Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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hollie said:

I love Play With Fire. I love the Sandle in that episode. It's perfect except for Grissom calling Sara 'Honey' ... grrrrr. But anyway as mentioned they share looks and Sara is obviously shocked and worried after Greg gets blown up. *shudders* Just thinking about that episode makes me sad. :( But really, who knows, Sara prolly visited Greg during the commercial break. :D

Well you could be right^^ I've always wondered why the hell they have to show the commercials, now I know what their real purpose is: hide all Sandle moments so that Grissom won't be angry! :lol:
Oh dear my stomach already aches... guess I've had too many of the cookies... :rolleyes:
theres a new way to look at it lol "The Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks" now everytime I'm watching CSI i'm going to laugh everytime a commercial comes on :lol:

Play with Fire is my favorite Greggo episode (Besides Fannysmackin' of course) which reminds me, Sara's never far behind when Greg gets hurt is she? ;) I was watching Iced yesterday and I still love the "I'm driving" "You always do" scene it just makes me laugh how he sounds so whiny :p
I loved Iced too. I saw it was on the other day, but I missed it cause I had to go to dance. Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks? Hahahah. I love commercials now! :D Hahah.

Watch out for those cookies SandleDL. They're addictive and quite tasty, but too many can make your stomach ache. Hehe.
Thanks for the warning, hollie *lol too late I guess...
Oh I don't know that scene from Iced, but it sound cute!
Hey I love this new SSCB - Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks.
Just imagine:
"That was CSI for today, Dr. House will be on air right after the SSCB. Stay tuned!"
SaraStar said:
I was wondering something; I remember somebody made a list with 100 reasons why Greg and Sara should be together. Does anyone still have that list or a link to it? I thought it was Hestia who posted something about it in another thread. I'd love to print the list and hang it on the wall in my bedroom. :D

hollie said:
I remember that list too, I think it was Hestia. Maybe. And hanging it up sounds like a good idea. Maybe if someone posts it I'll do the same. :D

GregsLabRat said:
And I love the pic of the day, that's one of my favorite scenes becuase its so casual how he puts himself that close, like they do it all the time ;) and I'm with that posting the 100 reasons on my wall deal, count me in [[if we can find it]] :lol:

Hope you have lots of paper ladies. ;) I'll print it out as soon as I buy more printer paper (I'm running low. And for extra sandle-luck I'll stick some gold stars on my list!)
Got started in thread #4 Scroll down to the middle
But if you want the whole list in less pages: Scroll down towards the middle (actually, just check page 5).

Plus I ditto that LabRat :lol:! The Sandle Pic(s) of the Day add some nice eye-candy.

A new sandle term I love: Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks. Oh yes. Who knows what goes on during those commercials, all I can deduce is that it's definitely not for the kiddies. :devil:
Btw did you also notice that Greg had turned his head to have a look at her right before the explosion? He could have got it far worse if he had looked at the desk instead! So maybe this saved his life!
I definitely noticed that. :D Tehee!

Hahahah. I love that recipe, especially the chopped up Grissom part, heeheehee. And congratz on being a Lab Tech. We used to have the Lab Techs make the cookies. Hahah.
Thank you Holle. :D I love that part too. :lol: So, does this mean... i have to make the cookies? ;) I mean, I don't mind. :D

theres a new way to look at it lol "The Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks" now everytime I'm watching CSI i'm going to laugh everytime a commercial comes on
Oh! I love that! The Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks. Nice to see that we are all being positive. *shares freshly baked positivity cookies* This time it has a little pinch of Nick in it. I have no idea why but I think he has something to do with some Sandle-scenes. Like the "Want some valium for her?" Now, that was a cute Sandle-scene. And I liked the way Greg said to Sara "You look horrible." And Sara just smiled and said "Thanks Greg." And he did that blinking-nodding thing. Awww.. Sandle-love!! :D ;)
Thanks Hestia for the link for the list!
We made a '100 reasons' list over at Talk CSI, some of the suggestions were repeated or too similiar... This is most of the list as it stands:

1 - Because he makes her smile (Sandle)
2 - Because she gives him confidence (Sandle)
3 - Because they complete each other (Sandle)
4 - Because they have undeniable chemistry (Sandle)
5 - Because the shower scene was hot (4x4)
6 - Because she looked… (4x4)
7 - Because he didn't (4x4)
8 - Because Greg would like to see what he didn’t see in the shower (Sandle)
9 - Because Sara liked what she saw (Sandle)
10 - Because they're the ship with the least angst (Sandle)
11 - Because a real man wouldn’t mind (Bully For You)
12 - Because he checks her out (Like all the time!)
13 - Because she could have kissed him (Organ Grinder)
14 - Because one look says it all (Sandle)
15 - Because she said she’d call him back (A Bullet Runs Through It 2)
16 - Because they're adorable together (Sandle)
17 - Because they make a great team (Compulsion- Grissom: Wow, you guys are rendering me obsolete)
18 - Because they’re Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson, according to Brass (Crows Feet)
19 - Because she’s taught him well and enjoyed it (Sandle)
20 - Because he still can learn a lot from her (Iced - journal)
21 - Because he adores her (Eric Szmanda)
22 - Because he didn't puke at his first autopsy and she called him tough guy (Down The Drain)
23 - Because she helped him out on his final proficiency (Who Shot Sherlock)
24 - Because he gave her the results first (Anatomy Of A Lye)
25 - Because she teases him and he likes it (Sandle)
26 - Because he teases her back and she likes it (Sandle)
27 - Because she taught him that killer heels are not always sexy (Swap Meet)
28 - Because they look so damn good together (Sandle)
29 - Because they’d make really cute babies together (Sandle)
30 - Because his crush has gone on way too long now (Sandle)
31 - Because Greg has never tried to hide his feelings from her
32 - Because she’s always known about his crush, yet doesn’t avoid him (Sandle)
33 - Because she asked him to help her move the bed (Iced)
34 - Because when she say’s jump, he say’s how high (Identity Crisis)
35 - Because she thinks he’s good at what he does (Chasing The Bus)
36 - Because Sara needs a gentleman like Greg in her life (Sandle)
37 - Because she knocks him off his feet (Identity Crisis)
38 - Because he was the only one who asked her how was her ‘vacation’ (Viva Las Vegas)
39 - Because they have so much fun when they're with each other (Sandle)
40 - Because she’s been taking second and third looks his way (Jorja Fox)
41 - Because he dreams about her (Big Middle)
42 - Because Greg was concerned about Sara (Nesting Dolls)
43 - Because she liked the exploding toilet too (Iced)
44 - Because they like gold stars (Gum Drops)
45 - Because they’re both science geeks
46 - Because he waved and she smiled (Sounds Of Silence)
47 - Because she called him Mr Straight Edge (Nesting Dolls)
48 - Because she asked him out to celebrate (Who Shot Sherlock)
49 - Because she thinks he looks good in a jumpsuit (Jorja Fox)
50 - Because he thinks she looks good in a jumpsuit (Sandle)
51 - Because he could brighten up her life (Sandle)
52 - Because Eric admitted he has a crush on Jorja both on and off screen
53 - Because Jorja said the Eric is a ‘beautiful man’
54 - Because Jorja licked Eric’s face and we enjoyed it
55 - Because Greg was jealous when Sara was with Hank (Seasons 2 & 3)
56 - Because he respects her
57 - Because she laughs at his jokes (Gum Drops)
58 - Because he has her back (Nesting Dolls)
59 - Because she has his back too (Chasing The Bus)
60 - Because she secretly has a crush on him- and we all know it! (Sandle)
61 - Because they like to hug each other (Who Shot Sherlock & Dead Ringer)
62 - Because Eric and Jorja have a strong friendship in real life too
63 - Because he’s a good listener (Unbearable)
64 - Because they both get affected by a hard case (No Humans Involved, Committed, Spark Of Life…)
65 - Because he carried her evidence case for her (Crows Feet)
66 - Because they talk about sex together without getting uncomfortable (Primum Non Nocere, Iced…)
67 - Because she still loves him, even with the dirty looks she gives him (Coming Of Rage, Bodies In Motion, Gum Drops)
68 - Because when Greg wanted to know what Hank had that he didn't have, Sara didn't answer… (Revenge Is Best Served Cold)
69 - Because they photograph so well together (Sandle)
70 - Because they share a mutual discomfort around decomposing bodies (? TV Guide)
71 - Because their flirtation caught our attention
72 - Because she called him a professional (Nesting Dolls)
73 - Because Sara was jealous that Sofia had seen Greg’s apartment (Unbearable)
74 - Because he got her attention by teasing her with ‘pillow talk’ (Committed)
75 - Because she notices his hair (Nesting Dolls)
76 - Because they look good together (Sandle)
77 - Because he even loves her when she’s moody (Gum Drops, Shooting Stars…)
78 - Because some people should just be together (Sandle)
79 - Because he’s the sun to her moon, the Yang to her Yin. Yang couldn’t grow without Yin
80 - Because they obviously want to make out- everyone knows except them! (Sandle)
81 - Because we say so! (Sandle)
82 - Because he could be the one (Sandle)

I love it! Can we continue, guys?

83 - Because he knows that Sidle scent! (Fannysmackin')
84 - Because she came for him! (Fannysmackin')
85 - Because when he needed someone to talk to about getting sued--he chose HER! (Big Shots)

C'mon guys! Let's make the list!
Thanks for posting it kissmesweet! :)

:eek: Wow that's a looooooong list! :D And i love the list. :D I have to read them all before I'll give a suggestion because maybe I'll repeat one. :) *reads the rest of the list*


Ive already read them all but I keep forgetting so maybe my suggetions are already mentioned. They're not good enough though so it's okay if you won't include them. :) They're just those that came in my mind. :lol: :D

Because he listens to Sara
Because they help each other
Because they have Sandle-telepathy :lol:
Because he's a real mind.
Because he doesn't mind if she smells like death.
Because she stands up for him
Because... just because. :p

That's all I can squeeze out I'll try harder. :D
Sweetie! They're great! Updating now:
1 - Because he makes her smile (Sandle)
2 - Because she gives him confidence (Sandle)
3 - Because they complete each other (Sandle)
4 - Because they have undeniable chemistry (Sandle)
5 - Because the shower scene was hot (4x4)
6 - Because she looked… (4x4)
7 - Because he didn't (4x4)
8 - Because Greg would like to see what he didn’t see in the shower (Sandle)
9 - Because Sara liked what she saw (Sandle)
10 - Because they're the ship with the least angst (Sandle)
11 - Because a real man wouldn’t mind (Bully For You)
12 - Because he checks her out (Like all the time!)
13 - Because she could have kissed him (Organ Grinder)
14 - Because one look says it all (Sandle)
15 - Because she said she’d call him back (A Bullet Runs Through It 2)
16 - Because they're adorable together (Sandle)
17 - Because they make a great team (Compulsion- Grissom: Wow, you guys are rendering me obsolete)
18 - Because they’re Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson, according to Brass (Crows Feet)
19 - Because she’s taught him well and enjoyed it (Sandle)
20 - Because he still can learn a lot from her (Iced - journal)
21 - Because he adores her (Eric Szmanda)
22 - Because he didn't puke at his first autopsy and she called him tough guy (Down The Drain)
23 - Because she helped him out on his final proficiency (Who Shot Sherlock)
24 - Because he gave her the results first (Anatomy Of A Lye)
25 - Because she teases him and he likes it (Sandle)
26 - Because he teases her back and she likes it (Sandle)
27 - Because she taught him that killer heels are not always sexy (Swap Meet)
28 - Because they look so damn good together (Sandle)
29 - Because they’d make really cute babies together (Sandle)
30 - Because his crush has gone on way too long now (Sandle)
31 - Because Greg has never tried to hide his feelings from her
32 - Because she’s always known about his crush, yet doesn’t avoid him (Sandle)
33 - Because she asked him to help her move the bed (Iced)
34 - Because when she say’s jump, he say’s how high (Identity Crisis)
35 - Because she thinks he’s good at what he does (Chasing The Bus)
36 - Because Sara needs a gentleman like Greg in her life (Sandle)
37 - Because she knocks him off his feet (Identity Crisis)
38 - Because he was the only one who asked her how was her ‘vacation’ (Viva Las Vegas)
39 - Because they have so much fun when they're with each other (Sandle)
40 - Because she’s been taking second and third looks his way (Jorja Fox)
41 - Because he dreams about her (Big Middle)
42 - Because Greg was concerned about Sara (Nesting Dolls)
43 - Because she liked the exploding toilet too (Iced)
44 - Because they like gold stars (Gum Drops)
45 - Because they’re both science geeks
46 - Because he waved and she smiled (Sounds Of Silence)
47 - Because she called him Mr Straight Edge (Nesting Dolls)
48 - Because she asked him out to celebrate (Who Shot Sherlock)
49 - Because she thinks he looks good in a jumpsuit (Jorja Fox)
50 - Because he thinks she looks good in a jumpsuit (Sandle)
51 - Because he could brighten up her life (Sandle)
52 - Because Eric admitted he has a crush on Jorja both on and off screen
53 - Because Jorja said the Eric is a ‘beautiful man’
54 - Because Jorja licked Eric’s face and we enjoyed it
55 - Because Greg was jealous when Sara was with Hank (Seasons 2 & 3)
56 - Because he respects her
57 - Because she laughs at his jokes (Gum Drops)
58 - Because he has her back (Nesting Dolls)
59 - Because she has his back too (Chasing The Bus)
60 - Because she secretly has a crush on him- and we all know it! (Sandle)
61 - Because they like to hug each other (Who Shot Sherlock & Dead Ringer)
62 - Because Eric and Jorja have a strong friendship in real life too
63 - Because he’s a good listener (Unbearable)
64 - Because they both get affected by a hard case (No Humans Involved, Committed, Spark Of Life…)
65 - Because he carried her evidence case for her (Crows Feet)
66 - Because they talk about sex together without getting uncomfortable (Primum Non Nocere, Iced…)
67 - Because she still loves him, even with the dirty looks she gives him (Coming Of Rage, Bodies In Motion, Gum Drops)
68 - Because when Greg wanted to know what Hank had that he didn't have, Sara didn't answer… (Revenge Is Best Served Cold)
69 - Because they photograph so well together (Sandle)
70 - Because they share a mutual discomfort around decomposing bodies (? TV Guide)
71 - Because their flirtation caught our attention
72 - Because she called him a professional (Nesting Dolls)
73 - Because Sara was jealous that Sofia had seen Greg’s apartment (Unbearable)
74 - Because he got her attention by teasing her with ‘pillow talk’ (Committed)
75 - Because she notices his hair (Nesting Dolls)
76 - Because they look good together (Sandle)
77 - Because he even loves her when she’s moody (Gum Drops, Shooting Stars…)
78 - Because some people should just be together (Sandle)
79 - Because he’s the sun to her moon, the Yang to her Yin. Yang couldn’t grow without Yin
80 - Because they obviously want to make out- everyone knows except them! (Sandle)
81 - Because we say so! (Sandle)
82 - Because he could be the one (Sandle)
83 - Because he knows that Sidle scent! (Fannysmackin')
84 - Because she came for him! (Fannysmackin')
85 - Because when he needed someone to talk to about getting sued--he chose HER! (Big Shots)
86 - Because he listens to Sara
87 - Because they help each other
88 - Because they have Sandle-telepathy
89 - Because he's a real mind.
90 - Because he doesn't mind if she smells like death.
91 - Because she stands up for him
92 - Because... just because.

