Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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I love the pics guys.. :D *throws confetti*
When I read your posts, I was so happy that we are being positive again. :) ;) And I love the additional reasons.. Nice to see you here again Sabser and hui! :D And your totally right Sabser, we won't stop for only a hundred. We can go further than that. :D

Because even other shippers think Sandle moments are cute.

That's so true! All of the GSR shippers reply to Sandle music videos, saying that they thought it was cute. And a lot of GSR shippers I know can deal with Sandle and think they're cute too. It's totally true; NONE can resist the two of them.
I totally agree. There are a lot of GSR shippers that say that they really are cute even though they don't look at them as a romantic pair. But they did say they're cute. :D And yes SaraStar, noone can resist the the two of them. :) I have this friend who don't ship Sandle but when I made her watch a Sandle-vid I can hear her squeeing. :) Then she became a Sandle-shipper. ;)

I love your poem SandleDL. It's very cute.. :D
hey everybody!!! im back!!!! :lol: wow i really miss alot dont cha think?? :D and hurray to Pau for making her friends into a sandle shipper...and Eva ure one i repeat NO ONE cand resist Sandle....

loooove the shows how much Eric loove sandle.... :D :D do ya realise something?? when Eric was interviewd, he always kept talking abt sandle :D i think he want to make the writers to relise smth that we want and also to make CSI fans in to sandle shipper :D :D Hurray for Eric Szmanda!!!

i think we should give him a second sandle award for this dont ya think?? :D
Naz! *runs toward naz and gves her a hug* You're back girl! Hooray... I notice that too. Eric is a Sandle shipper at heart. The idea of making Greg have a crush on Sara (i think) probably came from him. I love Eric! He is such a wonderful Sandle shipper. :D ;)

I have some suggestiond for the 100.. I guess it's 200 reasons now huh? But I guess these are kind of the same with the others but Im gonna share them anyway.. :)

Because of their secret glances
Because she stood up for him
Because she helps him out
Because she loves him
Because he loves her

I feel so Sandly... and I love it. :D
Sabser, thanks for the welcome! Nice to meet you, too. :) Oh and I like the idea of some Sandle demo, us running around with posters^^

Yes Eric deserves the Sandle award if you ask me!

Hehe I've got another reason:

Because there are so many signs for Sandle - and we all know that the evidence doesn't lie!

Ok I really gotta go :rolleyes: or I'll be late for work...

Have a nice day, see you later!
aww thank you Pau :D hey i miss hugging all of you *hugging all the sandle shipper* weehee!

yup the idea of making sandle came frm him...i think i remember him saying that he want to have greg and sara relationship on screen :D :D

well...without him...theres no samdle.. ;) hurray for Eric!!!! thats why i love him :lol: he's the founder of Sandle :lol: yesterday i watched 'redrum' its different...Nick was pissed at Catherine...but no sandle though :( i wish the next epi there will be sandle.. ;)
I like that suggestion too SandleDL! :D
Yeah. Hurray for Eric for being the Father of Sandle and Jorja as the Mother. :D :lol: I think there's a Sandle scene in Redrum Naz. It's during Commercial Breaks, the Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks. :D Hehe! And I think during the meeting too. :)
:eek: :eek: darn the commercial!!! what did it shows?? tell me please :p haha love it the secret sandle commercial breaks :lol: :lol: please tell me Pau im obsessed with sandle :D
Wait a minute. :D Do you want to know what happened in the commercial? During the secret sandle commercial breaks? :D ;) (I am so slow.)
yes....definitely....well im really crazt abt sandle rite nw.....i need to noe...please tell me...what did the both do?? did they hold hands or smth?? :D :D
Well, Naz, this is based from what I think okay.. Those Sandle-moments that they won't want us to know because of Grissom happens during the Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks. It can be based by your imagination on how high you are in the Sandle-drug. :lol: Just like in Fannysmackin', Sara must have visited him in the hospital during the break. Do you get it? :D ;) I am a little confuse myself. But I kind of get it.. :) This idea all came together in the previous page. I hope you get what I mean. And sorry if I made you confuse. :D ;)

