
I love Helen and johns way of doing things they are different in so many way but at the same time they want the same thing, I don’t believe Ashley is dead.
What I would like to see is how the lost of Ashley affect Henry I think they grow up together because you see clips of Helen taking Henry from his family as a little boy wouldn’t that mean that Ashley and Henry grow up at the sanctuary together?
A few of the Sanctuary crew has started a new charity, Sanctuary for kids. It's a new not for profit foundation that serves to provide sanctuary for children who do not live with the right of safety in their lives. You can visit their new website at I love that Amanda, Damian & some of the others are very involved in things like this.
The more I see of Amanda, the more I dig her. I just picked up copies of Continuum and Ark of Truth and she seemed pretty cool and fun in the behind the scenes stuff. It's awesome when people use their celebrity-hood to give back. :)

I really enjoyed the last episode of Sanctuary and only have 2 small quibbles- I thought the zombies were a little lame and a little too typical (but I got over it; whatever! :lol: ) and I liked what's-his-face's milky eye, but his hair was just ridiculous! :lol:

Still, cool episode. :D
The more I see of Amanda, the more I dig her. I just picked up copies of Continuum and Ark of Truth and she seemed pretty cool and fun in the behind the scenes stuff.
Have you listened to the Sanctuary podcasts that Amanda, Damian, Martin & others do for each episode this new season? They're usually funnier than heck! find them here They also did lots of audio commentary on the Sanctuary season 1 dvd set. That's also what I loved about the Stargate dvd sets. each of the episodes had audio commentaries (beginning with season 4, I think)

I just finished re-watching the latest episode. I loved the transformation of the Sanctuary into semi-ruin. It was great to have mainly just Helen & Will, but I really missed John's presence. And what's up with naked Helen? Poor Amanda!
I love when Stargate actors make appearances with Amanda on Sanctuary. It was great seeing Colin Cunningham with a fairly large role in tonight's episode.

I missed seeing John Druitt again. At least Chris was still involved in the episode as Bigfoot. I wonder which character he likes playing the best - John or Bigfoot?
I bet he prefers Druitt- less time in the make up chair! :lol:

Yeah, it was cool to see that dude from Stargate. I liked when Kavan was on at the start of last season too. It'd be cool to see him again. I was watching the commentary for "The Road Not Taken" on SG1 and Amanda was once again hilarious, and then she says, "I miss Ben..." It was so sweet! I was thinking to myself, "Then get him to come on Sanctuary!" :lol: Oh, and the woman at the centre of the love triangle was Peter Deluise's wife, who also played Cameron Mitchell's high school crush in an SG1 ep. It's awesome to see all the Vancouver actors coming out to play! :)

As for the episode itself, I thought it was really well done, and I felt so bad for that poor creature. I am left wondering though, is Henry actually in love with that woman or what? I couldn't figure it out in the end.
Hey, I was just re-watching "the road not taken" last night. That one, along with "line in the sand" are my two favorite SG1 S10 episodes. I love in the commentary when Amanda says that Carter & Rodney look cute together, and then she says "I can't believe I just said that". I know Michael Shanks will be on an upcoming episode, but I'm guessing Amanda is a bit reluctant to have a lot of the Stargate people show up on the show all the time in order to have Sanctuary keep its own identity - even though I'm sure she's very happy to be working with them again.

No Gemini awards won by Amanda, Robin or Steve Adelson (director) on Saturday night (bummer!), but the Visual FX team won.
I don't know... I think Amanda has carved out her own niche fairly well with this show. She's so far removed from Samantha Carter that I don't think it would be a problem. Not to mention, they are all actors after all- the stretch of playing an entirely different character across from someone who also used to play a totally different character with them before would probably be a welcome (and fun!) challenge. And I never once confused Ben Browder and Claudia Black for their old Farscape identities while they were on Stargate. It never once crossed my mind that these two were ever supposedly in love in a whole other universe. ;) That's the strength of a) good writing and b) good actors.

Also, I think it's just a good karma thing- I haven't seen Shanks, Browder, Judge- or most of them come to think of it- in much else since the shows ended, besides the movies. (I can't picture RDA on Sanctuary at all, for some reason? :confused: ) I think a paying gig would be greatly appreciated by most, especially since they all clearly liked working with Amanda. Oh- I'd love to see David Hewlitt. That would be awesome. :)

Lastly, who's to say that most people watching Sanctuary are even SG1 fans? They're not exactly the same sort of shows, really.

I don't know. Just my 2 cents (or more like 5!). I personally would love to see any of them on there, and I think that since most of the episodes are one-offs (i.e. not necessarily attributed to a greater story arc), it would be entirely possible without feeling like a sort of cheat.
yeah, I guess that's true. That reminds me of all those John Wayne westerns. They all had the same bunch of actors in most of them.

And I'd love to see RDA as a really freaky 'abnormal' in Sanctuary! And they really need to have Teryl as a guest star in some way.
Amanda Tapping directs tonight's episode of Sanctuary. From the previews, it looks like a great episode. I'm really hoping for some Druitt, though.
Nope, no Druitt.

I have no complaint about the episode in itself, but I am sort of generally impressed by these types of storylines- the whole, "Is our fearless leader really guilty/cracking up, etc. story. The acting was fine and all that, but I just was a little underwhelmed by the plot.
Lack of Druitt is starting to annoy me, but at least I know Chris gets his screen time when there's some Bigfoot action!

I loved 'crazy" Magnus! It's interesting to see how far she goes in sacrificing herself for the good of the Sanctuary. I like how she even planned a 'fail safe' into her overall plan in case it didn't work.

I want to sit down and watch this one again to focus on more of her directing style. When she directed Stargate's season 7 episode "resurrection", you could tell the subtle differences - such as angles, and especially the long "one-ers" (as she called them) - the scenes with just one long continuous camera angle and fewer cut-aways (like that long crane shot at the beginning). I liked that concept. It looks more "real" without all the different cut-aways. I don't think we were able to see as much of that in this show, though.
I just realized my post is a bit confusing because I meant to say "unimpressed" rather than impressed. :lol:
Ha! I figured that's what you meant because it didn't make sense otherwise!

I just looked at the schedule for this coming week - and there's NO SHOW listed! SyFy is having a 'Bond' marathon on friday. Damn! A CSI repeat, and no Sanctuary. This week will really suck!
Everything else seems to be on hiatus right now, so if they aren't already on one, they probably will be shortly... Tis the season and all that! :lol: