
Hi everyone. Glad there's a thread here, in addition to all the Sanctuary threads over at the Syfy forums.

I have enjoyed this season, so far. Well, enjoyed may not be the right word (Bring Ashley back!!!! :(), but the episodes have been well done.

Michael Shanks' character was interesting, and I was surprised by his suicide in the end. Did anyone else catch his great comment in his first scene, about how he liked her hair. I laughed so hard. Wonderful homage to SG1 and AT's blonde tresses there. :D
Yeah, that was a good line. And they really did look super happy to see each other. It was pretty cute. :)
well, I'm not a huge Tesla fan, but tonight's episode that featured him was quite humorous. He seems to bring out the funny side of Helen. I liked the quiet poignant moment at the end where Helen was reflecting that she was the only one of the Five left. I loved seeing John in the previews. It's about time that he comes back. Now I just have to wait three weeks!
I absolutely loved tonight's episode. The Helen/John angst made my heart bleed. Poor John Druitt, such a tortured soul. Amanda Tapping & Chris Heyerdahl rocked in this episode! - including Chris as the 'big guy"

and I swear the "is he...?" -- "he's dead" was an homage to the SG-1 "Death Knell" episode
Uh oh, I think I'm behind a couple eps... They haven't aired on "Space" here in Canada yet, I don't think? I'll check them out online and get back to you. :)
yeah, I think you guys stopped in early December with the new episodes - with the second half to start soon. Next week, we get the 2-hour season finale here. I'm so glad that season 3 will be 20 episodes. 13 is way too short for a season.
Man, it's the finale next week and it seems like the show has only been back on for a little while since the holidays!

Nice to see some familiar faces popping up too- Paul McGillion from SGA, and Callum Blue from Dead Like Me, The Tudors, Smallville... Something tells me he must like Vancouver because he certainly shows up in a lot of stuff filmed here. :)

Anyway, cool episode, but when that spider crawled into Will's mouth I almost lost it! :eek: That's like my worst nightmare ever!
Season 2 finale? damn! That seems like forever ago here. I've been in Sanctuary Friday withdrawls.

I saw a couple weeks ago that the dvd release date has been pushed back until June 15th. Bummer. link to article
OK, I gotta admit... I didn't love the finale. Normally, I would totally love something as goofy as that dance number, but... Hmmm. It just seemed totally out of place and it all just felt awkward to me. The rest of the ep was decent though.
I totally agree. Even when I saw part of that dance in the promos, I was saying, WTF? I was fairly disappointed in the finale, mainly because the other episodes leading up to it were so good. Then the finale comes and they do that weird stuff. It felt like a let-down.
Oh good. I'm glad it wasn't just me then! :lol: I mean, seriously... it was a lot of fun, and normally I think I would have enjoyed it a lot, but it seemed totally misplaced within the context of this particular storyline.