So, maybe in Redrum while they're working on a case together, they could've done something Sandly.. But it was during the SSCB.. :D ;)

Guys, tell me if I'm wrong though. This is just based on what I think.. :) ;)
Greg_Sara_Love: I agree! Eric is the founder of Sandle! Sweet guy...
1 - Because he makes her smile (Sandle)
2 - Because she gives him confidence (Sandle)
3 - Because they complete each other (Sandle)
4 - Because they have undeniable chemistry (Sandle)
5 - Because the shower scene was hot (4x4)
6 - Because she looked… (4x4)
7 - Because he didn't (4x4)
8 - Because Greg would like to see what he didn’t see in the shower (Sandle)
9 - Because Sara liked what she saw (Sandle)
10 - Because they're the ship with the least angst (Sandle)
11 - Because a real man wouldn’t mind (Bully For You)
12 - Because he checks her out (Like all the time!)
13 - Because she could have kissed him (Organ Grinder)
14 - Because one look says it all (Sandle)
15 - Because she said she’d call him back (A Bullet Runs Through It 2)
16 - Because they're adorable together (Sandle)
17 - Because they make a great team (Compulsion- Grissom: Wow, you guys are rendering me obsolete)
18 - Because they’re Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson, according to Brass (Crows Feet)
19 - Because she’s taught him well and enjoyed it (Sandle)
20 - Because he still can learn a lot from her (Iced - journal)
21 - Because he adores her (Eric Szmanda)
22 - Because he didn't puke at his first autopsy and she called him tough guy (Down The Drain)
23 - Because she helped him out on his final proficiency (Who Shot Sherlock)
24 - Because he gave her the results first (Anatomy Of A Lye)
25 - Because she teases him and he likes it (Sandle)
26 - Because he teases her back and she likes it (Sandle)
27 - Because she taught him that killer heels are not always sexy (Swap Meet)
28 - Because they look so damn good together (Sandle)
29 - Because they’d make really cute babies together (Sandle)
30 - Because his crush has gone on way too long now (Sandle)
31 - Because Greg has never tried to hide his feelings from her
32 - Because she’s always known about his crush, yet doesn’t avoid him (Sandle)
33 - Because she asked him to help her move the bed (Iced)
34 - Because when she say’s jump, he say’s how high (Identity Crisis)
35 - Because she thinks he’s good at what he does (Chasing The Bus)
36 - Because Sara needs a gentleman like Greg in her life (Sandle)
37 - Because she knocks him off his feet (Identity Crisis)
38 - Because he was the only one who asked her how was her ‘vacation’ (Viva Las Vegas)
39 - Because they have so much fun when they're with each other (Sandle)
40 - Because she’s been taking second and third looks his way (Jorja Fox)
41 - Because he dreams about her (Big Middle)
42 - Because Greg was concerned about Sara (Nesting Dolls)
43 - Because she liked the exploding toilet too (Iced)
44 - Because they like gold stars (Gum Drops)
45 - Because they’re both science geeks
46 - Because he waved and she smiled (Sounds Of Silence)
47 - Because she called him Mr Straight Edge (Nesting Dolls)
48 - Because she asked him out to celebrate (Who Shot Sherlock)
49 - Because she thinks he looks good in a jumpsuit (Jorja Fox)
50 - Because he thinks she looks good in a jumpsuit (Sandle)
51 - Because he could brighten up her life (Sandle)
52 - Because Eric admitted he has a crush on Jorja both on and off screen
53 - Because Jorja said the Eric is a ‘beautiful man’
54 - Because Jorja licked Eric’s face and we enjoyed it
55 - Because Greg was jealous when Sara was with Hank (Seasons 2 & 3)
56 - Because he respects her
57 - Because she laughs at his jokes (Gum Drops)
58 - Because he has her back (Nesting Dolls)
59 - Because she has his back too (Chasing The Bus)
60 - Because she secretly has a crush on him- and we all know it! (Sandle)
61 - Because they like to hug each other (Who Shot Sherlock & Dead Ringer)
62 - Because Eric and Jorja have a strong friendship in real life too
63 - Because he’s a good listener (Unbearable)
64 - Because they both get affected by a hard case (No Humans Involved, Committed, Spark Of Life…)
65 - Because he carried her evidence case for her (Crows Feet)
66 - Because they talk about sex together without getting uncomfortable (Primum Non Nocere, Iced…)
67 - Because she still loves him, even with the dirty looks she gives him (Coming Of Rage, Bodies In Motion, Gum Drops)
68 - Because when Greg wanted to know what Hank had that he didn't have, Sara didn't answer… (Revenge Is Best Served Cold)
69 - Because they photograph so well together (Sandle)
70 - Because they share a mutual discomfort around decomposing bodies (? TV Guide)
71 - Because their flirtation caught our attention
72 - Because she called him a professional (Nesting Dolls)
73 - Because Sara was jealous that Sofia had seen Greg’s apartment (Unbearable)
74 - Because he got her attention by teasing her with ‘pillow talk’ (Committed)
75 - Because she notices his hair (Nesting Dolls)
76 - Because they look good together (Sandle)
77 - Because he even loves her when she’s moody (Gum Drops, Shooting Stars…)
78 - Because some people should just be together (Sandle)
79 - Because he’s the sun to her moon, the Yang to her Yin. Yang couldn’t grow without Yin
80 - Because they obviously want to make out- everyone knows except them! (Sandle)
81 - Because we say so! (Sandle)
82 - Because he could be the one (Sandle)
83 - Because he knows that Sidle scent! (Fannysmackin')
84 - Because she came for him! (Fannysmackin')
85 - Because when he needed someone to talk to about getting sued--he chose HER! (Big Shots)
86 - Because he listens to Sara
87 - Because they help each other
88 - Because they have Sandle-telepathy
89 - Because he's a real mind.
90 - Because he doesn't mind if she smells like death.
91 - Because she stands up for him
92 - Because... just because.
93 - Because she rubbed his hair (Fannysmackin')
94 - Because she was the one that consoled him after he had been beaten up (Fannysmackin')
95 - Because she wouldn't process the scene first, out of concern for Greg (Fannysmackin')
96 - She thought about him when he was in the hospital(Fannysmackin')
97 -Because she defended him (Chasing the Bus)
98 - Because they rock! (always^^)
99 - Because of their secret glances
100 -Because she stood up for him
Let's continue!
101 - Because she helps him out
102 - Because she loves him
103 - Because he loves her
104 - Because they have the best eye sex...

Hollie! Can I please get a scan of that article from the American Drama School?
Yay!! :D 104 reasons!!:eek: *throws confetti* :D ;) Go us! We are very good at this. :D ;) Ummm.. kissmesweet, I think you left out some. I'm not sure though. :D :)
105 - Because there are so many signs for Sandle - and we all know that the evidence doesn't lie!

Luvin: I think that's it. :lol: Unless, YOU'VE got one? ;)
Hurray! The thread is on fire.. (we have over 500 posts) :D ;) We really are moving fast! Yay! :) :D *throws confetti*

kissmesweet, here's one from hollie:

Because of the 'Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks'

and this one from SabSer:

Because even though this list is only supposed to be 100 reasons, we can go WAY higher!

I can't think of a good one right now. Well, I thinking of one but it's kind of the same:

Because she asked him how did his first autopsy go.. :D ;)
Haha yay we're on fire! :lol: :D

OMG Hollie, that's so cool about the article! :eek: I wish my mum brought that home for me; I so want some Greg and Sara pictures in my room. But they don't really appear in magazines here... :( Like Delia said, could you scan it? :D I'd love to read it. And whoa, that Eric quote is cute! He couldn't imagine the show without Jorja... well, neither can I. ;)

Jessica! You're back. *hugs* Nice to see you here again; and I love your suggestion for the 100 reasons (which are no longer just 100... :D).

SandleDL, your poems are very very cute! Keep writing them.
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