Sara And Grissom's Marital Status Confirmed

I don't buy the whole: "GSR is the whole show" thing. Grissom and Sara are the main couple for CSI, always have been, and most likely always will be. Primetime shows are always like that; they have one main couple and that's about it. (OT for a second, but I believe before Jorja came to CSI, Nick and Catherine were going to be the "it" couple. SeeHERE.)

Some of you who don't like GSR may think the whole show is about them, but as a GSR fan of 10 years now, it hasn't been like that at all. I remember going 6 seasons waiting, hoping, wishing for something to take place between the two of them. 6 seasons. When the finale took place, oh me, oh my, was I a happy gal! But it was one scene. That's it.

Season 7 barely focused on them, and that really surprised me. They had little conversations about each other here and there, that (wonderful, lovely, beautiful, amazing:adore:) shaving scene, and the Godzilla scene. Granted there were a few more intimate gestures, but what do you expect? The writers to reveal their romance and then totally drop it? As I recall, in season 7, the focus on characters was pretty balanced. Lots of Cath and Greg I know that. Actually season 7 is probably my second favorite season because of how balanced and well written the storylines were. (Season 6 being my all time fave season.)

Just because Sara said: "I'm not anti-wedding, I'm anti-stupid. You know people who do things for the sake of tradition with no clue as to why."

Now I'm pretty sure Sara didn't marry Grissom out of the sake of tradition with no clue as to why she did. This romance has never been that way, and it wont start being that way now.

And we GSR fans are very happy I'm sure, but we haven't gotten as much as some of you think. Sure we got a wedding, but we didn't get to see it. Just one day our homegirl shows up and she's suddenly married. Awesome, but I would have liked to see it, or atleast heard more about it. Heck, we haven't even gotten an official "I love you" yet. Which is fine, they don't need to say it, I think after 10 years we know how they feel. :adore:

I could go on and on, but I wont. :) Sorry that was a long post, but as you all know now, I don't agree that GSR is the whole show. :cool:

If a person doesn't like the pairing, the amount of time they've spent on it and how they've developed it greatly detracts from the show. It's time spent on something that some people think isn't believable or adds anything to the show and that time could be spent on other aspects of the show.
How isn't it believeable? They spent the majority of last year focusing on everything and anything besides GSR.

The main focus on CSI is forensics.
GSR is a loaded gun. Let's face it. For some reason, there was never neutral area on it. I never liked it at all. I'm not sure why. Some romances work for m

I do find, however, that with Sara back without Grissom, I like her a lot more than I did when he was there. I like watching Sara interact with the others a lot. She does bring a lot to the team, and Jorja does bring a lot to the show.

My issues were how it was handled. It seemed for a time there, Sara was never without Grissom, and vice versa. So while it may not have been GSR, it was boring to see the same two people work together over and over when there were four other people on the team they could have worked with. I couldn't separate GSR from case and vice versa. There was so much subtext, it got tiring.

Now it was more likely the writers who chose to go that route because they enjoyed it so much, or they were pandering to a very vocal minority, or whatever.

Plus whether it was GSR's fault or not. It was rather unfair for the writers to focus on the personal lives of a few characters and not the rest of the team. So, obviously there is resentment there.

In terms of storyline, I'm not surprised it went in the direction it did. It would not have worked as an arc if they just left it hanging.
Plus whether it was GSR's fault or not. It was rather unfair for the writers to focus on the personal lives of a few characters and not the rest of the team. So, obviously there is resentment there.

In my opinion they've focused on every character equally; but they've focused on this romance more than any other romance on the show.
GeekLove good one, and because this was THE ONLY ROMANCE on the show that went cannon. And I'm proud and honored that the writers choose this couple, and that so many loved and embraced it. A beautiful thing~
GeekLove good one, and because this was THE ONLY ROMANCE on the show that went cannon. And I'm proud and honored that the writers choose this couple, and that so many loved and embraced it. A beautiful thing~

Some of the other characters have had romantic/sexual relationships. They're hardly the only one. Considering the didn't even bother to show the wedding on the show and considering the true characterizations of Gil And Sara I can't picture them doing the whole tux and fancy schmancy wedding dress thing.
GeekLove good one, and because this was THE ONLY ROMANCE on the show that went cannon. And I'm proud and honored that the writers choose this couple, and that so many loved and embraced it. A beautiful thing~

Some of the other characters have had romantic/sexual relationships. They're hardly the only one. Considering the didn't even bother to show the wedding on the show and considering the true characterizations of Gil And Sara I can't picture them doing the whole tux and fancy schmancy wedding dress thing.

If they married in the jungle, was the pervert monkey there as a witness?!:guffaw:
Some of the other characters have had romantic/sexual relationships. They're hardly the only one. Considering the didn't even bother to show the wedding on the show and considering the true characterizations of Gil And Sara I can't picture them doing the whole tux and fancy schmancy wedding dress thing.

I agree other characters (almost all of them) have had romantic relationships on the show, but I think what Desert was saying is that they're the only two characters (CSI's) that started a relationship with somebody else on their team, and went canon. It's not denying that others had relationships.
I think everybody gets a fair cut romantically. The writers could have gone any way with any of the characters. I must say I did enjoy the little bit that Catherine's ex was in the picture, it was a fun storyline, but I guess this is the one they chose to elaborate on. Even though I'm sure they'll keep updating us on the GSR timeline and maybe throw in the odd scene, we have to come to terms with the fact that Jorja and Billy are no longer regulars on the show, so I'm positive that now they will start elaborating on others. By the sounds of it they've intentionally created a mysterious past for Raymond Langston with the inexplicable wedding ring, which they've gotta expand, and it sounds like Nicky's gonna get a girlfriend into the picture.
Marg said in a recent interview that she thinks it's way overdue for Catherine to find a love, so she may get her wish too, and I would love to see all of these story lines expanding a bit more, maybe GSR used to be a second central focus on the show but it most definitely isn't anymore :(

But I look forward to seeing other personal lives expanding. Maybe Greggo wil get some more background story to add to his character. ;)
GeekLove good one, and because this was THE ONLY ROMANCE on the show that went cannon. And I'm proud and honored that the writers choose this couple, and that so many loved and embraced it. A beautiful thing~

See. That's why I liked how they handled it in the premiere. Nothing Crammed down our throats, no painful scenes, just a nice mention of the fact that they were married, and nothing unnecessary crammed down our throats, A la that picture right there.

Because seriously, threads like this annoy me, especially when people won't SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT! I mean, OK, they're married. How nice for them. Now go away and let them be married for chrissakes. Stop cramming this shit down our throats. :rolleyes:

My issues were how it was handled. It seemed for a time there, Sara was never without Grissom, and vice versa. So while it may not have been GSR, it was boring to see the same two people work together over and over when there were four other people on the team they could have worked with. I couldn't separate GSR from case and vice versa. There was so much subtext, it got tiring.


See this is exactly why the show was a GSR fest, especially for Season 7. GSR fans tend to think there were not many 'moments' of GSR, but Grissom and Sara nearly worked every case together (which is unethical, having a relationship with her, Sara should have been the last one he worked with) and they were together nearly all the time, makes it GSR. Whether they talked about the relationship or not. All we saw was Grissom and Sara, Grissom and Sara. So please don't tell me there were only bits here and there of GSR when everytime they are on the screen TOGETHER it is GSR.

Now when you have someone, like Desertwind, who posts a manip of Grissom and Sara in wedding clothes, you can get a feeling as to why we get so annoyed. All this is is cramming GSR down our throats and doing the 'nyeh nyeh, told you it would happen' crap. That photo manip belongs in Shipper Central and not here.

Especially since that would be soooooooo OOC for both of them. Grissom wouldn't wear a tux and Sara would not wear a wedding dress when they got married. Nor would they have invited the team. They never let the team 'in' with their relationship, so they certainly wouldn't have let them be at the wedding.

ETA: Oh, one more thing. GSR may be the only romance that went cannon, but it was NOT the original ship nor the first one they were going to do. GSR did not exist when CSI started and I wish it didn't exist now, just like I'm glad they did not go with the Nick and Catherine ship. It just doesn't fit.
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Grissom would wear his blue Hawaiian shirt if he got married (the one that he wore in "Way to Go" and also doubles as Billy's repeated wardrobe, lol).

GeekLove good one, and because this was THE ONLY ROMANCE on the show that went cannon. And I'm proud and honored that the writers choose this couple, and that so many loved and embraced it. A beautiful thing~

We all know that is not how it went down. Sara would never wear her hair like that. When has it ever been combed?
GEEZ. fans lighten up for criss sakes, how angry and so un-civil, could you all show some respect? the pic was a manip:rolleyes: and this is sad. I was posting this for the GSR fans and not to get belittled and ridiculed, plus my post was cheerful happy and upbeat, not so full of nastyness, I was enjoying myself, & not posting to be crucified. It's a sad state of affairs when a fan has to be afraid to post something for fear of retribution from other fans, & does it make you feel better? If you don't like a post or find it so distasteful, don't comment very simple. Thank's for the language as well, so mature & nice:( Are any of you ever happy? I also find it odd that fans who despise this couple so much are the ones who constantly comment about them. There's characters that I'm not fond of, and you never see me posting about them because I'm not interested in talking about characters I don't care for.. and thank's Coco your a doll:bolian:
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I'm all for debate and discussion, but let's make sure we keep it friendly with each other. :)

I'm pretty indifferent to relationships on the original series - I don't have anything against GSR, although I'm not a fan either. It's just sort of there for me - but it sucks that TPTB will respond to one question by saying they don't want to have too much romance on the show, and the next minute we get another article/interview like the one referenced in this news item where we see that romance is ok, but only this one particular romance.

I dunno, I'm just sort of meh on the subject. I'm glad GSR fans are happy, and I also understand everybody else's frustration. It's true that TPTB can't please everybody, but it would be nice if they'd treat each character equally. If they can include a baseball metaphor in a conversation between Catherine and Sara to lead to (what I saw as) an unnecessary mention of married life*, why not include little mentions to show that other characters have personal lives too? What's fair for one character should be fair for everyone.

* I liked the gist of the conversation - that what Grissom had that Catherine lacks was Catherine herself - but I thought they went around their elbow to get to their nose, and the baseball metaphor might have been fun for some people, but I didn't think it was necessary to get to the gist of the conversation. YMMV, of course.
GEEZ. fans lighten up for criss sakes, how angry and so un-civil, could you all show some respect?

I will when I find out if the pervert monkey was a witness to their wedding. Gees I'm just asking a simple question.
I will when I find out if the pervert monkey was a witness to their wedding. Gees I'm just asking a simple question.
I suspect he was a witness to something between them. :)
And I agree with several here that they would have had a no frills wedding, with Grissom in his Hawaiian shirt and straw hat, of course. We will probably never know, but a little flashback scene would be kind of nice.