Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

Question: In the fic, do yall want smex or just flirting?

Welcome KOmbian, hope you enjoy your stay here :D

I think WaNt's definately deserves some more fanfic. and iconing. I need an ep to icon, wanna give me one for them?

Ryan and Nat has a good interaction with each other, now all we gotta do is wait and see how its played out this season.
Hey CSINicole!

If someone makes more icons of them, I will promise to use them. And for fanfic I like the idea of both smex and flirting. These two are really cute with flirting, though.
Hey , veggie (can I call you Stefanie ?) wonderful icon ... *drools* . I love it too ... this couple is so hot , I need some ice .
sure you can call me Stefanie too!

Its Catbug who made my icon its the first time that i put a icon that isnt Speedle! But together Ryan and Natalia beat Speed!
Did you all read the new spoilers for the 4th episode?

Apparently Natalia is learning to fire a gun! Maybe we can get that scene? :D
Sounds like Ryan is working in the very same shooting range where Natalia is learning to shoot a gun, no? That should provide for some interesting moments.

I foresee a parade of Animal Crackers ahead...
Hmmm...I read. don't know if how it was worded or if he really worked at the place, but I guess this means we will get these two around each other next season.
Haven't you ever taken two animal crackers and put them in a humping position? Hehe...if only you could do that on this show. :devil: mwahahaha....mwahaha...mwahahah...mwa, okay I'll stop, but this thread needs more discussion so what the hell.
Too many dirty thoughts for one day !!! But I like them ... it should continue !
Into a humping position ? I think I've done that ... once ... but I was pretty drunk and my buddies thought I'm crazy ... in the show ... honestly , not animals I wanna see in a humping position ... :devil: