always has this special way of looking at him when he speaks, that's so cute!
Hollie! Thanks so much for the article. I'm so jealous of you; such a huge photo of Jorja on the cover. :D And the interviews are so cute. Woot. I want that article too!
Yay for Sandle signs!

I so hope Lady Heather steals Grissom. I love Lady Heather, and Grissom knows he loves her too. He needs to leave Sara for Greg. Or I'll make him ... :devil: Heheheh, just kidding. I'll be civil.

SandleDL said:
Thanks for the interview, hollie! But have you noticed that they spelled Greg's name "Saunders" on the last page? :lol: Well they are forgiven...
They also spelled Sara 'Sarah' a few times. I'll forgive them just because it was an excellent article. And I love your poem SandleDL, as always.

I'm glad you guys enjoyed the article as much as I did. :D

Oh, and I love the SPOTD, SaraStar. I get what you mean. ANother reason why Greg and Sara are meant to be. :D
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