I love the last one, sweetie! It's so wonderful! It ROCKS! :)
Thanks kissmesweet! I love the last one too. Hurray! :D 9 more to go!!

When Greg passes his profieciency test, it's not only the hug that I noticed. I found another Sandle-scene with my Super Sandle Sense-r Tehee! :lol: She was the one who was holding Greg's glass of champaigne! :D And the smile on her face was just beautiful. And you can really see in her eyes that she's really happy for Greg. (Wow. I noticed that?)
^^ I noticed that she was SO HAPPY too! She was honestly, genuinely excited for her. Totally! Her smile was absolutely stunning. Thanks for telling me that she held Greg's glass of champagne! How adorable! :)
I loved how he hugged her first! It's really very sweet! :D I LOVE IT!
Hestia! Thank you sooo much for that. *hugs tight* Woot, that's one long list! I love all of the suggestions. Especially;

52 - Because Eric admitted he has a crush on Jorja both on and off screen

That's so supercute. :D

OMG! The idea of the Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks made me laugh so much. That's amazing! From now on I won't swear when the show gets interrupted by commercial breaks; I'll just be thinking what Sara and Greg could be doing at that moment. :lol: Awesome idea!
^^ That is cute! I totally missed them, since I only skimmed through it! I looooove it! :)
I'm SOOOOO excited! For all I care, Grissom can screw Lady H as long as Sara finds out and breaks up with him. (That and because, I like Gil/Lady H. :lol:) I want Greggo to be the one who comforts her! She deserves that!
My friend Moofins from tFS and I were discussing... It'll be soooo sad when Greg finds out about GSR. I can just see his face crushing and I can see him getting pissed and storming out of the room. POOR BOY! I NEED TO HUG him that night!
What was I thinking? *rips her hair out* I can't take this anymore. :eek: :mad: *off to read the spoilers* Whew! Okay.. I've read the spoilers.

Hooray.. Lady H is back! Save us from GSR's wicked spell. I think I've seen a pic. Grissom and lady H sitting/ talking (or something more.. i hope!) somewhere. I hope she leaves Sara so she'll be sad and goes to Greg. Then it'll be Sandle all the way. :D

I read this fic and it's just the sweetest thing. I nearly cried... :( If I find it, I'll post it here. :D
Whee-Sandle all the way!
Luvin! I love your avatar! So adorable! Veruca's a naughty little minx! :) I love Charlie & the Chocolate Factory! I wish I could live in Roald Dahl's world! :lol:

I love the 100 Reasons to Love Sandle list! It's made me sooo happy! I'm going to print it out when we're done and revel in the joy of our perfection!
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