
and here I was looking forward to a Sanctuary Thanksgiving with many abnormals sitting around the table and giving their thanks to Helen for saving them. :lol: -- or at least Helen & John having their own little private thanksgiving. ;)
So you're a Helen/John shipper? Interesting. I'd never really thought about them getting back together, actually. Hmmm...

It's weird, but I don't really ship anyone on that show. I mean, hey- I think they all deserve a little luvin' for sure! :lol: I just haven't seen any of those chemical reactions between any of them yet I guess. I'll have to keep my eye on Helen and John and see if I notice some sparks. ;)
I know they have no chance of getting back together, but they have the greatest angst between them, especially when the two of them are alone. Most of the time, I can see Helen's struggle of wanting to love him again in the way they were in the early days, and then you see her remind herself of what he became - even him killing that woman right in front of her. And there will always be the Ashley connection between them as well.
Loved tonight's episode. Bickering Helen & Will was fun. I wish there would have been a resolution to their escape. Hopefully it's addressed in the next episode.

And OMG! The previews for the next episode - Michael Shanks!! Loved the "I love the hair" comment. LOL
Wha? I didn't see a preview for next week! Bummer. They probably won't start until Monday here. Oh well.

Yeah, I liked this episode. I'm always impressed when they have those single set episodes and they make it that interesting... now that's some good writing. :)
The preview aired here when the closing credits were running.

I'll bet that Amanda & Robin were quite exhausted after a week of shooting in the water. I was expecting Henry & Bigfoot to come to the rescue in a helicopter at the end - or maybe John would have arrived. I really miss that character. I was smirking when the German guy (what was his name?) was inviting Helen to come stay with him. I was thinking how similar he looked to John.
A great episode tonight. There was some great stuff from everyone - Magnus, Will, Kate, Henry, Bigfoot... (but still missing Druitt!!!) and ya gotta love Michael Shanks!! It was so great to see him & Amanda working together again - and working as characters other than Sam & Daniel.
Yeah, good to see Michael Shanks. Apparently it won't be a recurring role though! :lol:

One thing that kind of bugged me though was how easily Magnus was able to accept that Jimmy could just blow himself up like that. Like, "He's been suffering for a long time and so it's OK" makes it alright? I don't know, I thought that easy come easy go ending was a little weak.
yeah, I wasn't too pleased with the ending. I was hoping Jimmy was just a vision the guy was seeing again and not actually in the car when it blew up, but I doubt it. That sucks!

Anyway, I can't wait to hear Amanda's commentary on this episode in the podcast. She really didn't seem to have much to say in the commentary on the last one - even though she was in all of the scenes.

ETA: love the podcast!
Martin: let's talk about you and Michael back together...again
Amanda: yeah. The way God & nature intended it!
Martin: how did it feel?
Amanda: Great! It was awesome. That moment where we see each other in the alley and we're both smiling like... you know...giddy little kids... ah, it was very real.

and the reason for Jimmy's end - Damian says that Michael didn't want it to become about Sam & Daniel or about him being a recurring thing or anything that resembles the dynamic between two characters from Stargate. If it did, then Michael wasn't willing to do it.
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As much as I agree, from all the things I've read about him (and from when he left Stargate and then came back to SG! with his name closing the credits) methinks Mr. Shanks is a bit of a... erm... temperamental artist? :lol: Don't get me wrong- I'm pretty fond of the actor, but it is what it is! ;)
yeah, I know what you mean. From everything I've heard, it seems that his departure from Stargate was about him not happy that his character was 'pushed to the background' and not being important anymore - which I didn't understand, because I think there was a lot of Daniel-centric episodes and storylines.

I thought it interesting here that it seems he didn't want any chance for a recurring role - which is probably for the best.
Yeah, I agree. If she does has some familiar faces show up as guest stars, I hope they're only ever one-offs of two-offs. Now that I think of it, I'd love to see Claudia Black show up, but something tells me she is sticking to Oz these days, now that she's got kids and all.
I could just imagine Claudia as some kind of high-strung abnormal annoying Magnus to death. Oh wait! that would be too much like SG-1. I'd love to see JR Bourne make a guest appearance.

and I just heard the news that Sanctuary is renewed for a third season! I'm sure Amanda, Martin & Damian have some great ideas all ready to go for a new season.
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Yay, that's awesome. Is this show run by ScyFy, or whatever it's called now? I never know half the time since I watch the show on Canadian stations...

Yeah, I think Claudia could pull off anything- her character on Farscape was about as far removed from her SG1 character as you can get without changes sexes! :lol: I think she has a pretty decent range. In fact, I'd love to see her play someone normal for a change. :lol:

Oh, JR Bourne would be cool. He's Canadian too, isn't he? He's gotta be kicking around somewhere. There's another Canadian actress who I like whom I haven't seen in a while who would be good- Katharine Isabelle. She's got really good range too- I'd love to see her on here.
Yes, it's SyFy that Sanctuary airs on in the US. They renewed for a 20-episode season 3. I find it a bit humorous that the news releases with the news of the renewal still say that Magnus is 157 years old. Shouldn't she have had a birthday already after 1 1/2 seasons? Maybe the Sanctuary needs to have a birthday party.

Yes, JR Bourne is Canadian too. I saw clips of him & Amanda in 'Stuck', and ... oh my!